Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Lots of heat, no light. Until there is a John Dean figure who gives testimony from inside the bunker...the Senate won’t care. I doubt they’ll care then either.
The GOP in the Senate are unpatriotic partisan hacks, which their votes will show and go down in history as such.
Oh fucking spare us the tiresome appeals to patriotism....You're as big a bore as Pelosi.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

Glad you enjoy dog and pony shows. Doesn't take much to get your attention.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.


Yes the republican clowns are at it again.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

Glad you enjoy dog and pony shows. Doesn't take much to get your attention.
I'm still waiting to see what happens when the Republicans get escorted from the room for refusing to behave. Somehow Schiff kept these guys in order, but they're not listening to Nadler.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

Glad you enjoy dog and pony shows. Doesn't take much to get your attention.
It would have gotten yours if you'd been listening. Now there's the Democrats' lawyer giving his great long review of the arguments/evidence. That's not so interesting, I admit, though it's well argued.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

Glad you enjoy dog and pony shows. Doesn't take much to get your attention.
I'm still waiting to see what happens when the Republicans get escorted from the room for refusing to behave. Somehow Schiff kept these guys in order, but they're not listening to Nadler.
Got tso you are saying that you like partisan politics. Well given your past posts I would expect nothing less.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

Glad you enjoy dog and pony shows. Doesn't take much to get your attention.
It would have gotten yours if you'd been listening. Now there's the Democrats' lawyer giving his great long review of the arguments/evidence. That's not so interesting, I admit, though it's well argued.
Depends on your idea of well argued. If you think a pretzel is a good argument then sure.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.

We understand you hate free elections, and proper order and allowing both sides to be investigated. Hehe
Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
I had hoped the Repubs would stop acting like petulant children. Oh well. They've got nothing so that's all they can do.
This fake witness might as well be crying “belive me please! Orange man bad” lol
I had hoped the Repubs would stop acting like petulant children. Oh well. They've got nothing so that's all they can do.
There's this thing called "self-awareness"....You should google it.
Lots of heat, no light. Until there is a John Dean figure who gives testimony from inside the bunker...the Senate won’t care. I doubt they’ll care then either.
The GOP in the Senate are unpatriotic partisan hacks, which their votes will show and go down in history as such.

Democrats would be doing the same thing.

The difference is that A Democrat Party President wouldn’t have pulled the garbage the blob did

You mean actually doing his job as President? Yes, Democrats would be upset.
Where is Adam Schiff today?

Why is he having staff testify for him instead?

He built this impeachment hoax from the ground up—now he refuses to defend his case

What is he afraid might come out—that he met with the whistleblower & lied about it?
if we should subpoena Schiff

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