Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

God Bless Jonathon Turley...he just obliterated the Democrats on live tv by declaring what is so obvious to so many Americans, that it is the Democrats (not just now but for the last 4 years) who are abusing their power in an attempt to remove the President of the United States from office because they are bitter and angry they lost the election in 2016, not the President who is doing so!

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GOP's witness says House Dems, not Trump, are the ones abusing power

:clap: :mm: :thankusmile: :thewave: :yes_text12: :clap2:

Interestingly, Turley's argument is not that Trump is innocent or that there is insufficient evidence to impeach him. Rather, it is that the available evidence has not yet been presented by the House inquiry. The reason for that, Trump's obstruction. Further, he argues Congress must wait for the courts to rule on the legitimacy of Trump's claim he can ignore congressional subpoenas before sustaining a charge of obstruction. He says this even though he states he disagrees with Trump's position on whether the obstruction is legal.

So...........the best the Repubs could do is produce an expert who says Congress is being too hasty. know........there's no actual defense for what Trump did.
He was actually talking about Schiff's REFUSAL to allow Eric Ciaramella to be interviewed, and Schiff and Nadler's denials of Witnesses that THE GOP wants to testify.

He is talking about denials of DUE PROCESS.

He even said (paraphrased) "Would you cut down every tree of the law that shades us and protects us from Tyranny to get to impeachment? when talking about "Roper's Zeal for Impeachment".

Roper said yes and that there was nothing he would not do to obtain his goals.....and to the reply was. "When the last tree of the law is cut down, where will you hide when The Devil and Anarchy are allowed to run free, and The Devil comes for Thee?"
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Interestingly, Turley's argument is not that Trump is innocent or that there is insufficient evidence to impeach him. Rather, it is that the available evidence has not yet been presented by the House inquiry. The reason for that, Trump's obstruction. Further, he argues Congress must wait for the courts to rule on the legitimacy of Trump's claim he can ignore congressional subpoenas before sustaining a charge of obstruction. He says this even though he states he disagrees with Trump's position on whether the obstruction is legal.

So...........the best the Repubs could do is produce an expert who says Congress is being too hasty. know........there's no actual defense for what Trump did.
It also isn’t that he is guilty, either. ;) He said there is not enough evidence presented one way or the other.
But that is because witnesses like Pompeo, Bolton, Perry, and Giuliani are either refusing to testify or being blocked from doing so by the orange pile of shyte. Evidence corroborating what we know is available, but the House is being prevented from obtaining it.
Trump hates illegals...unless they work for him.

Trump hates the swamp...unless they work for him.

this is fun!

Trump hates immigrants...unless he bangs them and has babies with 'em!
"i'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger!" - Tenacious Jon Turley
That's basically it ! The end of the 'Republic'. Dems have no choice to impeach. Without this process it's the end of the 'Republic'. Trump has torn up 'checks and balances' and laughed at them. With no checks... he's a king. Did 'you the people' elect a king ? We'll soon find out ;)

So you are arguing that unless the Democrats Impeach the President of the united States - removing him from power without ever having presenting a crime, without ever presenting any evidence of a crime, without ever presenting a witness who can provide 1st-hand evidence of a crime- the 'republic is lost'?!


During Schiff's Impeachment hearing 'parody' his NON-witnesses were asked point-blank to name the crimes, the 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' the President supposedly committed that warranted his Impeachment - NOT ONE OF THEM COULD NAME ONE. Of course, not one single one of Schiff's 'witnesses' witnessed anything.

Despite being unable to prove a crime had been committed, despite being unable to provide the 1st piece of evidence a crime had been committed, despite being unable to 1 single person to testify who had actually WITNESSED anything, a proven lying, admitted classified leaking, compromised Democrat who led that failed attempt to make a case for Impeachment (now proven to have taken money from not only a Russian--born arms dealer but also from Burisma, which explains whey he declared before the hearing started that he would protect the Bidens) authored a bullshit summary claiming Impeachable offenses had been proven - which they had NOT - to the House Judiciary Committee....

And you amazingly claim unless the Democrats push on and carry out the coup attempt / Impeachment they have called for before Trump even entered the WH 'the republic is lost'?!

THIS is why Turley testified that not only is their continued attempt to Impeach the President 'woefully inadequate' but also 'DANGEROUS' to the Republic.

No amount of attempting to twist what Turley really said and attempt to twist the actual facts will change the fact that what Turley just testified to is THIS: The Democrats have become and are now a threat to the United States.

For 4 years, culminating in their biggest demonstration to date - this Inquisition and attempted coup of the President - the Democrats have trampled, ignored, and violated the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Rights of every American citizen, proving the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremist version of 'Justice' under their rule is based on the concept that anyone who does not embrace their ideology / agenda are 'GUILTY until proven innocent'.
"i'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger!" - Tenacious Jon Turley
Democrats seek to lower the standards for Impeachment established by our Founding Fathers from EVIDENCE and Proof Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' to 'Hearsay' and bitter, hate-driven revenge for losing an election.
Interestingly, Turley's argument is not that Trump is innocent or that there is insufficient evidence to impeach him. Rather, it is that the available evidence has not yet been presented by the House inquiry. The reason for that, Trump's obstruction. Further, he argues Congress must wait for the courts to rule on the legitimacy of Trump's claim he can ignore congressional subpoenas before sustaining a charge of obstruction. He says this even though he states he disagrees with Trump's position on whether the obstruction is legal.

So...........the best the Repubs could do is produce an expert who says Congress is being too hasty. know........there's no actual defense for what Trump did.
It also isn’t that he is guilty, either. ;) He said there is not enough evidence presented one way or the other.
But that is because witnesses like Pompeo, Bolton, Perry, and Giuliani are either refusing to testify or being blocked from doing so by the orange pile of shyte. Evidence corroborating what we know is available, but the House is being prevented from obtaining it.
No, that is because they won’t present an unbiased, fair impeachment inquiry, dear.
Interestingly, Turley's argument is not that Trump is innocent or that there is insufficient evidence to impeach him. Rather, it is that the available evidence has not yet been presented by the House inquiry. The reason for that, Trump's obstruction. Further, he argues Congress must wait for the courts to rule on the legitimacy of Trump's claim he can ignore congressional subpoenas before sustaining a charge of obstruction. He says this even though he states he disagrees with Trump's position on whether the obstruction is legal.

So...........the best the Repubs could do is produce an expert who says Congress is being too hasty. know........there's no actual defense for what Trump did.
It also isn’t that he is guilty, either. ;) He said there is not enough evidence presented one way or the other.
But that is because witnesses like Pompeo, Bolton, Perry, and Giuliani are either refusing to testify or being blocked from doing so by the orange pile of shyte. Evidence corroborating what we know is available, but the House is being prevented from obtaining it.
How do you know he is an Orange Pile of Shyte? It's not like you are biased, right?

And why won't Adolph Schiffler and Nazi Nadler allow DUE PROCESS nor allow The GOP to call witnesses?

This is something that The Nazis and Soviets did when they wanted to politically oust someone.
"i'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger!" - Tenacious Jon Turley
Democrats seek to lower the standards for Impeachment established by our Founding Fathers from EVIDENCE and Proof Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' to 'Hearsay' and bitter, hate-driven revenge for losing an election.

Now, there is nothing more Soviet Union Nazi Germany than that.
Ok! Nadler’s opening statement was BRILLIANT— and already the Trump collaborators are losing it. This is an historic day. And as an added bonus, we get to watch the implosion of a major political party. When the dust settles after Trump’s moving trucks head down I-95, we’ll be ok‬.
Ok! Nadler’s opening statement was BRILLIANT— and already the Trump collaborators are losing it. This is an historic day. And as an added bonus, we get to watch the implosion of a major political party. When the dust settles after Trump’s moving trucks head down I-95, we’ll be ok‬.

Nazi Nadler and Adolph Schiffler are coming out on the losing end of this, or aren't you paying attention to polling in all the battleground states The Democrats need to win in 2020, and how people are being completely turned off by The DemNazi one sided witch hunt?

You are delusional.
It also isn’t that he is guilty, either. ;) He said there is not enough evidence presented one way or the other.
But that is because witnesses like Pompeo, Bolton, Perry, and Giuliani are either refusing to testify or being blocked from doing so by the orange pile of shyte. Evidence corroborating what we know is available, but the House is being prevented from obtaining it.[/QUOTE]
This is a re-do of the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia':

An investigation and push to Impeach based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence of a crime having been committed, ZERO witnesses that can present 1st-hand / experienced / witnessed evidence of a crime committed by President Trump....

...except instead of a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda-filled dossier bought from and delivered by a known / proven biased anti-Trump agenda-driven foreign ex-spy this time we have a supposed admittedly-biased, Biden-connected, Brennan-groomed, Deep State CIA agent specifically trained in Ukraine geo-political operations temporarily assigned to the WH temporarily filing a 'Whistle Blower' complaint that was originally DISMISSED by the Prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ because none of it could be substantiated because no one involved personally witnessed anything and there was no evidence to support the claim.

Schiff's hearing proved this: ZERO crime, ZERO evidence of a crime, NO 'whistle Blower' - IF one actually exists and Schiff did not make him up, like he made up for 2 years claiming to have direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, like he made up his personally-authored fake transcript of the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM he tried to submit as 'evidence' during one of his initial Impeachment hearings - and ZERO 'witnesses' because not one of his 'witnesses' witnessed anything.

Despite having no witness, despite having no evidence, and despite Schiff's witnesses being unable to name 1 crime, not one 'High Crime' or 'Misdemeanor' when asked to do so point-blank during their testimony, Schiff and his co-conspiring biased House Intel Committee Democrats still sent a report to Nadler saying his Inquisition HAD proven the President committed such a crime.

'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' all over again...the never-ending coup attempts over a lost election continue...and the American people see it.
Here is The Smell Test on This:

The Democrats want to Exonerate Joe Biden for pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

They want to IMPEACH Trump for asking why Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
The Impeachment Provision is vague enough that you can get Constitutional "Scholars" to argue either side. What should be clear is the intent of the provision. If you want to believe a phone call about investigating corruption warrants Impeachment and removal, then go ahead and believe that.
Simple minded answer by this guy that distorts the facts.
The majority of Constitutional scholars agree the actions deserve impeachment on multiple grounds.
The best the Republicans could come up for a Constitutional scholar who felt the process is moving to fast. The potential for impeachment is there. According to his recommendations you must hear from Mulvaney, Pompeo and others.
To meet the Republican objections bring in Pompeo, Mulvaney and others. Put them under oath and get the final details that the Republican legal scholar admits could result in impeachment
Here is The Smell Test on This.

The Democrats want to Exonerate Joe Biden for pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

They want to impeach Trump for asking why Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
Impeach Trump and prosecute Biden. Let's get some fresh faces in the 2020 election.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Husband Of Democrat In Impeachment Hearings Took $700K From Firms Tied To Ukrainian Oligarch ‘Accused Of Ordering Contract Killings’: Reports.


The husband of Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, took $700,000 from firms connected to a Ukrainian oligarch who has been accused of ordering contract killings.

The Miami Herald reported:

Public records show that Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s husband, Robert Powell, spent much of the last 10 years as general counsel for companies owned at least in part by Igor Kolomoisky, a wealthy Ukrainian businessman involved in banking and mining. In federal financial disclosures, Mucarsel-Powell reported that her husband of 15 years earned most of their household income during the previous two years — at least $695,000 — from a ferroalloys trading corporation associated with Kolomoisky.

Swan reported in April 2018 that the FBI was “investigating” Kolomoisky over “potential financial crimes, including money laundering, according to the sources, who say the probe is wide-ranging and has been under way for quite some time."

Robert Powell’s connections to Kolomoisky could create a significant distraction for Democrats during their impeachment hearings since they launched their inquiry into President Donald Trump over a mere phone call that he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Democrats’ claims that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo or bribery have not been substantiated in their public impeachment hearings as multiple witnesses, including Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Senior NSC official Tim Morrison, Ambassador Kurt Volker, and Ambassador Gordon Sondland all testified that there was no quid pro quo during the phone call.
The credibility of Nadler and his fellow Democrats in the House - those who voted to CENSURE the United States Attorney General - the leading Law Enforcer in the country - for REFUSING TO BREAKTHE LAW - has been destroyed forever.

Nadler further destroyed his own credibility regarding his push for Impeachment decades ago, as reported, when he declared attempting to Impeach a President so close to election time equated / equates to stripping the Constitutional Right of Americans to vote and choose who they want to lead the country!

There is no 'do-over', no taking back what was done / said, for Nadler and these Democrats.
Constitutional scholars testify, before congress, that Trump's actions definitely warrant impeachment.
They warn that if Trump's actions do not warrant impeachment the intentions of the founders would be undermined.
The scholars main goal is to maintain the intentions of the Constitution. They are not advocates for Democrats or Republicans. They are advocates of our Constitution and our Democracy.

The source is the transcript of the congressional hearing
OP's require a link.

Here's one: Impeachment Hearing Live Updates: Trump’s Actions Are Impeachable, Scholars Testify
you are an obstructionist that continually protects Trump. You should be impeached as a mod.

I provided the source that will be available at the end of today's hearings. Plus every news station is reporting a summary.
Impeach Trump and prosecute Biden. Let's get some fresh faces in the 2020 election.

Here's a better idea:


The outcome is predetermined. The votes will be strictly along party lines in both the House and Senate.

Trump's legacy will be that he is only the third president in history to be impeached.
The legacy of the Democrat party is that they are a gang of subversive douchebags who abuse Constitutional processes to persecute their political opponents.

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