Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

That's funny, the commie from harvard once argued that Trumps pardon of Arpaio was an impeachable offense. Turley is the only one providing an unbiased opinion. And no where does the Constitution give the congress they power of issuing subpoenas, that's something they granted themselves in law. On that Turley is correct, the courts are the place to settle conflicts between the political branches. The courts are there to settle all questions of law and equities.

house impeachment is an investigation not a trial .....

sooner or later RW dipshits MIGHT figure that out-

If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy—we live in a monarchy, or we live under a dictatorship.
Oops....the credibility of all of the Democrats' self-professed Constitutional Scholar witnesses was just burnt to the ground:


White House, GOP cite evidence of Democrat law prof witnesses’ past anti-Trump bias

Another Frustrating 'Scream At The Sky' Moment for Democrats / Snowflakes.....


...poor snowflakes. :p

A professors bias has nothing to do with the legal arguments they present you dupe. Wake up.
Prez has the right to go to the Courts.
You must've missed that part.
Not at the expense of ignoring subpoenas. The witnesses could have shown up and claimed privilege in leu of answering questions and then it could go to court. But that’s not what happened
Challenging them in court isn't ignoring them, moron.
The patriots who founded our country were not fearful men, my friends

But as they met to frame our Constitution, those patriots still feared one threat above all: foreign interference in our elections
Prez has the right to go to the Courts.
You must've missed that part.
Not at the expense of ignoring subpoenas. The witnesses could have shown up and claimed privilege in leu of answering questions and then it could go to court. But that’s not what happened
Challenging them in court isn't ignoring them, moron.
did they challenge them in court or did they ignore them and not show up? Simple question
Prez has the right to go to the Courts.
You must've missed that part.
Not at the expense of ignoring subpoenas. The witnesses could have shown up and claimed privilege in leu of answering questions and then it could go to court. But that’s not what happened
Challenging them in court isn't ignoring them, moron.
did they challenge them in court or did they ignore them and not show up? Simple question
If you don't know the answer to that question you shoulda never started this thread, Dummy.
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
Sniff Test Fail:

The Democrats want to Exonerate Joe Biden for pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

The Democrats want to IMPEACH Trump for asking why Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
So Prof Truley thought Bill Clinton should be impeached, I wonder why, is it because he got to get Monica to give him head!!
fait accompli

So lie about an affair, impeachment! But make a foreign President (who is new and desperately in need of aid) to state publicly that you are investigating his opponent, no impeachment, and deny the House every doc and witness to such incident is not obstruction.

We know why the trial went so fast, we ran out of witnesses.

Apparently we know who side Truley is on.
They can't argue the facts they can only argue the process
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
They are a couple of establishment neverTrump douchebags.
Prez has the right to go to the Courts.
You must've missed that part.
Not at the expense of ignoring subpoenas. The witnesses could have shown up and claimed privilege in leu of answering questions and then it could go to court. But that’s not what happened
Challenging them in court isn't ignoring them, moron.
did they challenge them in court or did they ignore them and not show up? Simple question
If you don't know the answer to that question you shoulda never started this thread, Dummy.
I know the answer and stated that they were ignoring them. You brought up challenging them in court which is not something they are doing. It was a rhetorical question. try and keep up
I’m listing to the hearing on the radio,, and you can always tell who the democrat is before they are identified,, they always sound like they are trying to sell you something.. lol and it’s not selling haha
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
So you want Trump to continue ruling over you as king? Preventing subpoenas from being honored getting help from foreign nations for his PERSONAL gain etc etc etc etc ? Will you bow before him too bri ??
I don't bother posting substantive responses to obvious bullshit.

You've got nothing, as uusal, and you're trying to portray it as moral outrage.
Bwuhahahahaha........Harvard Law Prof. Noah Feldman and proven anti-Trump biased self-proclaimed Constitutional Expert witness for the Democrats actually asked the Committee to consider how they would answer one day in the AFTERLIFE when confronted by former Presidents Hamilton and Madison when asked why they - if they refuse to do so - failed to Impeach a President for 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors', a standard the founding fathers established....considering the fact that there has been no crime proven to have been committed, without there being any evidence of a crime having been committed, and without having any witnesses who witnessed a crime being committed and who can present evidence.

I don't think the treasonous Democrats attempting to affect this coup have to worry about meeting Hamilton and Madison in Heaven one day because I seriously doubt Heaven is where they will end up. If they somehow do make it to Heaven and actually do meet up with Hamilton and Madison, the 1st question they will probably be asked is 'How did you make it into Heaven to begin with', as Heavenis no place for liars, cheaters, and traitors.


Impeachment witness tells lawmakers to consider having to answer to Hamilton and Madison in the afterlife

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