Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Sniff Test Fail:

The Democrats want to Exonerate Joe Biden for pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

The Democrats want to IMPEACH Trump for asking why Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

To Democrats this makes sense.

Mostly because they're told to think that way.
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
So you want Trump to continue ruling over you as king? Preventing subpoenas from being honored getting help from foreign nations for his PERSONAL gain etc etc etc etc ? Will you bow before him too bri ??
I don't bother posting substantive responses to obvious bullshit.

You've got nothing, as uusal, and you're trying to portray it as moral outrage.

Nah. The Dems have nothing as usual. Just personal opinions. No first hand anything.

You are obviously full of shit.
You've got nothing, as uusal, and you're trying to portray it as moral outrage.
Hey, look who decided to resurface?! Since you are here, DL, perhaps you can finally deliver on posting the link to the non-existent Law you and Schiff claim DOES exist that affords non-qualifying whistle blowers the protections of 'Anonymity' and 'Immunity'.....

Hopefully you won't run away again and can finally provide the evidence of what you and Schiff claim is 'fact'.
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
They are a couple of establishment neverTrump douchebags.
So what?
Prez has the right to go to the Courts.
You must've missed that part.
Not at the expense of ignoring subpoenas. The witnesses could have shown up and claimed privilege in leu of answering questions and then it could go to court. But that’s not what happened
Challenging them in court isn't ignoring them, moron.
did they challenge them in court or did they ignore them and not show up? Simple question
If you don't know the answer to that question you shoulda never started this thread, Dummy.
I know the answer and stated that they were ignoring them. You brought up challenging them in court which is not something they are doing. It was a rhetorical question. try and keep up
Your bullshit is too easy to destroy.

Mick Mulvaney works only about 50 steps from the Oval Office as he runs the White House staff but rather than simply obey President Trump’s order to not cooperate with House impeachment investigators, he sent his lawyers to court late Friday night asking a judge whether he should or not.

To obtain such a ruling, the lawyers asked to join a lawsuit already filed by a former White House official — a lawsuit that names “the Honorable Donald J. Trump” as a defendant along with congressional leaders. The lawyers tried to finesse that by saying in the body of their motion that the defendants they really wanted to sue were the congressional leaders, but their own motion still listed Mr. Trump at the top as a defendant because that is the suit they sought to join.
In Seeking to Join Suit Over Subpoena Power, Mulvaney Goes Up Against the President
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
Because a hearing is Official Government Business and The Constitution Guarantees DUE PROCESS in any Official Government Proceedings. Since Due Process is being denied, the Subpoena is Invalid.

It's an abuse of power to issue a subpoena to a person to appear before a committee and then deny them DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS in that committee hearing.
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
More OPINIONS based on the OPINIONS of Schifferbrain's Star Witnesses' OPINIONS.
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
leftwing partisans always cloak their biases in the aura of professional expertise.
Pamela was on Hillary's short list for the Supreme court so she shouldn't even be there....
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
Current Witness described Treason and it fits Obama giving Aide and Comfort to Iran and Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPs and assassinate Foreign Heads of State
So when Trump is lying and saying Ukraine meddled in the elections, not that him giving aid and comfort to Russia??
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
Current Witness described Treason and it fits Obama giving Aide and Comfort to Iran and Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPs and assassinate Foreign Heads of State
So when Trump is lying and saying Ukraine meddled in the elections, not that him giving aid and comfort to Russia??
Its not a lie....
Stanford Law professor Karlan rebukes Rep. Collins: “I wold like to say to you, sir, that I read transcripts ... I would not speak about these things without reviewing the facts, so I’m insulted by the suggestion that as a law professor I don’t care about those facts.”
Procedural due process[edit]

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials.

  1. An unbiased tribunal.
  2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  5. The right to know opposing evidence.
  6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  9. Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  10. Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
Due Process Clause - Wikipedia
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
Because a hearing is Official Government Business and The Constitution Guarantees DUE PROCESS in any Official Government Proceedings. Since Due Process is being denied, the Subpoena is Invalid.

It's an abuse of power to issue a subpoena to a person to appear before a committee and then deny them DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS in that committee hearing.
how were these witnesses being denied due process?
I’ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, I’m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say it’s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesn’t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. that’s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
More OPINIONS based on the OPINIONS of Schifferbrain's Star Witnesses' OPINIONS.
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??

If that's what it takes to take this country back.
I sometimes hope you get your wish and when the next Dem president comes along ,,he shoves your BS up your butts
Problem is I might not be around to see it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ever read what the scum Graham said at Clintons impeachment??? And what the pos says now?

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