Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
leftwing partisans always cloak their biases in the aura of professional expertise.
So what? If they make a false claim then call them on it. Their bias has nothing to do with the validity or invalidity of the things they say
One of the ā€œwitnessesā€ brought forward by House Democrats descended into a bizarre rant about how President Trump ruined her Thanksgiving holiday.
Dem Impeachment ā€˜Witnessā€™ Goes On Unhinged Rant About How Trump Ruined Her Thanksgiving

You, Democrats, are seriously mentally disturbed please take those meds and get vaccinated ASAP!!
When you haven't a clue but think you do and you so so don't bahah
Is THIS really what the Democrats' basis for attempting to Impeach President has come down to, asking everyone to imagine how they would justify NOT Impeaching President Trump to Hamilton and Madison in the afterlife, despite the fact that there has been no crime proven to have been committed, no evidence of a crime presented, and no actual witnesses of the crime that never happened ...

A hypothetical question about how to answer to the deceased Founding Fathers in the afterlife is the best argument the democrats have for Impeaching President Trump?


Impeachment witness tells lawmakers to consider having to answer to Hamilton and Madison in the afterlife
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
Because a hearing is Official Government Business and The Constitution Guarantees DUE PROCESS in any Official Government Proceedings. Since Due Process is being denied, the Subpoena is Invalid.

It's an abuse of power to issue a subpoena to a person to appear before a committee and then deny them DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS in that committee hearing.
how were these witnesses being denied due process?

The fact you even phrased this question in the way you did confirms that you know DUE PROCESS is being Violated.

The Target of this Illegal Witch Hunt is who is being Denied Due Process.

Adolph Schiffler and Nazi Nadler are denying The President and The GOP the Right to call up Witnesses of their choosing and to present exculpatory evidence and to Face their accusers and cross examine them. DUE PROCESS also guarantees that a hearing or proceeding be EVIDENCE based, not based on Opinion, Conjecture, Presumption, Assumptions, Hearsay, Gossip, 2nd hand, 3rd hand information.
Karlan is a hack that hates Trump...a Clinton favorite for the SCOTUS....
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
Current Witness described Treason and it fits Obama giving Aide and Comfort to Iran and Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPs and assassinate Foreign Heads of State
So when Trump is lying and saying Ukraine meddled in the elections, not that him giving aid and comfort to Russia??
7 times democrat news organizations said Ukraine interfered with U.S. elections...
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
More OPINIONS based on the OPINIONS of Schifferbrain's Star Witnesses' OPINIONS.
No case............
Turley did better than I thought he would....with the little time he has had...
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

I'm watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy

Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
Because a hearing is Official Government Business and The Constitution Guarantees DUE PROCESS in any Official Government Proceedings. Since Due Process is being denied, the Subpoena is Invalid.

It's an abuse of power to issue a subpoena to a person to appear before a committee and then deny them DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS in that committee hearing.
how were these witnesses being denied due process?

The fact you even phrased this question in the way you did confirms that you know DUE PROCESS is being Violated.

The Target of this Illegal Witch Hunt is who is being Denied Due Process. Adolph Schiffler and Nazi Nadler are deny The President and The GOP the Right to call up Witnesses of their choosing and to present exculpatory evidence and to Face their accusers and cross examine them.
the republicans own lawyer opened his statement by acknowledging the validity of the inquiry. He said the phone call was far from perfect and the allegations if true would be an impeachable offense. He just thinks there needs to be more done to prove it.

you cant even get the republicans own lawyer to back up your insane narrative. Give it up man, nobody can take you seriously.
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
leftwing partisans always cloak their biases in the aura of professional expertise.
So what? If they make a false claim then call them on it. Their bias has nothing to do with the validity or invalidity of the things they say
They aren't witnesses and they aren't presenting evidence. Their very appearance is a violation of DUE PROCESS.

Is The President allowed to Call up his OWN LEGAL Experts to give their contrary opinions?


So this again is an ILLEGAL Proceeding just like that one held in The Intelligence Committee
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
More OPINIONS based on the OPINIONS of Schifferbrain's Star Witnesses' OPINIONS.
No case............
Not according to Turley, the republican lawyer who acknowledged there is a quite serious case which needs to be further vetted.
Nadler then and now: 1998 video shows Dem saying impeachment would ā€˜overturnā€™ will of voters

Well gee, if only the partisan republicans didn't impeach Clinton over an affair, and

Tramp will probably cheat again in 2020 election, he has invited 2 foreign countries to help him in elections.
Russia and Ukraine!!
Like I've said before Hope republicans get it back in spades Imagine if this was Obama instead of Trump You would see all these scumbag republicans turn around so fast they'd break their necks
Well gee, if only the partisan republicans didn't impeach Clinton over an affair
It is pathetically sad how after all of these years snowflakes continue to demonstrate how they can not face reality, about how Bill Clinton was Impeached for lying, for being held in Contempt of Court by a Judge during his Sexual Harassment law suit for unethically attempting to lie / give misleading testimony - constituting a breach of his oath of office in which he promised to protect and defend the Constitution and Americans' Constitutional rights.

By attempting to mislead the Judge and Jury Clinton attempted to deny Jones her Constitutional right of a fair trial and acted completely unethically, for which he was found in Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas.

It's not an accident that you snowflakes leave all of that out when you falsely attempt to claim Clinton was Impeached for simply having an affair.

It's just another example of how you can never truly be honest in a legitimate discussion /debate.
Did the Libnut hack Karlan just say "While the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a Barron"?

Is this the kind of lunacy the Dimwingers are basing this farce on?
You guys do not understand

This is not about the Bidens. Its about Tramp!!
Iā€™ll start off by saying that the 3 on 1 thing is BS. It should be 1-1 or 2-2... with that said, Iā€™m enjoying the debate as both sides are making good points. Through the recess I gotta say itā€™s not looking good for the Reps....

Their lawyer came out right off the bat and say that Trumps call was far from perfect and that the accusations against him are impeachable offenses. He doesnā€™t believe the accusations have been adequately proven and wants to see a more thorough process... he has a right to that argument.

Im watching Fox right now and Judge Nepolitano and Andy McCarthy are both contradicting the Rep Lawyer who said that the Dems need to go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas. Both the Judge and McCarthy agree that the House has the Sole power of impeachment and if Trump is ignoring subpoenas then that is clear Obstruction. Courts need not be included. thatā€™s not good for Donny boy
There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
leftwing partisans always cloak their biases in the aura of professional expertise.
So what? If they make a false claim then call them on it. Their bias has nothing to do with the validity or invalidity of the things they say
They aren't witnesses and they aren't presenting evidence. Their very appearance is a violation of DUE PROCESS.

Is The President allowed to Call up his OWN LEGAL Experts to give their contrary opinions?


So this again is an ILLEGAL Proceeding just like that one held in The Intelligence Committee
no shit, they are legal experts giving their analysis of the testimonies and evidence thatā€™s been collected thus far. Do you not understand that?
Turley said that if the House issues subpoenas and doesn't go to the courts to get the courts on their side, that the House is abusing their power. The House can impeach Trump for ignoring their subpoenas and calling it "obstruction", but the senate can shove their "articles" up their ass for "abusing their power". Impeachment has to be a non-partisan, no-brainer, slam-dunk, and as Bill Hurd, who hates Trump said, there is nothing impeachable in the articles. The bar for impeachment needs to be very high for removal top succeed.
Yes and both Judge Napolitano and Andy McCarty agreed that Turley was wrong in his analysis... how is congress subpoenaing first hand witnesses to the heart of an impeachment inquiry abusing their power? Can you explain that?
Because a hearing is Official Government Business and The Constitution Guarantees DUE PROCESS in any Official Government Proceedings. Since Due Process is being denied, the Subpoena is Invalid.

It's an abuse of power to issue a subpoena to a person to appear before a committee and then deny them DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS in that committee hearing.
how were these witnesses being denied due process?

The fact you even phrased this question in the way you did confirms that you know DUE PROCESS is being Violated.

The Target of this Illegal Witch Hunt is who is being Denied Due Process. Adolph Schiffler and Nazi Nadler are deny The President and The GOP the Right to call up Witnesses of their choosing and to present exculpatory evidence and to Face their accusers and cross examine them.
the republicans own lawyer opened his statement by acknowledging the validity of the inquiry. He said the phone call was far from perfect and the allegations if true would be an impeachable offense. He just thinks there needs to be more done to prove it.

you cant even get the republicans own lawyer to back up your insane narrative. Give it up man, nobody can take you seriously.
There is no DUE PROCESS. The Hearing is a gross Violation of DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS or can't you F'n read and comprehend what DUE PROCESS MEANS.

Are Nadler and Schiff UNBIASED or NEUTRAL?

No they are not. They made Public Declarations as to their BIAS.

Game OVER.


Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials.

  • An unbiased tribunal.
  • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  • The right to know opposing evidence.
  • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
Due Process Clause - Wikipedia
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There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
More OPINIONS based on the OPINIONS of Schifferbrain's Star Witnesses' OPINIONS.
No case............
Not according to Turley, the republican lawyer who acknowledged there is a quite serious case which needs to be further vetted.
He clearly said the case was weak and wrong.

Please try to keep up.

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