Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

You guys do not understand

This is not about the Bidens. Its about Tramp!!
I’ve got to disagree with you there. The only case Trump has is proving that his initiative to investigate the Biden’s was in the interest of the country and not his political campaign. So if this goes to the senate it becomes all about the Bidens as far as the Reps focus.
Not according to Turley, the republican lawyer who acknowledged there is a quite serious case which needs to be further vetted.
Turley testified that what the Democrats are doing- pushing ahead with Impeachment despite not having a crime, without having evidence of a crime, without having any witnesses...while the President is out of the country on official business no 'Dangerous'.

Attempting to spin the testimony so damaging to the Democrats fools no one except Trump-hating snowflakes who want to believe the spin. No Dem/snowflake translation of what Turley said needed.
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
Current Witness described Treason and it fits Obama giving Aide and Comfort to Iran and Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPs and assassinate Foreign Heads of State
So when Trump is lying and saying Ukraine meddled in the elections, not that him giving aid and comfort to Russia??
Its not a lie....
So you are saying Trump's own intelligence agencies (INCLUDING MIKE POMPEO), the senate intelligence committee, the house intelligence committee -- all of these people are lying to protect Ukraine and make Putin look bad??

Care to show me one US intelligence report that proves Russia is innocent?? Or would you feel better if you use maybe a Russian intelligence report??
If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy—we live in a monarchy, or we live under a dictatorship.

If we can impeach a presidant because "pineapple" we don't have a democracy we have any small town in shithole Africa.
If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??

If that's what it takes to take this country back.
I sometimes hope you get your wish and when the next Dem president comes along ,,he shoves your BS up your butts
Problem is I might not be around to see it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ever read what the scum Graham said at Clintons impeachment??? And what the pos says now?
Memory is like kryptonite to a republican....

in order for them to exist, they either have to pretend certain history didn't happen, pretend they themselves didn't say certain things -- or just flat out make shit up -- that is only the way they can continue on in life
Well gee, if only the partisan republicans didn't impeach Clinton over an affair
It is pathetically sad how after all of these years snowflakes continue to demonstrate how they can not face reality, about how Bill Clinton was Impeached for lying, for being held in Contempt of Court by a Judge during his Sexual Harassment law suit for unethically attempting to lie / give misleading testimony - constituting a breach of his oath of office in which he promised to protect and defend the Constitution and Americans' Constitutional rights.

By attempting to mislead the Judge and Jury Clinton attempted to deny Jones her Constitutional right of a fair trial and acted completely unethically, for which he was found in Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas.

It's not an accident that you snowflakes leave all of that out when you falsely attempt to claim Clinton was Impeached for simply having an affair.

It's just another example of how you can never truly be honest in a legitimate discussion /debate.
Is that why all those pos republicans are afraid to honor their subpoenas? because they'd HAVE to be honest?? and speaking of honest??? LOL LOL supporting the lying dog trump you talk of honest?? Are you kidding me?
You guys do not understand

This is not about the Bidens. Its about Tramp!!
I’ve got to disagree with you there. The only case Trump has is proving that his initiative to investigate the Biden’s was in the interest of the country and not his political campaign. So if this goes to the senate it becomes all about the Bidens as far as the Reps focus.
For the last 4 years Democrats' attempt to affect the coup of President Trump have repeatedly exposed crimes committed by DEMOCRATS, crimes they have continuously ignored / refused to acknowledge. Every time these crimes are mentioned Democrats and snowflakes repeat the same thing:

'This is not about Democrats or the crimes they have been proven to have committed. This is about the never-ending unproven false accusations made against the President by Democrats and their repeated failure to prove a crime was committed, present evidence of a crime, or produce actual witnesses.'

There are No Legal Arguments. WTF are you talking about? These are just Opinions by Liberal Democrat Law Professors.

You can't even qualify these people as Witnesses.
they are law professors giving legal testimony. They are literally presenting legal arguments. Brains not working very well today huh? Try taking a nap
leftwing partisans always cloak their biases in the aura of professional expertise.
So what? If they make a false claim then call them on it. Their bias has nothing to do with the validity or invalidity of the things they say
They aren't witnesses and they aren't presenting evidence. Their very appearance is a violation of DUE PROCESS.

Is The President allowed to Call up his OWN LEGAL Experts to give their contrary opinions?


So this again is an ILLEGAL Proceeding just like that one held in The Intelligence Committee
no shit, they are legal experts giving their analysis of the testimonies and evidence that’s been collected thus far. Do you not understand that?
There is No Evidence, and There is also No Unbiased Decision Maker, running the hearings.

There is no allowance to call witnesses, and there is no Right To Cross Examine Adverse Witnesses. There is no right to see 'Evidence that Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler have against The President.

There is no Representation there, and The President's Counsel is not present.

This is an ILLEGAL KANGAROO COURT. You denying that shows your Bias. Any Idiot can read The Wiki Description of DUE PROCESS and see that it is violated MULTIPLE TIMES.
Memory is like kryptonite to a republican....
On the contrary, it is snowflakes who, for example, have forgotten that years ago Nadler declared Impeachment of a President so close to an election was akin to stripping the American people of their Constitutional right to vote and decide for themselves who they want to lead the country.

Not only is their faulty memories an 'achilles heel' for Democrats / snowflakes but so is that pesky 'INNOCENT until proven Guilty' thing and actually having to substantiate their accusations, something they have repeatedly failed to do for 4 years now.

If this SOB in office now is not guilty and deserving of impeachment then no president ever will be You really want a king trump??
Horse manure.
Current Witness described Treason and it fits Obama giving Aide and Comfort to Iran and Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage COUPs and assassinate Foreign Heads of State
So when Trump is lying and saying Ukraine meddled in the elections, not that him giving aid and comfort to Russia??
Its not a lie....
So you are saying Trump's own intelligence agencies (INCLUDING MIKE POMPEO), the senate intelligence committee, the house intelligence committee -- all of these people are lying to protect Ukraine and make Putin look bad??

Care to show me one US intelligence report that proves Russia is innocent?? Or would you feel better if you use maybe a Russian intelligence report??
Nothing has been proven nor show me where it has....
"17 Days Ago The Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi called The President an Imposter"

Just a week ago, Adam Schiff said he wanted to "send The President back to The Golden Throne he came from."

Jerry Nadler said that "we have to move forward with impeachment or we risk The President being re-elected."

These are all BIASED Statements, and there is NO NEUTRAL PERSON running these HEARINGS.

Easy does it
You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.
I'm starting to think that the republicans are not doing everything they could to stop this sideshow....this is ridiculous...I hope the people are not being fooled...
Here's an example that explains why Turley's argument (he is in the minority by the way) there is insufficient evidence to impeach SO FAR is so disingenuous. Michael Duffy has pertinent, physical evidence (e-mails) and testimony he can supply to add to our understanding of how and why Trump put a hold on military aid to Ukraine. But because he's a good Trumpette he is following the Orange Fraud's illegal demand that he not testify or provide documentary evidence to the House.

A 'Media Report' In June Piqued Trump's Interest In Ukraine Aid. But Which One?

Turley's circular logic suggests the House should not vote to impeach because it does not have all the evidence available while refusing to point out Trump is the reason we don't have as complete a picture as we could have because he is obstructing that evidence from being provided.
Again, read very carefully. Anyone that is honest will agree that these are illegal hearings that no one can be made to participate in, and therefore Subpoenas to appear before any committees which do not guarantee DUE PROCESS are invalid.

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials.

  • An unbiased tribunal.
  • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  • The right to know opposing evidence.
  • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
Due Process Clause - Wikipedia
Is that why all those pos republicans are afraid to honor their subpoenas? because they'd HAVE to be honest??
'Innocent until proven guilty' is one of the pillars of our Justice system, one the Democrats have proven they do not believe in or acknowledge based on the fact that they have continuously declared the President to be guilty of Impeachable offenses despite being unable to produce a crime committed, present evidence of a crime committed, or come up with1 single actual witness to substantiate their false accusations.

You hypocritically and comically mention 'honesty' when the man who led the House Intel Committee Impeachment Inquisition committed Sedition by lying for 2 years about having DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President with the intent of causing an insurrection, a call for the unwarranted removal from office the President of the united States...the man who attempted to present as evidence of Impeachable offenses his own self-authored fictional account of the phone call between the Ukraine PM and the President then called it a 'parody' when exposed for what he was trying to do....the man who admitted leaking classified information...the man who lied about his communication with the non-existent Whistle blower only to claim later he has no idea the identity of the individual?

"i'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger!" - Tenacious Jon Turley
Democrats seek to lower the standards for Impeachment established by our Founding Fathers from EVIDENCE and Proof Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' to 'Hearsay' and bitter, hate-driven revenge for losing an election.
Republicans and Trump will not allow the witnesses to testify that will get to the real truth. A decision beyong a reasonable doubt. Now a preponderance of evidence indicates Trump has obstructed justice and used US assets with a foreign power for personal gain. That is enough to convict in a civil court.

Trump and Republicans are obstructing justice by not letting Pompeo and gang testify.
The truth will set you free or get you impeached. Let the truth come out.
Michael Duffy has pertinent, physical evidence (e-mails) and testimony he can supply to add to our understanding of how and why Trump put a hold on military aid to Ukraine.
Prove this claim. Post the link to the evidence, report, testimony, documents that prove Dufy has any such direct evidence you CLAIM exists.

The FACT is you do not have such a link or evidence to substantiate your CLAIM because it is only an unsubstantiated Claim.

Your UNSUBSTANTIATED / UNPROVEN CLAIM is just another example of how Democrats and snowflakes continue to insist President Trump is GUILTY Until PROVEN INNOCENT.

That's not how it works,snowflake. This claim is one of the last desperate claims made by those who have completely failed to provide evidence to support their own accusations.

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