OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Lie detector tests are notoriously unreliable, which is why they are inadmissible as evidence.

Her hubby and buddies attesting that she told them this story in 2012, 30 years after the event, is not evidence that the event happened, nor that Kav was the perpetrator.

Character witnesses don’t prove that her allegation is true at all, nor that the event even happened, nor that Kav was the perp.

What else you got?

Lie detector tests an not "notoriously unreliable". They provide one more tool in the box for an investigator / interrogator to determine the veracity of a witness or subject.

Any professional inspector or detective can suspect from a first interview someone who is attempting to mislead them. As one who was trained by the FBI in both interviewing and interrogating witnesses and subject, my take away was Dr. Ford was forthright and Judge Kavanaugh was not; Dr. Ford worked with the questioner, Judge Kavanaugh was hostile and his responses were all to similar and with too much detail.

You got that to 2 UNRELATED questions about the judge, did wouldn't happen to be a card carrying DemonRAT would you?

I happen to be a Democrat, a liberal and honest. Three things you are not.

I'm also retired LE, managed in the juvenile division, adult division, institutions and Internal Affairs where we did background investigations too.


And you lend your good name to the bullcrap when you know that some of what goes on is pure bullcrap, and yet you tow the line for the sake of a party ?? To much of it going on these days.

I don't "tow the line" of the Democratic Party; there are things they have done which I opposed, and there are things I support they have not done. I don't donate any money to any person seeking a political position, and I will not vote for any Republican on any level of government.

The Republican Party no longer supports the people, they have supported, and been supported by Corporate America and the Church, in short the First and Second Estates (the Clergy and the Nobles).

The Democratic Party supports the Commoners (the Third Estate) but is not stupid and accepts some money from the Second Estate, and ends every speech with a "God Bless".

care to name some of these "commoners" groups they fight for daily?
Lie detector tests an not "notoriously unreliable". They provide one more tool in the box for an investigator / interrogator to determine the veracity of a witness or subject.

Any professional inspector or detective can suspect from a first interview someone who is attempting to mislead them. As one who was trained by the FBI in both interviewing and interrogating witnesses and subject, my take away was Dr. Ford was forthright and Judge Kavanaugh was not; Dr. Ford worked with the questioner, Judge Kavanaugh was hostile and his responses were all to similar and with too much detail.

You got that to 2 UNRELATED questions about the judge, did wouldn't happen to be a card carrying DemonRAT would you?

I happen to be a Democrat, a liberal and honest. Three things you are not.

I'm also retired LE, managed in the juvenile division, adult division, institutions and Internal Affairs where we did background investigations too.


And you lend your good name to the bullcrap when you know that some of what goes on is pure bullcrap, and yet you tow the line for the sake of a party ?? To much of it going on these days.

I don't "tow the line" of the Democratic Party; there are things they have done which I opposed, and there are things I support they have not done. I don't donate any money to any person seeking a political position, and I will not vote for any Republican on any level of government.

The Republican Party no longer supports the people, they have supported, and been supported by Corporate America and the Church, in short the First and Second Estates (the Clergy and the Nobles).

The Democratic Party supports the Commoners (the Third Estate) but is not stupid and accepts some money from the Second Estate, and ends every speech with a "God Bless".

care to name some of these "commoners" groups they fight for daily?
Rent Control in California and allow them to live in tents because they have driven the prices through the roof.

Lie detector tests are notoriously unreliable, which is why they are inadmissible as evidence.

Her hubby and buddies attesting that she told them this story in 2012, 30 years after the event, is not evidence that the event happened, nor that Kav was the perpetrator.

Character witnesses don’t prove that her allegation is true at all, nor that the event even happened, nor that Kav was the perp.

What else you got?

Lie detector tests an not "notoriously unreliable". They provide one more tool in the box for an investigator / interrogator to determine the veracity of a witness or subject.

Any professional inspector or detective can suspect from a first interview someone who is attempting to mislead them. As one who was trained by the FBI in both interviewing and interrogating witnesses and subject, my take away was Dr. Ford was forthright and Judge Kavanaugh was not; Dr. Ford worked with the questioner, Judge Kavanaugh was hostile and his responses were all to similar and with too much detail.

You got that to 2 UNRELATED questions about the judge, did wouldn't happen to be a card carrying DemonRAT would you?

I happen to be a Democrat, a liberal and honest. Three things you are not.

I'm also retired LE, managed in the juvenile division, adult division, institutions and Internal Affairs where we did background investigations too.


And you lend your good name to the bullcrap when you know that some of what goes on is pure bullcrap, and yet you tow the line for the sake of a party ?? To much of it going on these days.

I don't "tow the line" of the Democratic Party; there are things they have done which I opposed, and there are things I support they have not done. I don't donate any money to any person seeking a political position, and I will not vote for any Republican on any level of government.

The Republican Party no longer supports the people, they have supported, and been supported by Corporate America and the Church, in short the First and Second Estates (the Clergy and the Nobles).

The Democratic Party supports the Commoners (the Third Estate) but is not stupid and accepts some money from the Second Estate, and ends every speech with a "God Bless".
I'm an agnostic and take great solace in a President that ends every speech with GOD don't have to be a believer or even a hater to realize the mans message is one of hope....but apparently only people that believe he is doing right by us (his policies are 95% on target in my book) can see it....what a pity!
Are you calling Drumpf a liar? Forget the one he said about Mexico paying for the wall.
I think he was just trying to present a pleasant disposition to her. Maybe she's confused by her therapist, lawyers and the Demonrats. Maybe they hypnotized her.

As for the wall, Trump said Mexico will pay for it, Nothing's changed . They can't avoid that.
of course....of course....:itsok:

Rent Control in California and allow them to live in tents because they have driven the prices through the roof.
I have suggested rent control to my Democrat congresswoman Kathy Castor. Never heard a word back on it.
It is doubtful to work.........they need to stop big gov't in California to stop prices from going through the roof on everything......

Their policies end the same way........they Detroit themselves............and then rent will go down when everyone hauls ass..................
You asked the question of why 30 years later someone would speak up. I have what I consider a perfectly plausible explanation for that. Not for nothing the testimony that Ford gave was very specific on the timing when she stepped forward. She gave easily verifiable information to establish it to be true. If it was simply a political hit job why did she know to step forward on this particular nominee? She is a psychology professor not a fortune teller. I'm not even considering that people around Ford have given statements that they knew about the allegation years before he was even put on that shortlist.
They knew nothing of it then, and they nothing of it now, and they have said that in sworn testimony under oath.

That's why Ford's "information" is NOT verifiable to be true.
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Fake news: American Bar Association did NOT call on Senate to delay confirmation vote for another...

The Democrat-media complex pulled off another fake news psy-op yesterday, spreading the lie that the American Bar Association has thrown its considerable institutional weight behind the Democrats’ demand to delay confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Did it affect Jeff Flake’s decision to flake? We’ll never know, but it is a good bet that farm more people heard and read the lie than will ever see any correction.

Twitchy documents the entire disgraceful episode, starting with the New York Times, which wrote:

The American Bar Association called Thursday evening for postponing a vote on Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court until sexual assault and misconduct allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford and others are investigated by the F.B.I.


Um... really?

>> The American Bar Association, the same organization that rated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as well-qualified, has called on the Senate to delay a vote on the judge’s confirmation until an FBI background check into allegations of sexual assault can be completed.

In a letter, the nonpartisan association made up of lawyers and law students said that a vote should occur only “after an appropriate background check into the allegations” that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford is conducted by the FBI.

“We make this request because of the ABA’s respect for the rule of law and due process under law,” ABA President Robert Carlson wrote in a letter obtained by Bloomberg and addressed to Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI.”

Kavanaugh’s ABA rating was brought up numerous times in Thursday’s Senate hearing and used as a tool to undermine Ford's credibility as a witness.

“For 12 years, everyone who has appeared before me on the D.C. Circuit has praised my judicial temperament,” said Kavanaugh Thursday evening. “That’s why I have the unanimous well-qualified rating from the American Bar Association.” << --- ABA Deals Blow to Kavanaugh, Asks for FBI Investigation, Confirmation Delay (Newsweek)

>> In the note to the Judiciary Committee, bar association President Robert Carlson wrote: “Deciding to proceed without conducting additional investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the Senate’s reputation, but it will also negatively affect the great trust necessary for the American people to have in the Supreme Court. It must remain an institution that will reliably follow the law and not politics.”

... Reached Friday, bar association representatives declined to elaborate.

“The letter speaks for itself,” spokesman Marc Davis said. << -- Chicago Tribune

Oh and here's the letter itself, with the ABA letterhead, in an article from TheHill

Who da "fake" now, beeyatch?

What the fuck IS IT with you moron self-delusionists thinking you can just yell "fake" and you'll get the fuck away with it? On what planet does reality work that way?

You DA FAKE, POG!, But we all know that!!...Is that like Balsy's letter...hmmm....Need a letterhead with the DNC seal on it? Sorry, after ALL you ABNORMALS shit, I tend to go the other way!

Really Dipshit?

*YOU* posted a claim of "fake" linking to a fucking MESSAGE BOARD. Which by the way is illegal here.

I then posted three different references to the letter including an image of the letter itself. NONE of which sources were a fucking message board.

The question remains untouched --- what the fuck IS IT with y'all self-delusionists who think you can just dispute reality and anyone anywhere will buy it?
Hey Pog, you dumb fucking piece of shit, can you read this FAKE NEWS as you called it....Seems YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN!
President of ABA Sent Out Unauthorized Letter Callling for FBI Investigation


What. Nothing from Road Kill, after he called me all sorts of names claiming I disseminate FAKE NEWS... He is a punk, or is it a she?
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court in the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Last edited:
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't!

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't!

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.
Broaddrick willingly walked into Clinton's room & walked out. 2 men did not take her by force. I love watching Repubtards defend violent abducting rapist who tried to suffocate their victim.
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
You are expecting a Liberal to infuse facts into a brain cells that don’t exist.
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
You are expecting a Liberal to infuse facts into a brain cells that don’t exist.

Liberals are thugs.

That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't!

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.
Broaddrick willingly walked into Clinton's room & walked out. 2 men did not take her by force. I love watching Repubtards defend violent abducting rapist who tried to suffocate their victim.
These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

Jun 4, 2018 · Kathleen Willey said Clinton kissed her, fondled her breasts, and forced her to touch his crotch during a meeting in the Oval Office in
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
You are expecting a Liberal to infuse facts into a brain cells that don’t exist.

Liberals are thugs.

I honestly believe they are biochemically in turmoil.

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