OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Kavanaughty 100% a choir boy ? And 3 accusers 100% sluts or Dem operatives in a conspiracy ? Yeah right ;)

If he makes it to the Supreme Court he’s in for a real nasty ride that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. That rushed nomination is gonna raise one helluva stink.

You and your SCUM bag tactics will cost you big time...

See you in November....

Your avatar is a friggin joke....

She is a RACIST moron just like her gay husband...
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?

One would presume that she unlocked the door while the boys were wrestling on the floor.

Of course, one has to then question the idea that Kavanaugh was actually trying to rape her at all, considering that wrestling with his buddy was apparently more important than her disappearance. Allegedly after she locked herself in the bathroom, the two drunken boys turned down the radio and went downstairs - completely uninterested in where their "sexual target" had gotten off to.

Apparently they lost interest in murdering her too.
If you're watching the talk shows this morning a new track is being laid. Libtards are abandoning the FBI track and jumping on the "Kavanaugh temperament" track. Too angry to be a judge. Hillarious.
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
$850,000 says he did.
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things
When you don't know when, how, or where and all 4 of your witnesses says it didn't happen. You're a liar.2
That is not what they said
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
And alot more evidence and the democrats didn't give her the time of day, hypocrites.
That is exactly what they said. Now since you are so concerned about rapist getting taken care of. Shouldn't you be calling for Bill Clinton to be investigated?
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't!

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.
Broaddrick willingly walked into Clinton's room & walked out. 2 men did not take her by force. I love watching Repubtards defend violent abducting rapist who tried to suffocate their victim.
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
Dear idiot, the child did not have a license, car or car keys. She rode home with boyfriend from swim practice at her fathers country club. He stopped by his brothers house (where Kavanaugh attacked) on his way taking her home.
And how do you know that? Even she don't remember. Also all four witnesses she provided. Said it never happened.
mindful said:
Is it just a coincidence that ALL of the accusers are leftists?
Great point, and always overlooked in these set up's. Not only that, but going back and connecting all the dots or tag lines from the alledged victim to all the leftist that want Trumps head on a silver platter.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
Dear idiot, the child did not have a license, car or car keys. She rode home with boyfriend from swim practice at her fathers country club. He stopped by his brothers house (where Kavanaugh attacked) on his way taking her home.
And how do you know that? Even she don't remember. Also all four witnesses she provided. Said it never happened.
Funny how they are trying so hard to just ignore that part of it.
Clinton never "raped" anyone. Like Trump, harassment is a totally different level.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't!

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.
Broaddrick willingly walked into Clinton's room & walked out. 2 men did not take her by force. I love watching Repubtards defend violent abducting rapist who tried to suffocate their victim.
View attachment 219397
Ahhh you know it was just a right wing conspiracy to destroy her husband. Those women don't mean squat to the Demon-crats. Never did and never will.
If you're watching the talk shows this morning a new track is being laid. Libtards are abandoning the FBI track and jumping on the "Kavanaugh temperament" track. Too angry to be a judge. Hillarious.
Kavanaugh perjured himself, showed contempt for senators, became unhinged spewing lies & conspiracy theories about the Clinton's
The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.

There is also zero fucking evidence that Kavanaugh had /any/ inclination to overturn it. In fact, he pretty much stated that it was precedence /repeatedly/.

But you folks don't care, frankly, because you're too stupid and uninformed to even know what you're protesting about.

That's what I just told you. But throughout the 2016 campaign Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindhal, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, & Scott Walker were all beating the abortion drum and campaigning on who they were going to appoint as SCOTUS nominees. You were roped a doped.

Trump even stated there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions.
In Context: Transcript of Donald Trump on punishing women for abortion


So don't come on here and act dumfounded as to why women have a foul opinon of the Republican party. For those of you that are confused trying reading, and redirect to these 2 posts on this thread by clicking these links.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
Are you saying women are stupid?

the poster that you responded to just confirmed that the entire Kavanaugh fiasco is about abortion. I do not understand why abortion at will is the most important issue on the democrat platform. Why is killing unborn humans the top issue with dems and libs? can anyone tell me?

No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

nice copy/paste of cartoons, but wrong on all counts. Even if Roe were reversed by the SC that would just kick it back to the individual states. That is the real fear of the libs and dems, that the people could actually decide for themselves in each state.

But tell me, why is abortion the most important issue to dems and libs? With all the other problems in the world and the country, why is abortion the end all issue with you? Why are you obsessed with killing unborn children? But to take that obsession to its logical end, why not allow infanticide up to 2 years of age? If the kid becomes an inconvenience or a burden, why not let the mother just kill him or her? Seriously, what is different about a month before birth and two years after?
If you're watching the talk shows this morning a new track is being laid. Libtards are abandoning the FBI track and jumping on the "Kavanaugh temperament" track. Too angry to be a judge. Hillarious.
Kavanaugh perjured himself, showed contempt for senators, became unhinged spewing lies & conspiracy theories about the Clinton's

what did he lie about? I think the FBI may find that Ford perjured herself. This investigation may not yield what you hope for.
the poster that you responded to just confirmed that the entire Kavanaugh fiasco is about abortion. I do not understand why abortion at will is the most important issue on the democrat platform. Why is killing unborn humans the top issue with dems and libs? can anyone tell me?

No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Abortion is one of the abominations of the 21st century, but somehow Demon-crats have managed to somehow normalize the practice, and they have even taken it from emergency situations to using it as a means of contraception. The 3 pronged brainwashing in this nation has really been a sad situation in this nation for sure.

You can stop people from using abortion as a means of contraception by not having an abortion when you get pregnant. Set the example and if other women choose to follow your lead then you will have done something.

My (female) wife hasn't been able to get me pregnant, are you one of those crazed idiots that thinks a man can get pregnant ?? LOL

You post like a woman. If youre a man then its none of your business what women decide to abort or not abort. You have no frame of reference or skin in the game.

the murder of unborn human beings is the business of everyone, male or female. The victims of abortion are predominately black and Hispanic children, I thought you libs cared about minorities. The founder of PP promoted abortion in minorities since she considered black "human weeds", but she is the idol of the left, amazing.
No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Abortion is one of the abominations of the 21st century, but somehow Demon-crats have managed to somehow normalize the practice, and they have even taken it from emergency situations to using it as a means of contraception. The 3 pronged brainwashing in this nation has really been a sad situation in this nation for sure.

You can stop people from using abortion as a means of contraception by not having an abortion when you get pregnant. Set the example and if other women choose to follow your lead then you will have done something.

My (female) wife hasn't been able to get me pregnant, are you one of those crazed idiots that thinks a man can get pregnant ?? LOL

You post like a woman. If youre a man then its none of your business what women decide to abort or not abort. You have no frame of reference or skin in the game.

the murder of unborn human beings is the business of everyone, male or female. The victims of abortion are predominately black and Hispanic children, I thought you libs cared about minorities. The founder of PP promoted abortion in minorities since she considered black "human weeds", but she is the idol of the left, amazing.

Funny how stuff like this is ignored and swept under the rug nice and neatly. Something like this (one would think), would make every black person in America to take a huge step back, and to re-evaluate their loyalties to a party that promotes and supports such a thing.
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?

One would presume that she unlocked the door while the boys were wrestling on the floor.

Of course, one has to then question the idea that Kavanaugh was actually trying to rape her at all, considering that wrestling with his buddy was apparently more important than her disappearance. Allegedly after she locked herself in the bathroom, the two drunken boys turned down the radio and went downstairs - completely uninterested in where their "sexual target" had gotten off to.

Or if she was going to tell everyone at the party what had just happened.
Abortion is one of the abominations of the 21st century, but somehow Demon-crats have managed to somehow normalize the practice, and they have even taken it from emergency situations to using it as a means of contraception. The 3 pronged brainwashing in this nation has really been a sad situation in this nation for sure.
You can stop people from using abortion as a means of contraception by not having an abortion when you get pregnant. Set the example and if other women choose to follow your lead then you will have done something.
My (female) wife hasn't been able to get me pregnant, are you one of those crazed idiots that thinks a man can get pregnant ?? LOL
You post like a woman. If youre a man then its none of your business what women decide to abort or not abort. You have no frame of reference or skin in the game.

the murder of unborn human beings is the business of everyone, male or female. The victims of abortion are predominately black and Hispanic children, I thought you libs cared about minorities. The founder of PP promoted abortion in minorities since she considered black "human weeds", but she is the idol of the left, amazing.
Funny how stuff like this is ignored and swept under the rug nice and neatly. Something like this (one would think), would make every black person in America to take a huge step back, and to re-evaluate their loyalties to a party that promotes and supports such a thing.

if only the media told the truth, if only our schools told the truth, If only-------------------------------------------------------
Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.
A 2 question lie detector test, where she knew the questions in advance. Set up by her LEGAL TEAM in August.....she said in sworn testimony she didnt know who paid for it!....yeah, can I sell you a bridge? witnesses. No idea where she was, supposedly ran out of house but DOESN'T KNOW HOW SHE GOT HOME?????....LYING BULLSHIT, AND THEN WE GET SOCIALIST SCUMBAGS THAT KNOW THIS (EVEN YOU SUBVERSIVES ARE SMART ENOUGH TO REALIZE IT) BUT WANT TO RUN OUT THE CLOCK UNTIK THE NOV. ELECTION. HOPING THE DUMB PEOPLE OF AMERICA VOTE IN ENOUGH OF YOU FILTH TO CHANGE THE SC PICK!.....Yes, I shouting. You dishonest DemonRATS are PATHETIC!
You sound like an idiot. They never ask just 2 questions on a polygraph. They ask more control questions than that.
They only asked two questions. Please see the interview.
Are you serious, or that fucking demented...does the name Juanita Broaddrick ring a bell, how about an $850K settlement to Paul's Jones....DemonRATS HAVE A SUSPENSION OF REALITY!
Clinton never violently abducted, pinned either of those women to the bed, with hand over their mouth while forcefully trying to rip off their clothes to rape them.

Clinton never even grabbed their vagina as Trump admittedly did. That was horse play where the women were not violently shoved against their will into Clinton's room. They were free to leave. Clinton did not forcefully pin them down, hold hand over their mouth & nose, try to rip off their clothes or forcefully penetrate them. Yet Repubtards screamed bloody murder for over 30 years!!!

Now Repubtards try silencing rape victims & place for life a violent rapist in the highest court tn the country. Can't wait till the Repubtards force that suicide vote!!! It didn't work out well for the Catholic Church!
Not according to Juanita....she was there you weren't.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Business Insider

View attachment 219383
Jun 4, 2018 · Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick's nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas in 1978. ... Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it. ... He was not the least bit apologetic.

Oh by the way try reading some history that has been in the public view for 40 are so stupid you believe a woman that doesnt even know where she was, how she got there or how she got home. BTW any young woman of 15 always carried a purse with her keys, money and ID with her....what ever happened to the purse...she RAN out of the room to hide in the bathroom, NOTHING about a purse!....FBI should look into that....guaranteed, she doesn't remember!
Dear idiot, the child did not have a license, car or car keys. She rode home with boyfriend from swim practice at her fathers country club. He stopped by his brothers house (where Kavanaugh attacked) on his way taking her home.
And how do you know that? Even she don't remember. Also all four witnesses she provided. Said it never happened.

You know you're wasting your time? Snowflakes don't care about facts.

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