OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

If you're watching the talk shows this morning a new track is being laid. Libtards are abandoning the FBI track and jumping on the "Kavanaugh temperament" track. Too angry to be a judge. Hillarious.
Kavanaugh perjured himself, showed contempt for senators, became unhinged spewing lies & conspiracy theories about the Clinton's

Prove it!!!!
You and your SCUM bag tactics will cost you big time...
See you in November....
Your avatar is a friggin joke....
She is a RACIST moron just like her gay husband...

LMAO !! It is :)

November? can't wait !! Impeachment of that dumb ass is imminent :)
Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation
Washington Examiner ^

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.

THIS is what we must do to EVERYTHING the ABNORMALS do that we know is a lie!.....But first we must PURGE the FBI and the DOJ of the DemonRAT operatives!!!
You and your SCUM bag tactics will cost you big time...
See you in November....
Your avatar is a friggin joke....
She is a RACIST moron just like her gay husband...

LMAO !! It is :)

November? can't wait !! Impeachment of that dumb ass is imminent :)
And how do you know that? Even she don't remember. Also all four witnesses she provided. Said it never happened.
Funny how they are trying so hard to just ignore that part of it.

There's a big diff between never happened and.... I don't remember.

If course you would prefer that it 'never happened'... FBI might be on your side now ... or not lol
Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s raw, combative defense against a sexual assault allegation from decades ago may have saved his embattled nomination, but his angry, partisan words last week also may have damaged his ability to be seen as a fair justice on the nation’s highest court.(well shit, O for one, certainly hope so....RBGumsbleed has shown her true leftist colors dozens of times...bout time we get prepared for some bitch slapping LIBERAL KARMA!!!)

Kavanaugh said he wrote his statement, which he delivered Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, entirely on his own.

And unlike much of the nation, he said he did not watch the preceding, riveting testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, the California psychology professor who told the senators she was “100%” certain a teenage Kavanaugh had drunkenly attacked her when they were high school students in suburban Maryland in the early 1980s.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And how do you know that? Even she don't remember. Also all four witnesses she provided. Said it never happened.
Funny how they are trying so hard to just ignore that part of it.

There's a big diff between never happened and.... I don't remember.

If course you would prefer that it 'never happened'... FBI might be on your side now ... or not lol
They change their minds now after all of them gave signed affidavit's, and it becomes a felony, remember or not...Please let thstvhsppen, we need someone to be prosecuted for their lies, on thecABNORMALS side!
The Fords didn’t go to just a marriage counselor. Mr. Ford reported it was a psychotherapist. What a coincidence that there is a marriage psychotherapist living in their home - Dr. Sylvia Randall, PHD - Book an Appointment - Palo Alto, CA . Is widdle Crissy so messed up she needs a live-in psychotherapist?

I’m thinking, if she’s not just a hateful lib pussy hat wearing demonrat, but a truly troubled person that she has split personalities and we met cute widdle precocious 3 year old “pretty posing” Chrissy at the hearing. There is no way over decades of teaching college students they haven’t eaten up widdle “pretty posing” Professor Chrissy.

Adding to that theory is how she wrote the statement at the polygraph. That was not written by a 50-something year old grown adult college educated woman. It looked for all the world like chicken scratches and scribble outs by a 12 year old boy (personality #3). The signature was wrong, too. She goes by Christine or Chrissy but not “Christy”. The last name had the “e” completely left out of the last name. The other letters in the last name were legible and there was no swiggle or any indication there was a letter where the “e” should be. Sure, we all sign our names more sloppy as the years pass but that’s out of laziness. We do not write each letter but suddenly forget about one of those letters. We also sign important potentially legal papers with our full names and we make sure it isn’t lazy so it holds up. That signature wouldn’t pass a grade school six weeks test.
Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

The adrenaline is pumping you are in a fight or flight situation. With women it's always flight.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics
One has to remember things less than six weeks old. Loses any credibility
So senator Hiroshima now claims fbi investigation isn’t good enough. Fkn eh go figure
Her rage is at all the elite boys and men now that she has crossed over to the dark side.
A little girl's spiteful lie and its terrible consequences are at the heart of this gorgeous, resonant adaptation of Ian McEwan's 2001 bestseller. A tale of heartbreak set in the 1930s and '40s, it chronicles events set in motion when 13-year-old Briony (a terrific Saoirse Ronan) sees something she thinks she understands, but actually doesn't. Her misinterpretation, born of a mix of naivete and class stereotyping, destroys two lives and profoundly warps a third.
Great point!

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