OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Who cares about Kavanaugh's drinking or alleged assaults. I care that he might be appointed to one of the highest offices in the land and acted like a spoiled little brat when interviewed. You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.

No, America wants more fucking stoned DemonRATS to lead this country into the next depression!
Oh, goodness. Christina Ford's ex-boyfriend says she helped her friend pass a polygraph test when she was going for an FBI or other State Department job, and he named names. Go here: Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm
Naughty, naughty, Demmie leadership. :boohoo:

Hope that ridiculous Fox News comes crashing down when the Trump house of cards blows up and finally faces the fat lady at the end.
Trump base lives in a parallel WTF universe lol. No words can describe the insanity/crap coming out of that out of control and weird propaganda machine.

Really guys... If the Dems are capable of such perverted actions they deserve to be sent to WTF universe hell. However... 5000+ lies, tax cheating, pussy-grabin, adultery, victim shaming, kkk/Putin/Kim love fest, etc... etc... points in another eventually fatal direction.

My arms are blue from pinching myself trying to escape from this parallel WTF universe. Stephen Hawking RIP.

There is no Trump house of cards, what you see is what you get. He was placed by Americans who knew we needed a wealth maven to restore the world market place so the free world doesn't fall apart since poverty is one of the leading causes for war. Few people who saw Christine Ford's Academy master performance could guess she was covering up for the DNC whirlpool spiral downward since all the DNC years of lying, fixing elections with multiple votes they solicited from their apparatchiks, busloads of foreign emigrants taken to DNC-controlled voting centers to be coached by volunteers who could speak English and point out who and what to vote for while voting.

Please stop pinching yourself. President Trump is doing serious problem-solving, and he will be successful. Every once in a while, you see him at his church worship services. That tells me that he is doing his best to make up for any personal mistakes he has made, and he's worshiping with Americans, never against us. He knows how to give and take, and he knows how to make his enemy into a trusted friend. In the market, he is making many middle-class investors wealthy. I'd recommend the DNC party bosses cut the crap and take part in this man who can and will make wise people wealthy--by wise, I mean wise share their wealth with down-and-out human beings.

Pray for Trump, and pray for Kavanaugh, both of whom will influence America for many years beyond their own lifespan. May our leaders bring us all good things, and may we learn to treasure each other as contributors to this country's heritage. >>>>>>>> :grouphug:

Time to hibernate for the day. Good night, all.
More so than a few beers by a judge!

As mentioned. Don't mind the drinking, it's his lack of self control at the hearings that would give me cause for concern if I was a US citizen.
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?
But, this analogy fails, when it is realized that nobody gives a shit what you think or what you accuse him of.
Ok, the same goes for you, pedophile!
See? Exactly. I don't give a shit, and neither does anyone else.
That's because unlike the judge You are less than dog shit, a SC judge is a big deal, whether your pea brain can cope with that or not!
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.
Your interpretation of a man under attack by a bunch of low intellect politicians and a group of mind dead zombie baby killers is far away from where NORMAL people see his remarks....I imagine that is why we call you on the left ABNORMALS....You have no honor, ethics, morals or courage...pathetic!
No, America wants more fucking stoned DemonRATS to lead this country into the next depression!

Yeah. Stoned Dems is a real cause for concern in 2018 America....

Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.

SO -- the only way OUT of this is to say the standards are LOWER for a POTUS than a SCt judge. Or for everyone to agree that youthful indiscretions do NOT make the person and stop being zealous hypocrites of the 1st Order.

It's all hypocritical bullshit. Criminalizing kids and college students for life for stuff you've probably done. In FACT -- NONE of that would prevent you from serving in the govt with the HIGHEST clearances available -- if you were honest about it.

That's why this is so ugly. No one's got any consistent moral ground to stand on here.

Stoned, beer guzzling, fighting POTUS NOT a concern? But "I like beer is"?? C'mon.. Get off my cloud.
No, America wants more fucking stoned DemonRATS to lead this country into the next depression!

Yeah. Stoned Dems is a real cause for concern in 2018 America....

Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.

SO -- the only way OUT of this is to say the standards are LOWER for a POTUS than a SCt judge. Or for everyone to agree that youthful indiscretions do NOT make the person and stop being zealous hypocrites of the 1st Order.

It's all hypocritical bullshit. Criminalizing kids and college students for life for stuff you've probably done. In FACT -- NONE of that would prevent you from serving in the govt with the HIGHEST clearances available -- if you were honest about it.

That's why this is so ugly. No one's got any consistent moral ground to stand on here.

Stoned, beer guzzling, fighting POTUS NOT a concern? But "I like beer is"?? C'mon.. Get off my cloud.

Sad that the debate has to be whose guy did what drugs and drank how much beer, whisky and so on. So now Blasey Ford has been utterly discredited. All this time wasted on tactical maneuvers to keep a guy off the SCOTUS based on some dumb ho’s lie. Sad thing is, it’s going to get worse.
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.
Your interpretation of a man under attack by a bunch of low intellect politicians and a group of mind dead zombie baby killers is far away from where NORMAL people see his remarks....I imagine that is why we call you on the left ABNORMALS....You have no honor, ethics, morals or courage...pathetic!
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Gotta agree. Rape is a nasty act of violence. I would expect any man, or woman to get alittle uppity after being called a gang rapist and a drunk infront of his wife, kids and three billion or so people.
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I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Not supposed to fight back. Dems expect all their targets to cave. It's an aggressive act to defend your reputation, but obviously not aggressive to pile on and pound an innocent person and his cred and his family into the ground with NO REMORSE or no apologies.

If the FBI report is NOT made public after 300 threads on USMB about this horrid saga, the Congress will be INCITING more confrontation between citizens for years to come.

Needs to be used publicly to correct the wrongs that were done here. And make sure Avennati and the Slime Squad don't get rewarded as Heroes of the Resistance.
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Not supposed to fight back. Dems expect all their targets to cave. It's an aggressive act to defend your reputation, but obviously not aggressive to pile on and pound an innocent person and his cred and his family into the ground with NO REMORSE or no apologies.

If the FBI report is NOT made public after 300 threads on USMB about this horrid saga, the Congress will be INCITING more confrontation between citizens for years to come.

Needs to be used publicly to correct the wrongs that were done here. And make sure Avennati and the Slime Squad don't get rewarded as Heroes of the Resistance.

Not only the family and such, but his colleagues and peers. Then, after he is seated, every decision he opines on that either side doesn’t like this whole thing will start all over again. Makes me wonder though, if the Democratic Party has the power, would it be crazy to think they may try and impeach him ?
Who cares about Kavanaugh's drinking or alleged assaults. I care that he might be appointed to one of the highest offices in the land and acted like a spoiled little brat when interviewed. You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.
Poor stonewalling DemonRats. Lost another round! But hey, it was ugly in between huh? Lot’s of bullshit drama!
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

Which of his rulings don't you like?
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.
What, you mean he didn't throw a screaming fit in front of the world, interspersed with blubbering, "poor me" fake crying and blaming partisan attacks for having to talk about it?

Thank you for accidentally bringing that important disctinction to the discussion.

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