OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford moved 3,000 miles to reinvent her life. It wasn’t far enough.

From The Washington Post article on Dr. Ford:

Ford’s inner circle was, “How do you say this? The pretty, popular girls,” explained Andrea Evers, a close friend. “It wasn’t like we were a bunch of vapid preppies, but God, we were preppy then.”

Weekends were spent shopping at the White Flint mall, flashing fake IDs at Georgetown’s Third Edition club — the drinking age was 18 then — or flocking to the house of whoever’s parents were out of town to drink six-packs of Hamm’s or Schaefer.
OK: The FBI has interviewed many people. It has been noted that Squi appears all over Kavanaugh's calendars. Squi is Chris Garrett and he has been interviewed by the FBI according to his lawyers. Christine Blasey Ford admitted at the hearing that Squi was her boyfriend. Some people seem to think that her issues are over this relationship. The Rhode Island Senator and the woman investigator questioned both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh on a July 1 party. As the calendars show, young Brett Kavanaugh spent a lot of time with Squi- Chris Garrett who was dating Chrissy. Yey the calendar shows that Brett and Squi were leaving for a trip together the next day. Is any of this important? Or did Christine Blasey know many personal details of Kavanaugh's life making her a perfect trojan horse for nasty Democrats?
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I. Did you expect the seventh to produce the magic felony you desperately desire? :eusa_doh:
Things continue to get messier and messier for Dr. Ford. Potential felony perjury and her attorneys are refusing to turn over evidence (which really makes one wonder).

Did Christine Blasey Ford lie to the Senate about polygraphs? See the evidence for yourself.

I hope they stretch that bitch’s hide and nail it to the wall. whats even better is how the libtards here have crawled back under their rocks. They were all had yet again by the DNC lies, lol. Maybe they can go back to Russia again?
What evidence?....It never took place withthe judge,...but I hear it was Chuchy Schumer who really did the dirty!

Kavanaugh Accuser Still Hasn’t Submitted Evidence of Sexual Assault Allegation: Grassley
The Epoch Times ^

Christine Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982, still hasn’t submitted material evidence supporting her claim, according to Senate Judiciary Committee head Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Ford’s allegation relies heavily on three components: a polygraph exam she took earlier this year, notes from a therapy session in 2012, and eyewitness testimony. She has been unable to obtain the latter as all of her named witnesses and people at the alleged party where the alleged assault happened have denied being at the party and/or witnessing the alleged crime.

That includes her longtime friend Leland Keyser, who definitively stated several days prior to Ford’s public testimony before the committee on Sept. 27 that she had never met Kavanaugh nor attended a party like the one Ford described. Keyser reaffirmed the statement on Sept. 29.

Grassley said in a letter sent to Ford’s attorneys that he wants them to send him the other two material evidence components, or the exam and therapist notes.

“Your continued withholding of material evidence despite multiple requests is unacceptable as the Senate exercises its constitutional responsibility of advice and consent for a judicial nomination. I urge you to comply promptly with my requests,” Grassley wrote in the Oct. 2 letter.

Therapist Notes

The only news agency that Ford has spoken to, the left-leaning Washington Post, stated that it was provided some of the therapist’s notes, but Ford said during the testimony that she wasn’t sure if she provided the notes to the Post or summarized them for a reporter.

According to the Post story, which first named Ford as the accuser, the therapist notes state several descriptions about the alleged assault that Ford has later claimed the therapist misunderstood, such as the number of people present.

“Your previous response to this request—that ‘[t]hese records contain private, highly sensitive information that is not necessary for the committee to assess the credibility of [Dr. Ford’s] testimony’—is not justified, based on the fact that this material has been presented as a key component supporting allegations made by your client, including the presentation to The Washington Post,” Grassley wrote to Ford’s lawyers.

Polygraph Exam

He also noted that he has not received any information pertaining to a polygraph exam conducted on Ford, including all audio or video recordings and all polygraph charts and other data.

“Dr. Ford cited the results of this polygraph examination to support her allegations. It’s unfair to rely on the results of a polygraph examination while withholding the materials necessary to assess the accuracy of the results,” Grassley wrote.

Grassley said he also wants any other information that was shared with a reporter or anyone else at a media organization, including a conversation with a Post reporter on WhatsApp.

“On the eve of our hearing, you provided a single screenshot of Dr. Ford’s WhatsApp correspondence with The Washington Post tip line. But Dr. Ford testified the next day that she had continued her conversation, ‘under the encrypted app,’ with a reporter. Your failure to provide the entirety of Dr. Ford’s correspondence with The Post again suggests a lack of candor,” according to Grassley.

In the letter, Grassley also noted that an ex-boyfriend of Ford’s has come forward to claim that Ford flew a number of times with him and never indicated a fear of tight spaces during the six years they were together, from 1992 to 1998.
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I. Did you expect the seventh to produce the magic felony you desperately desire? :eusa_doh:

Number 7 is focused on sexual misconduct and behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Should be pretty quick... actually the report is available tomorrow morning at 8AM

Did he lie under oath? Maybe yes.... maybe no ;)
What evidence?....It never took place withthe judge,...but I hear it was Chuchy Schumer who really did the dirty!

Kavanaugh Accuser Still Hasn’t Submitted Evidence of Sexual Assault Allegation: Grassley
The Epoch Times ^

Christine Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982, still hasn’t submitted material evidence supporting her claim, according to Senate Judiciary Committee head Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Ford’s allegation relies heavily on three components: a polygraph exam she took earlier this year, notes from a therapy session in 2012, and eyewitness testimony. She has been unable to obtain the latter as all of her named witnesses and people at the alleged party where the alleged assault happened have denied being at the party and/or witnessing the alleged crime.
Who cares about Kavanaugh's drinking or alleged assaults. I care that he might be appointed to one of the highest offices in the land and acted like a spoiled little brat when interviewed. You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.

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