OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The vote is on. The fate of Robert Freaking Packwood is something that Collins and Murkowski need to consider.

Packwood was just one of 2 Republican Judases that voted against Justice Thomas back in 1991.

The Dems turned against him in a heartbeat, running him out on a rail without hesitation just a few years later. What he was accused of doing was nothing compared to Ted Kennedy, but they showed no loyalty to Packwood for his vote.
Who cares about Kavanaugh's drinking or alleged assaults. I care that he might be appointed to one of the highest offices in the land and acted like a spoiled little brat when interviewed. You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.
What threats did Dr. Kavanaugh make, and to whom?

SHAM investigation! It was all a farce - a smokescreen!
Told you. They would have ripped Kav a new asshole under questioning.

I agree! Grassley demands? Really? Kavanaugh should be examined by a therapist. He clearly has mental issues.

Grassley Demands To See Christine Blasey Ford’s Therapy Notes

ford and kav have already been questioned by the judicial committee. the dems claimed that there were witnesses who would collaborate her story. the FBI looked for them and questioned them, they found nothing. Ford is a nutcase dem/lib liar who should be prosecuted for perjury and slander, and then locked up in the mental hospital where she belongs.
I hope the vote is a 50-50 tie and Pence gets to decide this. That would be fitting.
What evidence?....It never took place withthe judge,...but I hear it was Chuchy Schumer who really did the dirty!

Kavanaugh Accuser Still Hasn’t Submitted Evidence of Sexual Assault Allegation: Grassley
The Epoch Times ^

Christine Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982, still hasn’t submitted material evidence supporting her claim, according to Senate Judiciary Committee head Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Ford’s allegation relies heavily on three components: a polygraph exam she took earlier this year, notes from a therapy session in 2012, and eyewitness testimony. She has been unable to obtain the latter as all of her named witnesses and people at the alleged party where the alleged assault happened have denied being at the party and/or witnessing the alleged crime.
when one doesn't respect our laws. this is what happens. sorry day in america when under oath means poop poo
Who cares about Kavanaugh's drinking or alleged assaults. I care that he might be appointed to one of the highest offices in the land and acted like a spoiled little brat when interviewed. You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.
who cares what you think instead.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I.
Dennis Hastert cleared background checks, too.
So I ask again...what is a seventh background check going to uncover? This is immature nonsense from a bunch of tools who can't accept they had their asses handed to them in the election by President Trump. your hero Barack Obama said, "elections have consequences". You gave the American people Hitlery Clinton. They gave you the middle finger. Just accept the fact that Brett Kavanaugh is your next Supreme Court Justice and move on with your miserable little life.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I.
Dennis Hastert cleared background checks, too.
BTW, would you know if anyone would have a claim on you if you didn't know about it? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And then if there was something out there, when would you eventually learn about it?

Oh one more thing. If the fbi ran another background check, Eight, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: on kavanaugh, they still wouldn't find anything. Want to know why?
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I. Did you expect the seventh to produce the magic felony you desperately desire? :eusa_doh:

Number 7 is focused on sexual misconduct and behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Should be pretty quick... actually the report is available tomorrow morning at 8AM

Did he lie under oath? Maybe yes.... maybe no ;)
just curios genius, what would you ask him? Wouldn't you first have to find something to catch him in a lie?
You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.
The Aussie Idiot's post here reveals what the real issue is for the left. They thought they could delay the hearings long enough to the elections (which they think they are going to win) by making the most horrific false allegations imaginable. The problem is, much like Trump, instead of running from the left, this nominee has dug his heels in. Now the left is literally wetting themselves because they realize two things:

1. This is not a man who will back down to the progressive playbook

2. They pissed him off and made an enemy of him. See #1.

He's going to revel in sticking it to every left-wing administration across the land for the next 35 years and I'm going to laugh every time he does it. Watching you guys be forced to swallow the big pile of poo you created by violating every single basic premise of the U.S. Constitution is the ultimate entertainment. You guys love to abuse your power. You live for it. Until you no longer have that power. Then you pee down your own legs and fall to the ground wailing. Sorry should have listened to us small government conservatives. You wanted big government wielding unlimited authority? You got it! Long live Justice Kavanaugh!

(And just think...Ruth Bader Ginsburg is certain to die very soon! Trump will get THREE Supreme Court Justice appointments!!!)
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I. Did you expect the seventh to produce the magic felony you desperately desire? :eusa_doh:

Number 7 is focused on sexual misconduct and behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Should be pretty quick... actually the report is available tomorrow morning at 8AM

Did he lie under oath? Maybe yes.... maybe no ;)
That wasn't found under the first six. Sorry. :dunno:
'Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is reuniting the Right
Brett Kavanaugh is no longer a mere Supreme Court nominee. His name is now a veritable conservative cause — one that has united the right for the first time since the 2016 primary sent Republicans quarreling over Trump and Never Trump.... Whatever the outcome of the immediate contest, it’s increasingly clear that Democrats and the media establishment made an enormous miscalculation by waging total war against Kavanaugh and his family.... Liberals set out to cast the federal judge — amiable, well-credentialed, mildly conservative — as a demon. In the process, they have reminded GOP voters and all but the most stubborn Never Trump intellectuals that there are worse things than Donald Trump’s outbursts and the ineptitude of congressional Republicans..... The result of all this: Republicans are now more fired up about the November midterm elections than Democrats. NPR reported Wednesday: “In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were ‘very important.’ Now, that is down to 2 points, a statistical tie.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist (DSA) Democrats are about to be hoisted by their own petard. The entire cabal that orchestrated this mess need to be arrested for Sedition. This could be likened to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. A surprise attack, showing no mercy, and near ultimate destruction and loss of lives.
But, like Japanese Admiral Yamamoto reportedly said, We’ve only awakened a “sleeping giant”, the Conservatives are now gearing up to nuke them in November. You don’t keep prodding the Tiger, eventually he’ll get pissed, and eat you.
There is more at stake than the fate of one man. What’s truly at stake is the future of America. This is a fight conservatives cannot afford to lose. We must come together or we will hang separately. Everything we believe in, our Country, Freedom, Consitution, and our children's future is at stake.
GOP’s Grassley Says Nothing New in Kavanaugh Report
Democrats say FBI probe that was initiated a week ago wasn’t thorough

Siobhan Hughes, The Wall Street Journal
  • WASHINGTON—As Senators began reviewing a highly anticipated FBI report on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the White House said it found no corroboration of the sexual-misconduct allegations against him after examining the results, according to people familiar with the matter.

    Pivotal senators could draw different conclusions than the White House, but either way, the Senate will decide by this weekend whether or not to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, as the repercussions are set to spill out into the streets of Washington and beyond.

    The FBI report’s completion has set in motion a rapid-fire sequence of events, as a nomination fight that began three months ago and was slowed by partisan battling could be over by Saturday.

    The FBI findings arrived at the U.S. Capitol overnight, Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) said early Thursday morning. Mr. Grassley and his aides were to review the report first, followed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) and members of her staff, according to a Senate Republican aide.

    Republicans and Democrats would then take turns reviewing the report, Mr. Grassley said. The documents are available only in a secure location to reduce the chance that confidential information would be disclosed.

    After being briefed on it, Mr. Grassley said investigators had found nothing to corroborate the accusations. “There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know,” Mr. Grassley said. “This investigation found no hint of misconduct.”

    Mr. Grassley said the FBI didn’t find third parties who could attest to the allegations of misconduct, and unearthed no contemporaneous evidence.

    A senior White House official said Thursday morning that having reviewed the FBI report, the “The White House feels very confident in Kavanaugh and stands behind him.”

Thursday, Oct 4, 2018



The Senate will convene at 11:00 AM. Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Cal. #1127, Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity
The hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats in display once again
So let’s talk about PizzaGate. No, I’m not saying there’s any credibility in that absurd conspiracy theory. But what I am saying is that if Democrats and liberals are really serious about believing every allegation of sexual assault, then the FBI needs to drag Hillary Clinton and John Podesta (and pretty much every Democrat) into a dark room and interrogate them under harsh overhead lighting. And the video of those interrogations should be recorded and published online for my unending amusement.
If Dumbocrats believe EVERY allegation should be taken seriously and investigated to the fullest extent, it's time to issue subpoenas to Hitlery Clinton, John Pedophile, I mean, Podesta, and company!

Commentary: If Dems are serious about believing sex allegations, then let’s look at PizzaGate again
Chuckie just said that Ford is more credible than kavanaugh. Ha.... ford has many holes in her story, she has given 2,3 and sometimes 4 renditions of the story. None of her witnesses can cooroborate her stories. She can’t remember many many details of that night. Her boyfriend destroyed her reasons for being afraid of flying and why she needed two doors, btw,?i heard the two door thing happened in 2008 but her marriage counseling was in 2012. Wow if that is the basis for chucks belief that ford has any credibility then he truly is a fool. On the other hand, kavanaugh admitted to liking beer, had a comprehensive calendar of events of that summer which showed everything he did, went through 7 fbi checks showing no issues, hundreds of character letters from women from all times of his life, fords witnesses corroborate his story. Good lord, only the far left won’t admit it’s all about delay! Come November the vast majority of the dem party will have choices to be made. I won’t be surprised if dem turnout will be low and the majority of them will vote moderately and with the past months antics in mind.

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