OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.
They’ll be out there trying to unhinge the already unhinged
When the Braying Democrat Jackass Cries Wolf One Too Many Times

When the Braying Democrat Jackass Cries Wolf One Too Many Times
Thank you, Christine Blasey Ford. The uncorroborated scandal in which you played the leading role, the one meant to take down Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, backfired and is taking down the Democrat Party instead.... It’s never prudent to run away and join the circus even when it’s the likes of Democrat trusty Dianne Feinstein waving the carrot under the donkey’s nose.... At day’s end It’s not Dr. Christine Ford who will be longest remembered by the public masses but the Democrats, who in their hate-fueled mission to take down President Donald Trump, through Kavanaugh, will be remembered for attempting to toss Rule of Law and Due Process out the window.... That’s because the Mothers who want to save their little boys from character assassination before they even get out of grade school vastly outnumber Hollywood stars and elected senators keeping the movement mobile.... Meanwhile, like the so many others under furious attack by the spittle-flecked prog-left, Brett Kavanaugh was only down, but never out.

As the mask continues to come off Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA, regular people are discovering the battle isn't Right vs Left, but Good vs Evil. The really sad thing about this is that an honorable man has had his reputation stained by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat operatives - false accusers. Obviously, Christine Blasey Ford is an academic type and most are atheist who believe their ancestors were monkeys. The one thing that we have to remember is that we can't reason with descendants of monkeys, and we can't expect monkey-men or monkey-women to have a conscience. Their primary concern is getting the apple regardless of the means used to get it.
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

I'm talking about if Kavanaugh is defeated this weekend.

Not if he's confirmed, in which case it will be just water under the bridge.

Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) .
“Why shouldn’t America see all the facts?” he asked.
earlier in the process Schumer:
"I strongly believe Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

I'm talking about if Kavanaugh is defeated this weekend.

Not if he's confirmed, in which case it will be just water under the bridge.

Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
I've never had any doubt that Kav was going to be a SC from the moment Drumpf said he was not going to pull the nomination. Repubs have the numbers and they controlled the scope of what the FBI could do.
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

I'm talking about if Kavanaugh is defeated this weekend.

Not if he's confirmed, in which case it will be just water under the bridge.

Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
I've never had any doubt that Kav was going to be a SC from the moment Drumpf said he was not going to pull the nomination. Repubs have the numbers and they controlled the scope of what the FBI could do.

Republicans only have the numbers because the Left doesn't have a case. The people can see through bullshit. There are enough soft brained marginal Republicans like Flake and Collins that hate their President enough to be mavericks.

Right now, the Democrats need to really pray to Almighty God that all the GOP'ers stick together. Because if Kav were to lose, it will kill the candidacies of ultraliberal Manchin and Donnelly.
time to turn on the tv and get off the usmb

The Senate will convene at 11:00 AM. Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Cal. #1127, Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

I'm talking about if Kavanaugh is defeated this weekend.

Not if he's confirmed, in which case it will be just water under the bridge.

Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
I've never had any doubt that Kav was going to be a SC from the moment Drumpf said he was not going to pull the nomination. Repubs have the numbers and they controlled the scope of what the FBI could do.

Republicans only have the numbers because the Left doesn't have a case. The people can see through bullshit. There are enough soft brained marginal Republicans like Flake and Collins that hate their President enough to be mavericks.

Right now, the Democrats need to really pray to Almighty God that all the GOP'ers stick together. Because if Kav were to lose, it will kill the candidacies of ultraliberal Manchin and Donnelly.
Nope. Repubs have the numbers because thats who controls the senate.

I think you are going to be unpleasantly surprised come Nov regardless.
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI.
Kavanaugh had already had something like 6 background checks by the F.B.I. Did you expect the seventh to produce the magic felony you desperately desire? :eusa_doh:

Number 7 is focused on sexual misconduct and behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Should be pretty quick... actually the report is available tomorrow morning at 8AM

Did he lie under oath? Maybe yes.... maybe no ;)

Are you a partisan dumbass? Am I really looking forward to your delusional hopes and dreams of SOMEHOW getting your way being crushed into your face?

That'd be a big 'YES' on both counts.
anyone will as long as people don't report it. kind of makes sense right? how can an agency find something that doesn't exist?
Contradicting yourself in a span of 3 sentences...that's quite a feat, but you often make it look very easy, professor.
I think you are an evil rapist, that picks on children with your friends to have sex with. .Difi!

Care to refute that?

Poor analogy. I'm not going for a spot on the USSC. Also, there is evidence in his own writing that he drank like a fish when he was at college. That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing. Mind you, in a world where Donald Trump is the POTUS this is not surprising.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Tell you the truth, I think this was a big turning point in public opinion, the Democrats trying to insist that his behavior was unacceptable and outrageous and egregious. There is not an HONEST person in this country who hears that and doesn't think, "If someone called ME a rapist, I'd be doing a hell of a lot worse than that."

As usual, the Democrats overplayed their hand with their eagerness to try to vilify literally every breath Kavanaugh draws.
Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
I've never had any doubt that Kav was going to be a SC from the moment Drumpf said he was not going to pull the nomination. Repubs have the numbers and they controlled the scope of what the FBI could do.

I'm hoping Kav gets nominated... The 'elections have consequences' will finally wake up a few dormant synaptic connections in liberal camps. Who knows, they might get out of their plastic croc slippers and decide that pulling babies out with clothe hangers in seedy basements after RoeVWade is reversed might not be a good idea.

When the only force left against the infiltration of 'church and gun' lobbies in government and pushing 'intelligent design' / anti-science initiatives are Dems... you've got serious adaptation issues as per the global village.

15 years ago he was...
assistant to the President (Bush)
White House Staff Secretary
and, nominated for the United States Court of Appeals.


You don't want pathetic cry babies sitting on the bench.
The Aussie Idiot's post here reveals what the real issue is for the left. They thought they could delay the hearings long enough to the elections (which they think they are going to win) by making the most horrific false allegations imaginable. The problem is, much like Trump, instead of running from the left, this nominee has dug his heels in. Now the left is literally wetting themselves because they realize two things:

1. This is not a man who will back down to the progressive playbook

2. They pissed him off and made an enemy of him. See #1.

He's going to revel in sticking it to every left-wing administration across the land for the next 35 years and I'm going to laugh every time he does it. Watching you guys be forced to swallow the big pile of poo you created by violating every single basic premise of the U.S. Constitution is the ultimate entertainment. You guys love to abuse your power. You live for it. Until you no longer have that power. Then you pee down your own legs and fall to the ground wailing. Sorry should have listened to us small government conservatives. You wanted big government wielding unlimited authority? You got it! Long live Justice Kavanaugh!

(And just think...Ruth Bader Ginsburg is certain to die very soon! Trump will get THREE Supreme Court Justice appointments!!!)

I hate to rain on your party, but I actually really doubt that Kavanaugh would use his seat on the Court that way. Not that I don't understand the temptation, but if there's one thing his professional record and his personal behavior through this ordeal has shown us, it's that he is both a professional who takes his responsibility to the law seriously and a Christian who takes his responsibility to God seriously. Any man who has raised his children to understand the tenet of praying for those who hurt you - which many Christians struggle with - understands the poisonous nature of resentment and hatred.

I will say, however, that the Democrats have pretty much screwed themselves out of ever being able to cozy up to him at Washington parties and whatnot and influencing his opinions toward their ends. I doubt very much, Christian or not, if he's ever going to give any of these asshats the time of day in the future.

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