OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I hate to rain on your party, but I actually really doubt that Kavanaugh would use his seat on the Court that way. Not that I don't understand the temptation, but if there's one thing his professional record and his personal behavior through this ordeal has shown us, it's that he is both a professional who takes his responsibility to the law seriously and a Christian who takes his responsibility to God seriously. Any man who has raised his children to understand the tenet of praying for those who hurt you - which many Christians struggle with - understands the poisonous nature of resentment and hatred.
I will say, however, that the Democrats have pretty much screwed themselves out of ever being able to cozy up to him at Washington parties and whatnot and influencing his opinions toward their ends. I doubt very much, Christian or not, if he's ever going to give any of these asshats the time of day in the future.

The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church. Founding fathers tried to build a constitution that respected religious beliefs but also tried to keep religion out of politics. In essence, the real fight here is God VS secular 'Merica ... you'd be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.

The opportunity offered by the 'electoral college' victory is short-lived and Mitch knows it. The bible-belt is pushing Jesus full-throttle.

Hallelujah Trump/Jesus freaks :)
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
Chuckie just said that Ford is more credible than kavanaugh. Ha.... ford has many holes in her story, she has given 2,3 and sometimes 4 renditions of the story. None of her witnesses can cooroborate her stories. She can’t remember many many details of that night. Her boyfriend destroyed her reasons for being afraid of flying and why she needed two doors, btw,?i heard the two door thing happened in 2008 but her marriage counseling was in 2012. Wow if that is the basis for chucks belief that ford has any credibility then he truly is a fool. On the other hand, kavanaugh admitted to liking beer, had a comprehensive calendar of events of that summer which showed everything he did, went through 7 fbi checks showing no issues, hundreds of character letters from women from all times of his life, fords witnesses corroborate his story. Good lord, only the far left won’t admit it’s all about delay! Come November the vast majority of the dem party will have choices to be made. I won’t be surprised if dem turnout will be low and the majority of them will vote moderately and with the past months antics in mind.

We all know that when Democrats say "credible", they mean "The person I am going to believe no matter what!"
The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church.

Actually, you have it half assed backwards.

The settlers came to America to escape the persecution of the church by the government.
They were seeking the right to practice their faith in peace, without interference from the government, not an atheistic dystopia.
That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.

If Flake is planning to change parties and run as a "D" for President in two years, a "no" vote could be a feather in his cap.
The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church.

Actually, you have it half assed backwards.

The settlers came to America to escape the persecution of the church by the government.
They were seeking the right to practice their faith in peace, without interference from the government, not an atheistic dystopia.
freedom of the individual was the goal of our FFs.
Maybe you're right, but I think that Heitkamp, Machin and Donnelly want to avoid a vote entirely.
I've never had any doubt that Kav was going to be a SC from the moment Drumpf said he was not going to pull the nomination. Repubs have the numbers and they controlled the scope of what the FBI could do.

I'm hoping Kav gets nominated... The 'elections have consequences' will finally wake up a few dormant synaptic connections in liberal camps. Who knows, they might get out of their plastic croc slippers and decide that pulling babies out with clothe hangers in seedy basements after RoeVWade is reversed might not be a good idea.

When the only force left against the infiltration of 'church and gun' lobbies in government and pushing 'intelligent design' / anti-science initiatives are Dems... you've got serious adaptation issues as per the global village.

He's already nominated, fathead. Try to keep up.

I'm really looking forward to you having to deal with the reality that your attempt to gin up leftists succeeded only in galvanizing your opposition and making the election harder for you.

Would that all leftists were as honest about their repugnance and hatred for anything normal and decent. There'd be a lot fewer rank-and-file voters fooled into tolerating the left if that were true.
I hate to rain on your party, but I actually really doubt that Kavanaugh would use his seat on the Court that way. Not that I don't understand the temptation, but if there's one thing his professional record and his personal behavior through this ordeal has shown us, it's that he is both a professional who takes his responsibility to the law seriously and a Christian who takes his responsibility to God seriously. Any man who has raised his children to understand the tenet of praying for those who hurt you - which many Christians struggle with - understands the poisonous nature of resentment and hatred.
I will say, however, that the Democrats have pretty much screwed themselves out of ever being able to cozy up to him at Washington parties and whatnot and influencing his opinions toward their ends. I doubt very much, Christian or not, if he's ever going to give any of these asshats the time of day in the future.

The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church. Founding fathers tried to build a constitution that respected religious beliefs but also tried to keep religion out of politics. In essence, the real fight here is God VS secular 'Merica ... you'd be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.

The opportunity offered by the 'electoral college' victory is short-lived and Mitch knows it. The bible-belt is pushing Jesus full-throttle.

Hallelujah Trump/Jesus freaks :)

Way to utterly misunderstand and misinterpret history in your lame attempt to appropriate it for yourself.

Just keep yammering about how America was built on a dislike of religion. That'll DEFINITELY play well in "flyover country". No, really. You should absolutely run with that.
That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.

If Flake is planning to change parties and run as a "D" for President in two years, a "no" vote could be a feather in his cap.

He's not planning to run any more at all, that I'm aware of. Word is he's probably going into lobbying.
The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church.
Actually, you have it half assed backwards.
The settlers came to America to escape the persecution of the church by the government.
They were seeking the right to practice their faith in peace, without interference from the government, not an atheistic dystopia.
Erm.... we all need to read up a bit. Maybe a bit more complex...

America's True History of Religious Tolerance | History | Smithsonian

From the earliest arrival of Europeans on America’s shores, religion has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress and even kill the foreign, the “heretic” and the “unbeliever”—including the “heathen” natives already here. Moreover, while it is true that the vast majority of early-generation Americans were Christian, the pitched battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, present an unavoidable contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a “Christian nation.”

So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
shit man, flake isn't a lame duck, he's a fking dead duck.
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
shit man, flake isn't a lame duck, he's a fking dead duck.

I frankly think, like any other employer, the people of a state should have the option to say, "No thanks, just go now" when an elected official declares he's going to retire at the end of his term. You can't really trust an employee to still be giving you his best effort when keeping his job is no longer a motivation.
So why didn’t Feinstein and chuckie take any questions? Their position is weak and a farce. Attack and delay. If those 5 senators don’t vote yes, they will be unemployed come Election Day. Of course snowflake is retiring but he won’t be allowed to forget.
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
shit man, flake isn't a lame duck, he's a fking dead duck.

I frankly think, like any other employer, the people of a state should have the option to say, "No thanks, just go now" when an elected official declares he's going to retire at the end of his term. You can't really trust an employee to still be giving you his best effort when keeping his job is no longer a motivation.
nor there is any incentive to do good for the constituents.
Way to utterly misunderstand and misinterpret history in your lame attempt to appropriate it for yourself.
Just keep yammering about how America was built on a dislike of religion. That'll DEFINITELY play well in "flyover country". No, really. You should absolutely run with that.

Congrats on your distortion effort. The idea is to keep religious shit out of government. Thanks for keeping your religious feelings at home ;)
Way to utterly misunderstand and misinterpret history in your lame attempt to appropriate it for yourself.
Just keep yammering about how America was built on a dislike of religion. That'll DEFINITELY play well in "flyover country". No, really. You should absolutely run with that.

Congrats on your distortion effort. The idea is to keep religious shit out of government. Thanks for keeping your religious feelings at home ;)
well actually it is about keeping government out of churches. but what the fk do you know?
Way to utterly misunderstand and misinterpret history in your lame attempt to appropriate it for yourself.
Just keep yammering about how America was built on a dislike of religion. That'll DEFINITELY play well in "flyover country". No, really. You should absolutely run with that.

Congrats on your distortion effort. The idea is to keep religious shit out of government. Thanks for keeping your religious feelings at home ;)
well actually it is about keeping government out of churches. but what the fk do you know?
Lobbying in the Shadows: Religious Interest Groups in the Legislative Process

The advent of the new religious institutionalism has brought the relationship between religion and the state to the fore once again. Yet, for all the talk of the appropriateness of religion–state interactions, scholars have yet to examine how it functions. This Article analyzes the critical, yet usually invisible, role of “religious interest groups”—lobby groups representing religious institutions or individuals—in shaping federal legislation. In recent years, religious interest groups have come to dominate political discourse. Groups such as Priests for Life, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and American Jewish Congress have entered the political fray to lobby for legislative change that is reflective of specific religious values. These religious interest groups collectively spend over $350 million every year attempting to entrench religious values into the law. These groups have become the primary mechanism for religious involvement in federal politics, but, surprisingly, the place and role of these groups has yet to be examined by legal scholars.
The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church.
Actually, you have it half assed backwards.
The settlers came to America to escape the persecution of the church by the government.
They were seeking the right to practice their faith in peace, without interference from the government, not an atheistic dystopia.
Erm.... we all need to read up a bit. Maybe a bit more complex...

America's True History of Religious Tolerance | History | Smithsonian

From the earliest arrival of Europeans on America’s shores, religion has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress and even kill the foreign, the “heretic” and the “unbeliever”—including the “heathen” natives already here. Moreover, while it is true that the vast majority of early-generation Americans were Christian, the pitched battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, present an unavoidable contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a “Christian nation.”

of course you are wrong on this as well. When the great Hernan Cortes came to Mexico and saw the people engaged in human sacrifice, he knew he had to help the victims of Aztec brutality.
The first settlers of 'Merica were escaping the oppression of the church.
Actually, you have it half assed backwards.
The settlers came to America to escape the persecution of the church by the government.
They were seeking the right to practice their faith in peace, without interference from the government, not an atheistic dystopia.
Erm.... we all need to read up a bit. Maybe a bit more complex...

America's True History of Religious Tolerance | History | Smithsonian

From the earliest arrival of Europeans on America’s shores, religion has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress and even kill the foreign, the “heretic” and the “unbeliever”—including the “heathen” natives already here. Moreover, while it is true that the vast majority of early-generation Americans were Christian, the pitched battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, present an unavoidable contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a “Christian nation.”

of course you are wrong on this as well. When the great Hernan Cortes came to Mexico and saw the people engaged in human sacrifice, he knew he had to help the victims of Aztec brutality.
How did he help them by killing more natives than they could have done by themselves in 3 generations?

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