OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

How many of them are being paid to protest? That pisses me off.
Zero, thanks for asking.

Apparently you have missed the stories in the papers about Democrat Rent a Mobs. This, BTW, is nothing new, they've been doing it for decades.

The hypocritical part is that the rioters get minimal wages, no benefits, no pension, no healthcare.

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events
Diane Feinstein, one of the chief supporters of the Kavanaugh accuser, seems to have a lot of associations that result in dirty tricks and private information exposure of her Republican colleague. A DNC intern for her and three other Democrats has been accused of the "doxxing" (which means illegally publishing personal information) of GOP Senators and their families. This seems to be part and parcel of Maxine Watters' minions harassing not only members of Congress, but staff of the White House harassment. It's scary, considering that it's so easy for the Democrats to provide information to people who harass their opposition.

The accused is Jackson Cosko, and his story of suspected criminal intent and the four offices who employed him is here: Accused doxxer of GOP senators allegedly threatened to publish their children’s health information

The American people should be angry about Congresscritters using all that information to expose social security numbers, home addresses, and having their supporters harass selected people not only in Congress, but also in the executive branch. Kavanaugh's family received death threats as did Juris Dr. Kavanaugh.

This is a terrible breakdown in America and should be stopped.
Oh, goodness. Christina Ford's ex-boyfriend says she helped her friend pass a polygraph test when she was going for an FBI or other State Department job, and he named names. Go here: Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm
Naughty, naughty, Demmie leadership. :boohoo:

Hope that ridiculous Fox News comes crashing down when the Trump house of cards blows up and finally faces the fat lady at the end.
Trump base lives in a parallel WTF universe lol. No words can describe the insanity/crap coming out of that out of control and weird propaganda machine.

Really guys... If the Dems are capable of such perverted actions they deserve to be sent to WTF universe hell. However... 5000+ lies, tax cheating, pussy-grabin, adultery, victim shaming, kkk/Putin/Kim love fest, etc... etc... points in another eventually fatal direction.

My arms are blue from pinching myself trying to escape from this parallel WTF universe. Stephen Hawking RIP.

So your losing on the Kavanaugh issue, and now it's back to Trump ? Typical and so transparent that Trump is the liberal default mode when the liberals get into deep trouble.
Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.

SO -- the only way OUT of this is to say the standards are LOWER for a POTUS than a SCt judge. Or for everyone to agree that youthful indiscretions do NOT make the person and stop being zealous hypocrites of the 1st Order.

It's all hypocritical bullshit. Criminalizing kids and college students for life for stuff you've probably done. In FACT -- NONE of that would prevent you from serving in the govt with the HIGHEST clearances available -- if you were honest about it.

That's why this is so ugly. No one's got any consistent moral ground to stand on here.

Stoned, beer guzzling, fighting POTUS NOT a concern? But "I like beer is"?? C'mon.. Get off my cloud.

Who is my dear leader? I have no idea who you are talking about.

You really need to read my posts before spouting off bullshit. In my first post - my very first post - I said I couldn't give a shit about Kavanaugh drinking beer or whatever. The Dems should concentrate on his judicial record and demeanour. Those alone should sink him. His beer drinking and sexual misconduct allegations are peripheral IMO with regard to his ability to do the job. He is not qualified on his temperament alone. I have a very liberal friend who is a lawyer and has met both John Roberts and Kennedy (I think it was Kennedy) and said that while they are both conservative voices on the USSC, both are very elegant, well-read and even-tempered men who give dignity to the office. Kavanaugh comes across as an entitled spoiled brat. Look at how Clarence Thomas handled himself in the Anita Hill case. I hardly remember him raising his voice. The beer is a red herring. It's him as a person that is the issue. All bad IMO.

The problem is, when you have a toe-rag like the piece of shit that calls himself the POTUS in office, it brings everybody's expectations down on other offices.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Brett Kavanaugh's track record

He ranted. And raved. Hillary's revenge?? Really? He is an embarrassment
I said I couldn't give a shit about Kavanaugh drinking beer or whatever. The Dems should concentrate on his judicial record and demeanour. Those alone should sink him. His beer drinking and sexual misconduct allegations are peripheral IMO with regard to his ability to do the job. .

The Democrats decided to crawl into the sewer in regards to this nomination, however.

They decided to stake their efforts to defeat the nomination based on the accusations from Ford, Swetnick, et al, and the accusations in regards to Rape Train parties, sexual assault, drinking and drug abuse.

And that is what he will be judged upon.

Any senator that votes against Judge Kavanaugh will be seen as accusing him of the vile felonies that he stands accused of. No one will believe its about his judicial temperament.

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Brett Kavanaugh's track record

He ranted. And raved. Hillary's revenge?? Really? He is an embarrassment

He ranted. And raved.

Thanks for the link. It mentioned neither rant nor rave. Try again?
The Democrat party

That's not the problem though. It's his judicial record

Problem with his judicial record? Link?

and acting like a spoiled brat with no dignity when at the hearing

When did he act with less than perfect decorum prior to this BS 36 year old fable that was used to slander him?

Brett Kavanaugh's track record

He ranted. And raved. Hillary's revenge?? Really? He is an embarrassment
He's qualified. He protects the liberty of the individual against oppressive big government.
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.
The Democrats decided to crawl into the sewer in regards to this nomination, however.

They decided to stake their efforts to defeat the nomination based on the accusations from Ford, Swetnick, et al, and the accusations in regards to Rape Train parties, sexual assault, drinking and drug abuse.

And that is what he will be judged upon.

Any senator that votes against Judge Kavanaugh will be seen as accusing him of the vile felonies that he stands accused of. No one will believe its about his judicial temperament.

I totally believe that he was a lecherous drunk when he was a teenager. I have no problem with that. It is the way of a lot of teens. I believe most of what Ford says. Should that disqualify him? Don't know. Did she consent? Didn't she? Who knows? I reiterate. They should have gone after his demeanour and record. This other stuff is too historic and gives him a free pass because it looks like partisan hackery.

However, he should never have mentioned Hillary hit job. That really kicks him in the nuts with regard to credibility. I mean, that borders on conspiracy theory whackadoodle land.

I agree with your last paragraph. More's the pity.
If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.

Nobody wants to do that to them. That's an urban legend.
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.

Nobody wants to do that to them. That's an urban legend.
There are users on this very forum that say with a straight face that women shouldnt vote. There are also conservative spokespeople that say the same thing.

Ann Coulter: Women Shouldn’t Have The Right To Vote (AUDIO)

“Well as you know, my position is women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter
By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.

Nobody wants to do that to them. That's an urban legend.
There are users on this very forum that say with a straight face that women shouldnt vote. There are also conservative spokespeople that say the same thing.

Ann Coulter: Women Shouldn’t Have The Right To Vote (AUDIO)

“Well as you know, my position is women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter

What office is she running for? And I wouldn't take anything seriously that people on here say.
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By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.

Nobody wants to do that to them. That's an urban legend.
There are users on this very forum that say with a straight face that women shouldnt vote. There are also conservative spokespeople that say the same thing.

Ann Coulter: Women Shouldn’t Have The Right To Vote (AUDIO)

“Well as you know, my position is women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter

She says that so morons like you will brown their drawers.

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