OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

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Thousands Of Protesters Rally In Final Push To 'Cancel Kavanaugh' | HuffPost
I will say once again, any GOP that votes no, loses all money for any other election cycle from the GOP!! fk them. these are really nasty people who live in DC. they have no common man sincerity

That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
shit man, flake isn't a lame duck, he's a fking dead duck.

I frankly think, like any other employer, the people of a state should have the option to say, "No thanks, just go now" when an elected official declares he's going to retire at the end of his term. You can't really trust an employee to still be giving you his best effort when keeping his job is no longer a motivation.
nor there is any incentive to do good for the constituents.

Well, admittedly, politicians kinda suck at acting in their constituents' interests anyway, but at least when they're running for re-election they're required to pay lip service to it. Flake, in my never-humble opinion, is blatantly using the Senate seat and authority that belong to the people of the State of Arizona 100% to benefit his own smarmy self, and it seriously pisses me off.
Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.
What, you mean he didn't throw a screaming fit in front of the world, interspersed with blubbering, "poor me" fake crying and blaming partisan attacks for having to talk about it?

Thank you for accidentally bringing that important disctinction to the discussion.

I'm sure you Dear violent fighting, stoned, beer guzzling Leader WOULD have cried if and sobbed if he was attacked by 1/2 the Congress, 80% of the media, for 2 weeks during his NOMINATION --- if Hillary had done it to him...
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
QUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 20921226, member: 14617"]
That's why Flake is such a problem. He's not running for re-election, and he's pretty clearly decided that the lack of any need to get votes has freed him from any obligation to his constituents.
yep, he said so on 60 minutes. funny he outed himself on national tv.
shit man, flake isn't a lame duck, he's a fking dead duck.

I frankly think, like any other employer, the people of a state should have the option to say, "No thanks, just go now" when an elected official declares he's going to retire at the end of his term. You can't really trust an employee to still be giving you his best effort when keeping his job is no longer a motivation.
nor there is any incentive to do good for the constituents.

Well, admittedly, politicians kinda suck at acting in their constituents' interests anyway, but at least when they're running for re-election they're required to pay lip service to it. Flake, in my never-humble opinion, is blatantly using the Senate seat and authority that belong to the people of the State of Arizona 100% to benefit his own smarmy self, and it seriously pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.

Would be one hell of a spokesman for a beer company!:113:

How about a beer named Thundering Kav Stout? I like it!
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.
I agree he was pathetic but I'd rather not have a liar on the SC that basically threatened the dem senators.

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Way to utterly misunderstand and misinterpret history in your lame attempt to appropriate it for yourself.
Just keep yammering about how America was built on a dislike of religion. That'll DEFINITELY play well in "flyover country". No, really. You should absolutely run with that.

Congrats on your distortion effort. The idea is to keep religious shit out of government. Thanks for keeping your religious feelings at home ;)
well actually it is about keeping government out of churches. but what the fk do you know?

It's about keeping EVERYONE out of churches, except the members of those churches.
I'm sure you Dear violent fighting, stoned, beer guzzling Leader WOULD have cried if and sobbed if he was attacked by 1/2 the Congress, 80% of the media, for 2 weeks during his NOMINATION --- if Hillary had done it to him...
That's adorable and all, but he was attacked mercilessly...and no, he did not throw a manbaby tantrum like your abortion fairy Kavanaugh. Kinda fell on your face, there.

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