OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

If you were a hardcore leftist senator running for reelection in West Virginia, North Dakota or Indiana, would you rather have Kavanaugh on the campaign trail with your opponent next week instead, reporting back to the electorate and letting them see that he isn't the Heavy Drinking Gang Banger that libs say shouldn't be on the court?
If I was a a hardcore leftist senator I would love to have Kav on the campaign trail with my opponent. That would be grounds for impeaching Kav if I am correct. I doubt SC justices are allowed to campaign for either party. Even if that isnt correct I would love to have Kav drive more women into voting for me.

By the same token, he would be a powerful force driving men to the polls on the campaign trail if he is denied on such flimsy grounds. He could be a strong force flipping red state democrat seats.
Thats fine with me. There are more women than men.

Getting more democrat votes for already safe blue seats doesn't really help you. Getting more Republican votes for democrat held seats in red states, however, helps everyone.
Pretty sure the women in red states are waking up to the realization they dont want to go back to being barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the kitchen stove.

Pretty sure they don't think that will happen if conservatives stay in control.

Pretty sure they don't want your morons in the left anywhere near them.....they'll be so poor that only being barefoot will be seen as a victory.
In Todays News


Thousands Of Protesters Rally In Final Push To 'Cancel Kavanaugh' | HuffPost

If your point is that we have a lot of stupid hateful deranged TDS afflicted Libtard Moon Bats in this country then we will agree with you.
Soros pays for front groups which pay for most of the TDS idiots who behave like retards at the anti-American mob scenes.

Here is an issue though. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., says he'll be attending his daughter's wedding on Saturday -- and not participating in the vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. WTF? They need to reschedule the vote then. Maybe Friday?

As Kavanaugh vote looms, GOP Sen. Daines says he's going to daughter's wedding
What was the dignified way to react to such scurrilous claims?

In an even-tempered manner. Like Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill fiasco.

But don't take my opinion. Take that of former conservative USSC judge John Stevens and even the man himself.

Retired US Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens says President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, does not belong on the high court, the Palm Beach Post has reported.

Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job.

Kavanaugh unqualified: ex-high court judge

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has said he “might have been too emotional” and “said a few things I should not have said” during last week's Senate hearing on sexual assault allegations against him.

Kavanaugh says he may have been too emotional at Senate hearing
In an even-tempered manner. Like Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill fiasco.

Justice Thomas wasn't accused of gang rape and serial rape, and being an angry drunk.

Thomas alleged offense was leaving a pubic hair on a coke can and being a fan of Long Dong Silver. Relative misdemeanors.
Actually, the Dear Leader has copped to downing a whole six pack an hour before class and how it affected his academics. Your Dear Leader also copped to getting into fights and doing more in the way of drugs than just weed.

SO -- the only way OUT of this is to say the standards are LOWER for a POTUS than a SCt judge. Or for everyone to agree that youthful indiscretions do NOT make the person and stop being zealous hypocrites of the 1st Order.

It's all hypocritical bullshit. Criminalizing kids and college students for life for stuff you've probably done. In FACT -- NONE of that would prevent you from serving in the govt with the HIGHEST clearances available -- if you were honest about it.

That's why this is so ugly. No one's got any consistent moral ground to stand on here.

Stoned, beer guzzling, fighting POTUS NOT a concern? But "I like beer is"?? C'mon.. Get off my cloud.

Who is my dear leader? I have no idea who you are talking about.

You really need to read my posts before spouting off bullshit. In my first post - my very first post - I said I couldn't give a shit about Kavanaugh drinking beer or whatever. The Dems should concentrate on his judicial record and demeanour. Those alone should sink him. His beer drinking and sexual misconduct allegations are peripheral IMO with regard to his ability to do the job. He is not qualified on his temperament alone. I have a very liberal friend who is a lawyer and has met both John Roberts and Kennedy (I think it was Kennedy) and said that while they are both conservative voices on the USSC, both are very elegant, well-read and even-tempered men who give dignity to the office. Kavanaugh comes across as an entitled spoiled brat. Look at how Clarence Thomas handled himself in the Anita Hill case. I hardly remember him raising his voice. The beer is a red herring. It's him as a person that is the issue. All bad IMO.

The problem is, when you have a toe-rag like the piece of shit that calls himself the POTUS in office, it brings everybody's expectations down on other offices.

Oh that's rich with arrogance right there. You melting?

There is ZERO chance that Kavanaugh melted at all for the 6 deep colonoscopies he's had in FBI checks for some of the highest clearances in the land. And NO evidence that he ever melted in the grueling vetting he got for his previous judicial appointments or the CURRENT bullying he got from this one.

It was only after the Dems ran out of ideas and time and started tossing WOMEN AS HAND GRENADES at him. 4 or 5 phony ass accusations in 10 days time that he got angry and EVEN with the evil and corrupt folks that set him up as a target for porn lawyers and random sketchy attackers.

YOU made him a victim. You used women as a political weapon. And your tribe is gonna pay it for it.

There's gonna be a LOT of "melting" on display.. But it won't be from Kavanaugh...

The beer guzzling, random fighting, drunk and stoned student was you Dear Leader. Obama just came right out and hand grenaded himself. And none of that mattered. None of that was EVER an issue for character, sobriety or temperment. A six pack an hour before class. If he was EVER grilled on those admissions during HIS nomination process, like Kavanaugh went thru, phony accusers and all, you'd see a recreation of the melting of the Wicked witch of the West.
What was the dignified way to react to such scurrilous claims?

In an even-tempered manner. Like Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill fiasco.

But don't take my opinion. Take that of former conservative USSC judge John Stevens and even the man himself.

Retired US Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens says President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, does not belong on the high court, the Palm Beach Post has reported.

Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job.

Kavanaugh unqualified: ex-high court judge

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has said he “might have been too emotional” and “said a few things I should not have said” during last week's Senate hearing on sexual assault allegations against him.

Kavanaugh says he may have been too emotional at Senate hearing

Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?
Oh that's rich with arrogance right there. You melting?

There is ZERO chance that Kavanaugh melted at all for the 6 deep colonoscopies he's had in FBI checks for some of the highest clearances in the land. And NO evidence that he ever melted in the grueling vetting he got for his previous judicial appointments or the CURRENT bullying he got from this one.

It was only after the Dems ran out of ideas and time and started tossing WOMEN AS HAND GRENADES at him. 4 or 5 phony ass accusations in 10 days time that he got angry and EVEN with the evil and corrupt folks that set him up as a target for porn lawyers and random sketchy attackers.

YOU made him a victim. You used women as a political weapon. And your tribe is gonna pay it for it.

There's gonna be a LOT of "melting" on display.. But it won't be from Kavanaugh...

The beer guzzling, random fighting, drunk and stoned student was you Dear Leader. Obama just came right out and hand grenaded himself. And none of that mattered. None of that was EVER an issue for character, sobriety or temperment. A six pack an hour before class. If he was EVER grilled on those admissions during HIS nomination process, like Kavanaugh went thru, phony accusers and all, you'd see a recreation of the melting of the Wicked witch of the West.

Didn't know that about Obama. And I never voted for him so he's not my leader.

I don't care what the women have said. It's his demeanour. And who cares how many allegations have been made, he should react more dignified. I can give you example after example from Dems and Republicans who have been fucked up the arse by partisan politics who haven't reacted like him.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.
Oh that's rich with arrogance right there. You melting?

There is ZERO chance that Kavanaugh melted at all for the 6 deep colonoscopies he's had in FBI checks for some of the highest clearances in the land. And NO evidence that he ever melted in the grueling vetting he got for his previous judicial appointments or the CURRENT bullying he got from this one.

It was only after the Dems ran out of ideas and time and started tossing WOMEN AS HAND GRENADES at him. 4 or 5 phony ass accusations in 10 days time that he got angry and EVEN with the evil and corrupt folks that set him up as a target for porn lawyers and random sketchy attackers.

YOU made him a victim. You used women as a political weapon. And your tribe is gonna pay it for it.

There's gonna be a LOT of "melting" on display.. But it won't be from Kavanaugh...

The beer guzzling, random fighting, drunk and stoned student was you Dear Leader. Obama just came right out and hand grenaded himself. And none of that mattered. None of that was EVER an issue for character, sobriety or temperment. A six pack an hour before class. If he was EVER grilled on those admissions during HIS nomination process, like Kavanaugh went thru, phony accusers and all, you'd see a recreation of the melting of the Wicked witch of the West.

Didn't know that about Obama. And I never voted for him so he's not my leader.

I don't care what the women have said. It's his demeanour. And who cares how many allegations have been made, he should react more dignified. I can give you example after example from Dems and Republicans who have been fucked up the arse by partisan politics who haven't reacted like him.

When would YOU break judicial demeanor? After how many Women Hand Grenades? After how many CARTOONS OF HIS DAUGHTER?

I've seen pissed off judges. Happens all the time USUALLY -- when somebody is TROLLING THEM and abusing the law and morality and ethics.

He's a victim. And now the Repubs have a victim to parade around. How low you want this devil's auction to go? He had more restraint than most everyone who's gonna be voting on his nomination on Saturday.

Why don't we put those 23 Senators in the SAME position and TEST THEM???
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary had nothing to do with anybody's political ideologies. It was about judicial temperament and obvious bias. Which has nothing to do with Lindsey Graham's rape fantasies.

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