OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

procedural vote Friday

full vote Saturday

We'll find out soon enough, I guess. Liberals demanded the FBI investigation, our President granted it and Kavanaugh came back clean as a hound's tooth.

We'll see if the Democrats actually read the report.
procedural vote Friday

full vote Saturday

We'll find out soon enough, I guess. Liberals demanded the FBI investigation, our President granted it and Kavanaugh came back clean as a hound's tooth.

We'll see if the Democrats actually read the report.

they dont care

the claim the fbi report is bogus now

Before McConnell agreed to doing a 7th FBI Investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, a lot of people said it was just a delaying move. This proves they were spot on.

My guess is that another allegation will come out this morning, and if that doesn't stop the vote, the Democrats have still someone else waiting in the wings to come forward tomorrow morning.
procedural vote Friday

full vote Saturday

We'll find out soon enough, I guess. Liberals demanded the FBI investigation, our President granted it and Kavanaugh came back clean as a hound's tooth.

We'll see if the Democrats actually read the report.

they dont care

the claim the fbi report is bogus now

Before McConnell agreed to doing a 7th FBI Investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, a lot of people said it was just a delaying move. This proves they were spot on.

My guess is that another allegation will come out this morning, and if that doesn't stop the vote, the Democrats have still someone else waiting in the wings to come forward tomorrow morning.

yes their methods have become predictable and expected

like the kid who has gotten away with temper tantrums for so long
'Keep It to Yourself'

O'Neill argued against victims of sexual abuse by high-profile individuals coming forward publicly, arguing that "I think there is more virtue in keeping the abuse as a firm part of your past, rather than offering it up to a scandal-hungry media and abuse-obsessed society that are desperate for more episodes of perversion to pore over".

Brendan O'Neill.
'Keep It to Yourself'

O'Neill argued against victims of sexual abuse by high-profile individuals coming forward publicly, arguing that "I think there is more virtue in keeping the abuse as a firm part of your past, rather than offering it up to a scandal-hungry media and abuse-obsessed society that are desperate for more episodes of perversion to pore over".

Brendan O'Neill.
Well, that's nauseating.
I have to say, I didn't get a chance to see the WH press corp take on recent events regarding the fictitious sexual assault of Judge Kavanaugh.

I have to say, I enjoyed ass kicking Sanders meted out to the Democrats propaganda division.

I think its time for the dems to Better Call Avenatti because this is getting real.



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He ranted. And raved.

Thanks for the link. It mentioned neither rant nor rave. Try again?

He has no dignity.

just curious, was he supposed to thank them, smile and offer good cheer for the death threats, ending his working life, destroying his personal life, slander, calling him a gang rapist and many other nasties? Is that what you really think should have happened? and oh BTW, he was part of the Clinton Impeachment, and therefore his reference to the Clinton's. Perhaps you should actually educate yourself before you write.
I have to say, I didn't get a chance to see the WH press corp take on recent events regarding the fictitious sexual assault of Judge Kavanaugh.

I have to say, I enjoyed ass kicking Sanders meted out to the Democrats propaganda division.

She's great.
Soros pays for front groups which pay for most of the TDS idiots who behave like retards at the anti-American mob scenes.

Here is an issue though. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., says he'll be attending his daughter's wedding on Saturday -- and not participating in the vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. WTF? They need to reschedule the vote then. Maybe Friday?

As Kavanaugh vote looms, GOP Sen. Daines says he's going to daughter's wedding
I heard they will postpone until Sunday so he can vote.
If Kavanaugh is confirmed without any Democrat votes, the D's are really screwed. Voters across the Fruited Plain will see how fragile the country is, and the fact that good men just won't get on the court if the D's win a majority. They will respond.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.
so what were his comments on RBG's comments on Trump? why can't you pukes ever have apples to apples scenarios to share?

When would YOU break judicial demeanor? After how many Women Hand Grenades? After how many CARTOONS OF HIS DAUGHTER?

I've seen pissed off judges. Happens all the time USUALLY -- when somebody is TROLLING THEM and abusing the law and morality and ethics.

He's a victim. And now the Repubs have a victim to parade around. How low you want this devil's auction to go? He had more restraint than most everyone who's gonna be voting on his nomination on Saturday.

Why don't we put those 23 Senators in the SAME position and TEST THEM???

He's not a victim of anything.
This whole shamoozle is just another example of how fucked the US system is.
so you're saying that all of that circus was normal in your eyes? is that really what you're saying?
procedural vote Friday

full vote Saturday

We'll find out soon enough, I guess. Liberals demanded the FBI investigation, our President granted it and Kavanaugh came back clean as a hound's tooth.

We'll see if the Democrats actually read the report.

they dont care

the claim the fbi report is bogus now
yep, they knew it would come back with nothing new. Delay, delay, delay. anything to delay.

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