OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the point.

Anger is a reasonable reaction for anyone who's been unjustly accused. Concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies about political parties and elections etc, is not.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the REAL point.

"Anger is reasonable, but not this time because EXCUSES!" You want to talk about "concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies" after the last few weeks? Really? You really have the bald-faced effrontery to be that hypocritical right in front of everyone?
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the point.

Anger is a reasonable reaction for anyone who's been unjustly accused. Concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies about political parties and elections etc, is not.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the REAL point.

"Anger is reasonable, but not this time because EXCUSES!" You want to talk about "concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies" after the last few weeks? Really? You really have the bald-faced effrontery to be that hypocritical right in front of everyone?

So again --- you have no answer.

This is getting boring. Way too easy.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary had nothing to do with anybody's political ideologies. It was about judicial temperament and obvious bias. Which has nothing to do with Lindsey Graham's rape fantasies.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary only matters to you because it confirms your biases.

The fact REMAINS ---- as clearly stated above twice --- that whatever his ideology is is irrelevant to his judgments about judicial temperament. That was true last night when I made the point, it's true right now, and if we revisit this point in an hour, a day, a week, a year --- it will still be true.

It's a simple one-dimensional point. If you have to add ingredients to it in order to challenge it, then you don't have an argument.

And don't even THINK about trying to point fingers about "rape fantasies" toward anyone else after this disgusting ordeal the left has dragged the nation through in its pursuit of personal power.

Quote where I've done that.

Yeah exactly.

The fact remains, as has been stated I don't know how many times over the years, that your judgement of what is and isn't relevant is utterly unrespected and unvalued, and will not be asserted as the reality we're all accepting. HIs ideology is not "irrelevant" simply because you want to say, "Ignore the fact that I like what he's saying".

And "where have I done that"? Try in the post I responded to.

Yeah. Exactly.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the point.

Anger is a reasonable reaction for anyone who's been unjustly accused. Concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies about political parties and elections etc, is not.
where was the shot fired from? I target from where the shot came from.

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…
According to the Wall Street Journal the FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford....
WASHINGTON – A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter.
Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.
[…] On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.

This came out late last night. Also keep in mind that this woman(Monica McLean) is the one that Ford is said to have coached taking a polygraph for her FBI job. This is a serious charge and must be immediately investigated. Pressuring someone to change their sworn testimony...So essentially McLean was recruited because of her past proximity to Kavanaugh, .. and Ford was recruited by Mclean. Bet she has some interesting texts. Wonder if her early retirement was planned?
Hmm...., McLean was dumb enough to send text messages? Thank God they don’t breed Leftists for brains.
FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford.... I'm not a lawyer, but the last I read, this is called 'Suborning Perjury'!
Now there is some question that it may have been McLean that was hooked up to Ford’s “polygraph”. Which is why Grassley wanted video. Notice that was a question Ford “couldn’t remember”.


WSJ: Ford ally pressured Keyser to change her story

WSJ: Ford ally pressured Keyser to change her story
As attorneys for Christine Ford Blasey demanded an FBI investigation over the last two weeks, the Wall Street Journal reports that her allies were pressuring one witness to change her story. Ford named Leland Keyser as one of four potential witnesses to the Washington Post, but once her name became public, Keyser issued a statement through her attorneys that she cannot recall ever being at a party with Brett Kavanaugh..... Almost immediately, a Ford friend began pressing her to modify her first statement — and that friend just happened to be a former FBI agent:... McLean’s name might be familiar to readers. Ford’s ex-boyfriend submitted a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee contradicting Ford’s testimony in the hearing. Ford had claimed that she “never” assisted anyone in preparing for a polygraph exam, but the ex-boyfriend recalled her providing such assistance to her roommate at the time — Monica McLean, who went into the FBI. McLean vehemently denied receiving any such assistance, and that line of inquiry went dead.

We need a deep investigation into Ford, McLean and the attorneys representing especially Ford. By her own testimony before the Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford has perjured herself too many times now. I get that we don’t want to treat her the way the Clintons treated alleged victims, but that doesn’t mean she should get away with witness tampering.

Subornation of perjury
In American law and in Scots law the subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading a person to commit perjury — the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, be it spoken or written. The term subornation of perjury further describes the circumstance wherein an attorney at law causes a client to lie under oath, or allows another party to lie under oath.​

However, no matter how damning the emerging evidence is, " It doesn’t seem likely that the DOJ will follow up on this, they and the White House would be better off letting this fade away, regardless of what happens to Kavanaugh. The last thing the administration needs is a narrative of wreaking revenge on Christine Ford and her allies, at least in the short run."
We've allowed these DSA snakes to slither without being called out for their criminal seditious activities. I think we're going to find out eventually that former FBI agent McLean and Ford conspired together and that they knowingly put forth a false story.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the point.

Anger is a reasonable reaction for anyone who's been unjustly accused. Concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies about political parties and elections etc, is not.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the REAL point.

"Anger is reasonable, but not this time because EXCUSES!" You want to talk about "concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies" after the last few weeks? Really? You really have the bald-faced effrontery to be that hypocritical right in front of everyone?

So again --- you have no answer.

This is getting boring. Way too easy.
answer to what? what is reasonable? tell us what would have been reasonable.

When would YOU break judicial demeanor? After how many Women Hand Grenades? After how many CARTOONS OF HIS DAUGHTER?

I've seen pissed off judges. Happens all the time USUALLY -- when somebody is TROLLING THEM and abusing the law and morality and ethics.

He's a victim. And now the Repubs have a victim to parade around. How low you want this devil's auction to go? He had more restraint than most everyone who's gonna be voting on his nomination on Saturday.

Why don't we put those 23 Senators in the SAME position and TEST THEM???

He's not a victim of anything.
This whole shamoozle is just another example of how fucked the US system is.

Of course he's a victim. The rabid left descended on him like the jackals they've become. The system is ONLY FUCKED because when the Demos are out of power, they have ZERO interest in governing and NOW won't recognize that "elections have consequences" and will DESTROY anything that does not go their way. Largest juvenile hissy fit in American history right now. They all got purple faces and snot running their noses they are so angry..

Now -- so there's NO chance of misunderstanding, lemme explain my position on our dying Republic. THIS IS NOT MY WAR. I want BOTH Brand Name parties to die a horrible death ASAP. And I've been actively working on that for about 25 years. Hardly ever voted Demo or Repub since I found out that James Carville and Mary Matalin were shacking up in cheap motels together while running the GHWBush/Clinton election campaign.

I'm working on easing ballot access restrictions. I'm writing position papers for a "Libertarian Candidate Wiki". And I'm currently active in a movement to get 6 or 8 TRUE INDEPENDENTS elected to Congress.

In fact, I have a magazine article pending on the absolute NEED to do that last thing quickly by 2020. You need to read the two OPENING quotes I used in that article to understand what "war" I'm in...

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

Want to know where the fucking of our Republic is coming from? We were warned about it 220 years ago... You can now imagine how the rest of my article goes.

Hope we understand each other.. I appreciate that you SEE the underlying problem. Whatchadoaboutit??
Making it worse by "voting for winners" is how we all got to be LOSERS....
Mother jones, oh boy. Its time to Better Call Avaneretti.​


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