OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

She had quite a few good points even tho she talked a lot:)
Still don't agree that Ford had anything happen to her, and especially with no cooberating evidence to back her stories up.

People I know seem to think that the "Go Fund Me Page was a way to pay her for what she did without it being back tracked in some kind of way. Hmmm.
She had quite a few good points even tho she talked a lot:)
Still don't agree that Ford had anything happen to her, and especially with no cooberating evidence to back her stories up.

People I know seem to think that the "Go Fund Me Page was a way to pay her for what she did without it being back tracked in some kind of way. Hmmm.
That makes good sense to me, but as a professor of psychology and her history as an anti-conservatives political activist, as long as Christine Ford plays the "I don't remember the details" sledgehammer for young women who have ever been date-raped, she will likely always have an audience from both sides of the political aisle. She may not fall into the category of "15 minutes of famers" because it is apparently easy to gain lifelong friendship of women and their families that have been victimized by this ordinary college-campus crime that relieves women of a sense of being righteous Christian women. Most of the women who are taken advantage of feel somewhat guilty for being attracted enough to the perpetrator of date rape, and then suffered the consequences. I don't think the Democrats realized that those who felt sorry for Christine's performance would be smart enough to know when a line was crossed just as quickly as they were taken in by the smarm of the entire staged calumny of Judge Kavanaugh. They thought it would stick just long enough for them to rid themselves of Judge Kavanaugh. What can I say but,

((((((((G-O-N-G)))))))) They were !!!!WRONG!!!!
(And Democrats just can't stand it after years of calling righties stupid and other references to the inferior beings that they think we are, and that they indoctrinate their army of DNC internet operatives.)
the Democrats tried to cohorse Kavanaugh into admitting he's a gang rapist. they failed miserably.
rape cases are very very difficult to prosecute. short of him confessing, they have nothing to go on.
By AP: Reno, NV, nolo tv
Posted: Sat 9:17 AM/ 12:17 PM ET, Oct 06, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate vote on confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is certain to be close, even if the outcome is no longer suspenseful. Enough senators have indicated they will support him Saturday to put him over the edge, with a likely margin of two votes. That's barring a last-minute change of mindReno, NV koloR
But will the vote match the closest in history?

The closest confirmation votes for a Supreme Court nominee were decided by a single vote. In 1881, Justice Stanley Matthews prevailed in a vote of 24-23. In 1861, nominee Jeremiah Black was defeated by a vote of 26-25.

Among current justices, the confirmation of Clarence Thomas in 1991 was the closest, with a vote of 52-48. Eleven Democrats voted for Thomas, while two Republicans opposed his confirmation.

The vice president can vote in the event of a Senate tie. That's never happened in a Supreme Court confirmation.
The Senate is ready to make Judge Kavanaugh a Supreme Court Justice.

3 p.m.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is giving his closing argument for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Anyone watching? VP Pence keeps requesting the SGT at arms get the screaming psychopaths the fuck out! :p

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