OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

What was the dignified way to react to such scurrilous claims?

In an even-tempered manner. Like Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill fiasco.

But don't take my opinion. Take that of former conservative USSC judge John Stevens and even the man himself.

Retired US Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens says President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, does not belong on the high court, the Palm Beach Post has reported.

Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job.

Kavanaugh unqualified: ex-high court judge

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has said he “might have been too emotional” and “said a few things I should not have said” during last week's Senate hearing on sexual assault allegations against him.

Kavanaugh says he may have been too emotional at Senate hearing

Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Anyone who wants to talk about the "temperament" of Judge Kavanaugh had better be prepared to explain, with a straight face, how calm and friendly THEY would have been with people calling them "gang rapist" in front of the entire world.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

1) I don't give a fuck what Stevens blathers out. He was and is a partisan hack, on top of being senile.

2) I don't believe for a second that Stevens would have smiled and been collegial if HE had been called a rapist in front of the whole world during HIS confirmation, and if he expects me to believe otherwise, he's a damned liar.

3) How one reacts to vicious, outrageous personal attacks has exactly jack and shit to do with how one behaves professionally when dealing with legal cases that aren't the slightest bit personal, and only a fucking dumbass and/or a lying partisan shitbag thinks otherwise.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary had nothing to do with anybody's political ideologies. It was about judicial temperament and obvious bias. Which has nothing to do with Lindsey Graham's rape fantasies.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary only matters to you because it confirms your biases. And don't even THINK about trying to point fingers about "rape fantasies" toward anyone else after this disgusting ordeal the left has dragged the nation through in its pursuit of personal power.
procedural vote Friday

full vote Saturday

We'll find out soon enough, I guess. Liberals demanded the FBI investigation, our President granted it and Kavanaugh came back clean as a hound's tooth.

We'll see if the Democrats actually read the report.

they dont care

the claim the fbi report is bogus now

Before McConnell agreed to doing a 7th FBI Investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, a lot of people said it was just a delaying move. This proves they were spot on.

My guess is that another allegation will come out this morning, and if that doesn't stop the vote, the Democrats have still someone else waiting in the wings to come forward tomorrow morning.

They're extremely bad at recognizing when NO ONE CARES ANYMORE.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

1) I don't give a fuck what Stevens blathers out. He was and is a partisan hack, on top of being senile.


Didn't look 'senile' to me. Senility isn't an automatic function of age you know.

2) I don't believe for a second that Stevens would have smiled and been collegial if HE had been called a rapist in front of the whole world during HIS confirmation, and if he expects me to believe otherwise, he's a damned liar.

Not only speculation but Irrelevant. His commentary wasn't about any of that.

3) How one reacts to vicious, outrageous personal attacks has exactly jack and shit to do with how one behaves professionally when dealing with legal cases that aren't the slightest bit personal, and only a fucking dumbass and/or a lying partisan shitbag thinks otherwise.

QED obviously. :rofl:
If Kavanaugh is confirmed without any Democrat votes, the D's are really screwed. Voters across the Fruited Plain will see how fragile the country is, and the fact that good men just won't get on the court if the D's win a majority. They will respond.

Looks like Joe Manchin is going to vote yes. We'll have to see.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

Judges are human beings, not robots. And that's a good thing. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about his temperament on the court if he DIDN'T react to this political sewage flood with some anger.

Again, another attempt to deflect from the point.

Anger is a reasonable reaction for anyone who's been unjustly accused. Concocting whole partisan paranoid fantasies about political parties and elections etc, is not.
Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary had nothing to do with anybody's political ideologies. It was about judicial temperament and obvious bias. Which has nothing to do with Lindsey Graham's rape fantasies.

The fact remains, Stevens' commentary only matters to you because it confirms your biases.

The fact REMAINS ---- as clearly stated above twice --- that whatever his ideology is is irrelevant to his judgments about judicial temperament. That was true last night when I made the point, it's true right now, and if we revisit this point in an hour, a day, a week, a year --- it will still be true.

It's a simple one-dimensional point. If you have to add ingredients to it in order to challenge it, then you don't have an argument.

And don't even THINK about trying to point fingers about "rape fantasies" toward anyone else after this disgusting ordeal the left has dragged the nation through in its pursuit of personal power.

Quote where I've done that.

Yeah exactly.

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…
According to the Wall Street Journal the FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford....
WASHINGTON – A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter.
Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.
[…] On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.

This came out late last night. Also keep in mind that this woman(Monica McLean) is the one that Ford is said to have coached taking a polygraph for her FBI job. This is a serious charge and must be immediately investigated. Pressuring someone to change their sworn testimony...So essentially McLean was recruited because of her past proximity to Kavanaugh, .. and Ford was recruited by Mclean. Bet she has some interesting texts. Wonder if her early retirement was planned?
Hmm...., McLean was dumb enough to send text messages? Thank God they don’t breed Leftists for brains.
FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford.... I'm not a lawyer, but the last I read, this is called 'Suborning Perjury'!
Now there is some question that it may have been McLean that was hooked up to Ford’s “polygraph”. Which is why Grassley wanted video. Notice that was a question Ford “couldn’t remember”.
Fox News is saying there could be enough votes for Kavanaugh to win. I think we got the best man for the job in Brett Kavanaugh who was falsely accused of an egregious crime in the eleventh hour, but the left got caught holding the false witness bag. I brought something for those who are disappointed.


Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

1) I don't give a fuck what Stevens blathers out. He was and is a partisan hack, on top of being senile.


Didn't look 'senile' to me. Senility isn't an automatic function of age you know.

2) I don't believe for a second that Stevens would have smiled and been collegial if HE had been called a rapist in front of the whole world during HIS confirmation, and if he expects me to believe otherwise, he's a damned liar.

Not only speculation but Irrelevant. His commentary wasn't about any of that.

3) How one reacts to vicious, outrageous personal attacks has exactly jack and shit to do with how one behaves professionally when dealing with legal cases that aren't the slightest bit personal, and only a fucking dumbass and/or a lying partisan shitbag thinks otherwise.

QED obviously. :rofl:

Do you recall me saying that you only think his commentary is wonderful and relevant because it confirms your biases? Because I certainly remember saying it. "He didn't look senile to me" is just another verse in the same song of, "Anyone who tells me what I want to hear is brilliant and perfect." Don't care, don't respect your opinion, don't respect you.

For the record, I thought Stevens was senile while he was on the bench. I doubt he's improved.
Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Justice Stevens was a long time member of the Leftard wing of the Supreme Court.

He was never a conservative, in fact he was nominated by ultra-moderate Jerry Ford.

Your parroted ideology talking points are irrelevant --- this isn't a question about politics. Stevens cited judicial temperament and bias. Prior to Kavanaugh's meltdown Stevens had judged Kavanaugh to be highly qualified, and the meltdown changed his mind. So, by the way did (at this point) twenty-four hundred law professors.

1) I don't give a fuck what Stevens blathers out. He was and is a partisan hack, on top of being senile.


Didn't look 'senile' to me. Senility isn't an automatic function of age you know.

2) I don't believe for a second that Stevens would have smiled and been collegial if HE had been called a rapist in front of the whole world during HIS confirmation, and if he expects me to believe otherwise, he's a damned liar.

Not only speculation but Irrelevant. His commentary wasn't about any of that.

3) How one reacts to vicious, outrageous personal attacks has exactly jack and shit to do with how one behaves professionally when dealing with legal cases that aren't the slightest bit personal, and only a fucking dumbass and/or a lying partisan shitbag thinks otherwise.

QED obviously. :rofl:

Do you recall me saying that you only think his commentary is wonderful and relevant because it confirms your biases? Because I certainly remember saying it. "He didn't look senile to me" is just another verse in the same song of, "Anyone who tells me what I want to hear is brilliant and perfect." Don't care, don't respect your opinion, don't respect you.

For the record, I thought Stevens was senile while he was on the bench. I doubt he's improved.

And I asked for your evidence of that, and you don't have any.

Which I pretty much know every time I ask anybody for evidence.

But while you're looking in vain for that evidence you can add where I called Stevens' comments "wonderful". Nomsane?

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