OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread


When would YOU break judicial demeanor? After how many Women Hand Grenades? After how many CARTOONS OF HIS DAUGHTER?

I've seen pissed off judges. Happens all the time USUALLY -- when somebody is TROLLING THEM and abusing the law and morality and ethics.

He's a victim. And now the Repubs have a victim to parade around. How low you want this devil's auction to go? He had more restraint than most everyone who's gonna be voting on his nomination on Saturday.

Why don't we put those 23 Senators in the SAME position and TEST THEM???

He's not a victim of anything.
This whole shamoozle is just another example of how fucked the US system is.

When would YOU break judicial demeanor? After how many Women Hand Grenades? After how many CARTOONS OF HIS DAUGHTER?

I've seen pissed off judges. Happens all the time USUALLY -- when somebody is TROLLING THEM and abusing the law and morality and ethics.

He's a victim. And now the Repubs have a victim to parade around. How low you want this devil's auction to go? He had more restraint than most everyone who's gonna be voting on his nomination on Saturday.

Why don't we put those 23 Senators in the SAME position and TEST THEM???

He's not a victim of anything.
This whole shamoozle is just another example of how fucked the US system is. fucked the Progressive Left in America is.

talk clearly.
I was responding to the doctor's remarks implying that Stevens was some kind of conservative.

As far as Kavanaugh's anger at being accused of Gang Rape, attempted rape and other felonies, I would be quite angry as well. Most innocent men would be.

He is a conservative. He has a history of conservatism. Just because he's not to the right of Atilla the Hun, doesn't mean he is not a conservative.

Oh, I don't think he's innocent of the groping etc. I'm pretty convinced he did it. However, on that particular piece, what it entailed is up for conjecture. Was it a drunken grope? If it did happen, did she say yes, then no? Who knows. It's a sideshow. Kavanaugh the person is all that matters. And as a person, who will be promoted to one of the highest positions in the land, he sucks donkey balls.
The Democrats decided to crawl into the sewer in regards to this nomination, however.

They decided to stake their efforts to defeat the nomination based on the accusations from Ford, Swetnick, et al, and the accusations in regards to Rape Train parties, sexual assault, drinking and drug abuse.

And that is what he will be judged upon.

Any senator that votes against Judge Kavanaugh will be seen as accusing him of the vile felonies that he stands accused of. No one will believe its about his judicial temperament.

I totally believe that he was a lecherous drunk when he was a teenager. I have no problem with that. It is the way of a lot of teens. I believe most of what Ford says. Should that disqualify him? Don't know. Did she consent? Didn't she? Who knows? I reiterate. They should have gone after his demeanour and record. This other stuff is too historic and gives him a free pass because it looks like partisan hackery.

However, he should never have mentioned Hillary hit job. That really kicks him in the nuts with regard to credibility. I mean, that borders on conspiracy theory whackadoodle land.

I agree with your last paragraph. More's the pity.
You believe Ford because you want to. Not one person corroborated her story.
Speaking to an audience of retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, Stevens, 98, said the federal court judge's performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested he lacked the temperament for the job

I'd expect a horse fellatist like Stevens to say something like that.
Maybe he'll stroke out when Trump replaces Ginsburg?

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you. Funny how you right-wingers always eat your own if they even dare deviate a little from your dogma.

Oh, suddenly he's not conservative enough for you.

Stevens was conservative? When?

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