OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?

The FBI is totally incompetent, see, to catch these things. They are, however, the utmost of competence in investigating NOW, hence the demands for the agency that missed all this to go dig it up now.
Well, a proforma investigation when there's no indication of misconduct--who do you interview? The school principal? The football coach? The family's minister? If they're not dead yet. So you talk to some classmates, but how do you know who to talk to? Are you really going to go to all the girls' schools in Maryland and start interviewing girls who might have been at a party with him? I doubt if Kavanaugh's male friends/classmates would tell the FBI about how he acted when he was drunk.

In the early 90s a couple moved next door to us. He was in the Air Force.

They lived there for several years.

He seemed creepy to me but we tried to become friends.

It was when I was out in my front yard tending my roses when I heard him beating his dog. Yelling at the dog and literally beating that poor thing, the dog crying in fear and pain.

I stopped trying to be friends with them at that point.

They ended up moving away but less than a year later a person from the FBI showed up at my door asking me questions about him. He had a new job in the Air Force and needed a new security clearance. I didn't say one word about him beating his dog. I just said I didn't know them much and they were quiet neighbors.

I've felt bad that I didn't tell him my experience but I figured it wasn't my place to prevent him from getting that job.

People don't tell everything they know to the FBI. I know because I'm one of them.

Let me float a concept for you.

YOU are not representative of "people" and what they do. YOU are a disgusting piece of garbage who not only doesn't know what the right and moral thing is to do, you don't even know there IS such a thing.

I for one no longer wish to hear another word from you on this or any other subject. If I want to be aware of the existence of your ilk, I will go to Louisiana and trawl the bottom of a swamp.

Dismissed. Get off my screen and out of my awareness.
Kav is trying his best to save his own ass by using the Drumpf excuse. "everyone is out to get me"

Not everybody, just the loons on the left. We logical people see this for what it is....a baseless allegation turned witch hunt.

Saaaaaay that sounds a lot like Mewler
See? Behind Kavanaugh’s right shoulder? The sleazy lawyer for the liar! Bald head beard and glasses!
Kavvy can't make up his mind. In one breath he says he's the victim of a political hit, in the next breath he complains that Ford's letter was leaked against her will. You can't have it both ways. Either Ford is a victim, or she's a co-conspirator. You can't use her alleged victim status as evidence for a conspiracy.
Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"


Her family did not back her.
Her friends did not back her.
Her 'witnesses' did not back her.

Kavanaugh is obviously 'GUILTY' and Ford was so 'believable' with all of that NON-evidence and those NON-witnesses. :p
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Where was Kavanaugh objections on the Clinton impeachment? You call it irrelevant. I call it highly appropriate. If I hit you in the face, would you, hitting me back be unjustified? I don't know for certain certain these accusations are true. I very much suspect they were. She has to be the best actress in the world to give that account she did during the hearing. You don't know for certain that they are untrue. Yet you are perfectly willing to assert that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve this. In the end can't you guys just pull this guys name and nominate someone equally dreadful?

he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?

Sorry about your wife. But she did it right away , not 30 plus years later.

She didn't do it right away.Took her four months to work up the courage. Took her more then a year to be not depressed. It makes me ashamed every day I don't drive up to his address and kill him. But my wife doesn't want me in jail. The point is dealing with sexual assault is hard. If you are a victim it's not at all as easy as simply reporting it. Trying to claim there's a right way is simply wrong. Trying to judge the truth of a claim on the time it took to speak about it, even more wrong.
His wife behind him is breaking my heart. She knows she's married to a good man and this is breaking her.

I hate the Democrats for this

She looks like she is pissed at Kavanaugh for dragging her thru this crap.
You know he is guilty when he drags his wife in as a human shield.

If Kavanaugh had any balls at all, he would have never dragged his wife into that hearing room. What an asshole.
Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"


Her family did not back her.
Her friends did not back her.
Her 'witnesses' did not back her.

Kavanaugh is obviously 'GUILTY' and Ford was so 'believable' with all of that NON-evidence and those NON-witnesses. :p
Republicans didn’t allow any of them to testify. Tell us you know that. Because if you didn’t know that it’s stupid.
His wife behind him is breaking my heart. She knows she's married to a good man and this is breaking her.

I hate the Democrats for this

She looks like she is pissed at Kavanaugh for dragging her thru this crap.
You know he is guilty when he drags his wife in as a human shield.

If Kavanaugh had any balls at all, he would have never dragged his wife into that hearing room. What an asshole.

I doubt he dragged anyone in. She is a brave woman PERIOD!
He’s losing it.
He’s crying.
He’s taking deep breath’s.
No one believes it.

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