OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?

The FBI is totally incompetent, see, to catch these things. They are, however, the utmost of competence in investigating NOW, hence the demands for the agency that missed all this to go dig it up now.
Well, a proforma investigation when there's no indication of misconduct--who do you interview? The school principal? The football coach? The family's minister? If they're not dead yet. So you talk to some classmates, but how do you know who to talk to? Are you really going to go to all the girls' schools in Maryland and start interviewing girls who might have been at a party with him? I doubt if Kavanaugh's male friends/classmates would tell the FBI about how he acted when he was drunk.

In the early 90s a couple moved next door to us. He was in the Air Force.

They lived there for several years.

He seemed creepy to me but we tried to become friends.

It was when I was out in my front yard tending my roses when I heard him beating his dog. Yelling at the dog and literally beating that poor thing, the dog crying in fear and pain.

I stopped trying to be friends with them at that point.

They ended up moving away but less than a year later a person from the FBI showed up at my door asking me questions about him. He had a new job in the Air Force and needed a new security clearance. I didn't say one word about him beating his dog. I just said I didn't know them much and they were quiet neighbors.

I've felt bad that I didn't tell him my experience but I figured it wasn't my place to prevent him from getting that job.

People don't tell everything they know to the FBI. I know because I'm one of them.
geesh...................I would have gone postal on his ass..........

You should have reported the abuse to the dog.

Seriously, how does this retarded, morally-stunted piece of offal not realize that anyone who beats his dog like that probably ALSO beats his wife and kids, and is potentially dangerous to other people? I mean, duuuuh.
Brett Kavanaugh, breaking out in tears, says his 10-year old wanted to pray for Dr. Ford recently during their evening prayers. "We mean no ill will."
'I am innocent of this charge'

boo hoo hoo.....
yeah right get the FBI on this. Only way to be sure ;)

Kavvy can't make up his mind. In one breath he says he's the victim of a political hit, in the next breath he complains that Ford's letter was leaked against her will. You can't have it both ways. Either Ford is a victim, or she's a co-conspirator. You can't use her alleged victim status as evidence for a conspiracy.

why not?

Both appear to be fact
He looks pissed to me.

This woman has dragged his life into her make believe.

I'd be pissed to.
There it is...he begins the waterworks.


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