OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

So let's get this straight...

* Brett "Chad" Kavanugh, despite of being 15 invites bunch of 20 year old chicks to a house party.
* They show up, so he naturally drugs them with Qualudes.
* In between drugging, he drinks excessively.
* Once they're passed out, he drags them to other room and violently rape them with his 15 year old virgin cock.
* He high five his boy on the way out cause the line is long and it's finally his turn.
* Next week, and week after that, and the following weeks, the same chicks come to his house party.
* He get away with it for 37 years until some brave woman with everything to lose comes forward and blows the lid of his operation.
* Out of all people (rapists and raped), the only name clearly remembered was Brett Chad Kavanaugh.

That is a good point. A whole bunch of rapists and the ONLY name anyone remembers is his? I don't buy it.

Well, and Mark Judge, obviously. But only because his name has been in the papers with Kavanaugh's.
Kav looks confused and shell shocked.

He's not confused, he's pissed and rightly so. If you were in such a situation, you'd be shell shocked too
Not me. I would have started screaming for the FBI investigation the minute the accusations came out if I was innocent.

Why? If you'd already went thru 6 FBI investigations and was cleared?
I'd want them to investigate her specific claims. The prior 6 had jack shit to do with these accusations.
He Be Mad!

He is putting shame on the filthy Democrats.

Good for him! He is just the kind of guy we need on the Supreme Court.

He will make the filthy Liberals pay for being assholes.
Oh crap. Its radical dems trying to destroy Cavenaughs life and his family. Funny how all this shit came out at the very end, after this process was all over and the Democrats couldnt find a way to stop him based on his work and his life, and despite having their crying banshees interfere in the proceedings.
What we are witnessing now is an all out assault from the left. This is why they wanted a delay... time to conjure up stories by their operatives.

If this particular story was true.... this woman saying she attended 10 rape parties? there would have been droves of women who knew this about Cavenaugh... this would have came up a long time ago. What crap.
The desperation of the political left is beyond pathetic now. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy his girls lives with these f'd up accusations just cause you dont want this guy to sit on the bench
How do you figure Kavanaught's life will be destroyed?

Describe what you think will happen to him, even if he's not granted the office he's up for.

Remember, he doesn't have a right to be a Supreme Court Judge.

He's been Federal Judge for 10 years or so, very top of his class in Yale.... by all accounts of people who have examined his work and writings, he is a great legal mind. It doesn't really jive that a person who has acheived that level spent his high school and college years going to drunken sex partys as accused ,because to get where he has it takes a great amount of discipline... if he really felt that way about women, he couldnt hide that in his everyday life, he would be a person without self control, he wouldn't be held in high regard by the women he works with and I suppose even the girls on the basketball team he coaches or their parents.

So someone comes out with the most horrible accusations at the last minute... it is their intention to destroy the guys life in the effort to keep control of the Supreme court. .. maybe thats a better way to put it. In the sense that he spent a life building his reputation.. and he also has daughters to think about and how all these accusations affect them. If the reputation you built in your life can be tainted forever because someone drags it through the mud with accusations you don't really know the effects of that until later. I think we can say from this point on his reputation has been tainted forever. People are already calling him a rapist without knowing details or giving him a chance to defend against accusation. How will that in the future affect his two daughters? who knows, I guess that remains to be seen. Will it affect, his wealth and general lifestyle I doubt it at all in that sense.

It is worth noting that NO accusation has come from after his school life. By all accounts, he's lived an exemplary life.

Well, he either came to Jesus, or this is all bullshit. Take yer pick.
Kavvy can't make up his mind. In one breath he says he's the victim of a political hit, in the next breath he complains that Ford's letter was leaked against her will. You can't have it both ways. Either Ford is a victim, or she's a co-conspirator. You can't use her alleged victim status as evidence for a conspiracy.

why not?

Both appear to be fact

It's called kettle logic.
His wife behind him is breaking my heart. She knows she's married to a good man and this is breaking her.

I hate the Democrats for this

She looks like she is pissed at Kavanaugh for dragging her thru this crap.
You know he is guilty when he drags his wife in as a human shield.

If Kavanaugh had any balls at all, he would have never dragged his wife into that hearing room. What an asshole.
He hasnt brought Jesus into his defence yet. Wont be long coming.
Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"

Biggest problem I have with Ford's account. Her friend will not back her up.
All liberal dopes emphatically believe the woman who just so happens to be accusing a white conservative, despite zero proof. No spooge on a blue a dress.

All rational thinkers know there is nothing but politics being pulled by the disgusting scumbags.

As predictable as rain, today's stupid waste of time solved nothing. It only works the overly emotional ignorant muppets of the democrat massas to be worked up into a frenzy.

That is all.

Do you hate liberals as much as me yet?
“It may not be our job to impose sanctions on him, but it is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear — piece by painful piece,” Kavanaugh has written during his time with Ken Starr. “Aren’t we failing to fulfill our duty to the American people if we willingly ‘conspire’ with the president in an effort to conceal the true nature of his acts?”

Isn't what is good for the goose is good for the gander?
Kav looks confused and shell shocked.

He's not confused, he's pissed and rightly so. If you were in such a situation, you'd be shell shocked too
Not me. I would have started screaming for the FBI investigation the minute the accusations came out if I was innocent.
I would have started screaming for the FBI investigation the minute the accusations came out if I was innocent.

I know right? That’s the only thing that makes sense.

Are both of you listening/watching right now? He's just laid out his professional career within the WH &/or government that included being investigated and vetted numerous times then

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