OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

If Brett Kavanaugh can be this angry on national TV, imagine what he's like when he gets drunk.
Republicans went after Monica Lewinsky. Remember she initiated the relationship she had with Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton never raped her. She was legally an adult in her mid-20s. The relationship was nobody’s business.She was raped by Republicans in Congress publicly, in front of the nation.

And this was one of the guys that did it.
He’s losing it.
He’s crying.
He’s taking deep breath’s.
No one believes it.

That's what real fathers do you jack ass. They cry when their kids do shit that make them so proud ~shrug~
Oh please

give it a break

You apparently don't have kids, nor have a decent father you've impressed.

If you were a parent, you'd understand. ~shrug~

Some of my best memories is the look of pride on our children's father's face
Kav looks confused and shell shocked.

He's not confused, he's pissed and rightly so. If you were in such a situation, you'd be shell shocked too
Not me. I would have started screaming for the FBI investigation the minute the accusations came out if I was innocent.

Why? If you'd already went thru 6 FBI investigations and was cleared?
Because nobody asked one question. The important question. Are you a rapist?

Who was raped?
Kav looks confused and shell shocked.

He's not confused, he's pissed and rightly so. If you were in such a situation, you'd be shell shocked too
Not me. I would have started screaming for the FBI investigation the minute the accusations came out if I was innocent.

Why? If you'd already went thru 6 FBI investigations and was cleared?
I'd want them to investigate her specific claims. The prior 6 had jack shit to do with these accusations.

Why/how is that the FBI's job? Why not at the local police?
Why? Because the FBI is the best investigative organization in the US. Its not called Federal Bureau of Investigation for nothing.

How is it the FBI's job? The same way it was their job to do the BG check.
His statement that his two friends who were allegedly at the party said there was no such party is a bit of a head scratcher.
This hearing hasn't changed anyone's mind. What ever side you were on going into todays circus, is the side you remain. The only thing different is that your stance is stronger and today confirmed your beliefs. I have always thought she was a lying sack, and for me, today only enhanced my opinion. There are others on here that are the exact opposite. It is the same people on either side.. The convictions have only gotten stronger.
Here comes the waterworks again....this time w/some spin on it.

For a judge, this guy sure seems to have problems holding in his emotions. Please excuse me if I don't think he is putting on a show. He's crying now about calendars.

He didn't show any emotion when he was keeping a pregnant immigrant from getting an abortion.
See? Behind Kavanaugh’s right shoulder? The sleazy lawyer for the liar! Bald head beard and glasses!
And next to him Alyssa Milano. She’s so pretty.

She's definitely cute....

and will probably need escorted out within an hour

What the hell is she doing there?

Good grief

anti-Trump, been molested herself.

She won't be able to keep quiet

Oh another #metoo one....sorry but I'm skeptical of any metoo claims at this point.
Ford was almost void of emotion and testified to essentially nothing
He is emotional and genuinely believable
This hearing hasn't changed anyone's mind. What ever side you were on going into todays circus, is the side you remain. The only thing different is that your stance is stronger and today confirmed your beliefs. I have always thought she was a lying sack, and for me, today only enhanced my opinion. There are others on here that are the exact opposite. It is the same people on either side.. The convictions have only gotten stronger.
Not so sure. Now that his roommate from Yale came out publicly stating he was a mean and belligerent drunk.

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