OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

In ninth grade, Waaaaaahhh

38 years.

You scumbags are going to pay for what you've done to this man, R-Derp! You think you're "winning" with this character assassination but you've sorely mistaken! This is the modern day equivalent of McCarthyism. You've smeared a good man's reputation because you don't want a conservative on the Supreme Court.
No one said he was born in Kenya.
You ever seen someone so pissed off they fight back tears? You are looking at him. Demon Rats better tread lightly.
Yep, it's settled it for me when he said he was a Catholic, lol. My wife looked at me (we both were baptized Catholic and went to C school) and said we all know how it was.
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
What witnesses, retard?

Seems Winger forgot there are no witnesses.

How about Mike Judge?
For a judge, this guy sure seems to have problems holding in his emotions. Please excuse me if I don't think he is putting on a show. He's crying now about calendars.

He didn't show any emotion when he was keeping a pregnant immigrant from getting an abortion.

Why should he.

In a courtroom he's a Judge. He acts like a Judge.

In these chambers he's a very put upon man. Hell I'd be screaming the chambers down.
OMG now the ninth grade with tears ... 1980 calendar....

My dad kept calendars. sniff boo hoo. WTF... a prosecution in front of senators.

This is so damn stupid... the guy is a choir boy :abgg2q.jpg:

No no he's a drunken rapist...stick to your handler's script. Moron
Kavanaught: My paw, he was a good mein, yes'n he was. ... Pappy, ohh pappy. I miss yuh pappy!


He should be up for an Oscar for this performance.

#LOLGOP #ReallyDrinkingRepublicanTearsNow
You people are such a disaster
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
What witnesses, retard?

I’m not a retard

Mother had me tested

She obviously lied to you. You are a retard. I tested you, and I never lie
This hearing hasn't changed anyone's mind. What ever side you were on going into todays circus, is the side you remain. The only thing different is that your stance is stronger and today confirmed your beliefs. I have always thought she was a lying sack, and for me, today only enhanced my opinion. There are others on here that are the exact opposite. It is the same people on either side.. The convictions have only gotten stronger.

I agree; it all implies the GOP is ready to have another perv on the SCOTUS to compliment Thomas.
This guy is over compensating waaaaaaay too much; what a frickin drama queen.

You're losing now and you don't like it.

Deal with it

LMAO I'll bet the lefty loons though BK would cave. Not hardly.

This guy will defend himself and he's mad as hell and who can blame him.

Good for him. I hope he chews a few Dem heads off.

I am waiting for him to start telling the filthy Democrats that they should be ashamed of themselves.

He is giving a strong testimony than Thomas gave.
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
What witnesses, retard?

Seems Winger forgot there are no witnesses.

How about Mike Judge?

Did Ford call him to corroborate her story??

Didn't think so.
Why is the fact that you are not a trained prosecutor funny?
Because a third grader could take Kav apart.

Are the Dems smarter than a 2rd grader? Booker is not. Harris is not either.
Booker and Harris are going to be the main ones to put nails to Kavs coffin.
Kavanaugh's coffin is already nailed.

Otherwise the GOP will most certainly lose the Senate in November.

Just nominate a woman!!!!!
They already have plenty of ammo for her. They'll say she's a Christian.


All those grown men, US Senators ambushed by one NERVOUS blonde woman with a child-like voice telling the TRUTH. What a fucking BUNCH OF SNOWFLAKE PISSY SISSY ASS WIMPS! It's a lie and she needs to work through it??

I feel ambushed’: Lindsey Graham unleashes angry, conspiratorial rant after Dr. Ford’s compelling testimony


27 SEP 2018 AT 14:52 ET

Lindsey Graham speaks to reporters (CNN/screen grab)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Thursday lashed out at Democrats following the testimony of sexual assault survivor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has been described as “extremely credible” by conservative media.

Graham made the remarks in a statement to the press after Blasey Ford testified that she had been groped and assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I don’t know what they told Ms. Ford but we were willing to go to California, we were told she couldn’t fly,” Graham snapped. “All I can say is that we’re 40-something days away from the election and [the Democrats’] goal — not Ms. Ford’s goal — is to delay this past the midterms so they can win the Senate and never allow Trump to fill this seat. I believe that now more than ever.”

“I don’t know who paid for her polygraph, but somebody did,” he continued, raising his finger into the air. “The [Democratic] friends on the other side set it up to be just the way it is.”

“I feel ambushed as the majority!” the senator added.

Graham agreed that “something happened” to Blasey Ford.

“I don’t know what but you’re asking me to say it was Brett Kavanaugh,” he griped. “He’s saying it didn’t happen. I will say I thought it was a good suggestion for her to go talk to somebody to work through this.”

“How is that not all an argument for a more fulsome investigation?” one reporter asked.

“If you really believe we needed an investigation of this, why didn’t you tell us in August?” Graham complained. “[Democrats] want to bring [Kavanaugh] in, trash him out and call 25 people to say he’s an abuser and guess what, we’ll be past the midterm.”

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