OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Leftist men on this thread proving they don't understand the things that matter.

Faith. Dignity. Marriage. Children. Honor.

Again, they reveal who they are.
I have all 4 of those things. Plus I'm not a sexually predator.

Prove it. One of your staunchest allies on this board has confessed he attended parties where they got young girls drunk and stood witness as she was gang banged.

Yeah, you da Man, right
He was at Becky’s house.

Then he was with Pat and Chris. Sniff sniff
Here comes the waterworks again....this time w/some spin on it.

I thought it would be Ford who cried. I think Kavanaugh had a three martini lunch.
Kavanaugh is taking them right out behind the woodshed by their hair and hammering away.
This guy is over compensating waaaaaaay too much; what a frickin drama queen.

You're losing now and you don't like it.

Deal with it

LMAO I'll bet the lefty loons though BK would cave. Not hardly.

This guy will defend himself and he's mad as hell and who can blame him.

Good for him. I hope he chews a few Dem heads off.
He’s losing it.
He’s crying.
He’s taking deep breath’s.
No one believes it.

That's what real fathers do you jack ass. They cry when their kids do shit that make them so proud ~shrug~
Oh please

give it a break

You apparently don't have kids, nor have a decent father you've impressed.

If you were a parent, you'd understand. ~shrug~

Some of my best memories is the look of pride on our children's father's face

When my kido had to get a deep tissue sample taken from his hip and he started screaming in pain I slapped his doctor >.< Thankfully he's been our family doctor since I was a babe and forgave me...
OMG now the ninth grade with tears ... 1980 calendar....

My dad kept calendars. sniff boo hoo. WTF... a prosecution in front of senators.

This is so damn stupid... the guy is a choir boy :abgg2q.jpg:
This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
In ninth grade, Waaaaaahhh

38 years.

You scumbags are going to pay for what you've done to this man, R-Derp! You think you're "winning" with this character assassination but you're sorely mistaken! This is the modern day equivalent of McCarthyism. You've smeared a good man's reputation because you don't want a conservative on the Supreme Court.
Kavanaught: My paw, he was a good mein, yes'n he was. ... Pappy, ohh pappy. I miss yuh pappy!


He should be up for an Oscar for this performance.

#LOLGOP #ReallyDrinkingRepublicanTearsNow
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
What witnesses, retard?

I’m not a retard

Mother had me tested
Demand a retest; your posts are embarrassing your entire family tree.

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