Official Presidential Debate Thread --- Round 3 --- 2016

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This woman is corrupt, and like Trump says, she has the most time on the job so what's up with that ??
Trump is not sure if he'll accept the results of the American election but he accepted the results of the Russian election.


You can't make this shit up.
If Clinton admitted American elections were as corrupt as Russian elections I'd have some respect for her.


Go back to Russia, anti-American.
Go to China and India, Globalist.

Unlike you, I love America, commie.
One thing I will thank Donald Trump for is showing the pathetic joke this election cycle is!

Rand Paul in 2020!

For trump voters that will be Alec Baldwin!
Ew. No thanks.



I thought this was a strong debate for Trump, until he lost his stuff over the Emmys being rigged... But a better performance for him in a Leper with the Most Fingers way.

Hillary kept on message and did a good job of contrasting her career with his. Getting Bin Laden vs. Celebrity Apprentice. Sweet.

Chris Wallace did a pretty good job on the debate, controlling both the candidates and the audience. I think he helped Trump as much as he could. (He works for Fox News, after all). But he was fair and ran a good debate.
Trump is not sure if he'll accept the results of the American election but he accepted the results of the Russian election.


You can't make this shit up.
If Clinton admitted American elections were as corrupt as Russian elections I'd have some respect for her.


Go back to Russia, anti-American.
Go to China and India, Globalist.

Unlike you, I love America, commie.
You love that fact that America allows you to profit off of others misery.
Trump doesn't know anything about this subject. He's got nothing beyond Breitbart talking points.

It's embarrassing.
Trump is not sure if he'll accept the results of the American election but he accepted the results of the Russian election.


You can't make this shit up.
If Clinton admitted American elections were as corrupt as Russian elections I'd have some respect for her.


Go back to Russia, anti-American.
Go to China and India, Globalist.

Unlike you, I love America, commie.
Says the fascist...

Hitlery loves it too...

Trump just praised Assad and criticized American generals.

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