Official USMB Nov. 2022 Election Day Thread.

Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.
It’s a fact. If the media did its job in 2020 and didn’t hide the Hunter story, revealing how rich the Biden family got off the Communists, Trump would have won and we wouldn’t be in this mess. Retirees wouldn’t have lost a third of their savings, people would be able to fill their gas tank without having to skimp on food, and those living in cold climates would be able to heat their homes this winter.
Why? Lumping hhem together like that only serves to highlight how irrelevant 3rd party candidates are.

I disagree. A lot of people write in silly names as their answer to being forced to choose between syphilis or gonorrhea.

But nobody ever knows how many do that as they do not get counted.

This gives people a better way to show their displeasure.
Why? Lumping them together like that only serves to highlight how irrelevant 3rd party candidates are. All total, they barely put a dent in this election.
Third party candidates never generate any enthusiasm among voters.
I disagree. A lot of people write in silly names as their answer to being forced to choose between syphilis or gonorrhea.

But nobody ever knows how many do that as they do not get counted.

This gives people a better way to show their displeasure.
A nice answer but not accurate.
From what I've observed the country had anything but a sane election day. 75% says the country is going in the wrong direction, but that's not the way they voted. People living in the worst crime pits, reelected soft on crime politicians, how much more counter intuitive can ya get?

The country has lost it's collective mind.

Of course it's how people voted. Your assumption that the vast majority blames Democrats for the country heading in the wrong direction is simply wrong.
A nice answer but not accurate.

Thank you for your opinion of my opinion.

I will file it where it belongs...

Hmmm..the Red trickle? I think gone unnoticed in all this is the awareness that the Republicans are on the wrong side of the demographic. They are the minority..and have been for quite some time.
The Dems picked up two governor's seats--held serve in the Senate and lost the House by a narrow margin. How is that even possible in this inflationary climate?
Simple....a majority of the people hate the Republican brand...that they now see as the brand of Trump. They will not vote for matter what. Meanwhile, the aging White Republican vote dwindles by the day, while the young, diverse and Democratic voter is in the ascendant.

If the Right cannot sweep in this climate, how does anyone think they are going to do in an election where times are better? How many new left-wing voters are being produced...and how many old right-wing voters are seeing their last elections?
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It’s a fact. If the media did its job in 2020 and didn’t hide the Hunter story, revealing how rich the Biden family got off the Communists, Trump would have won and we wouldn’t be in this mess. Retirees wouldn’t have lost a third of their savings, people would be able to fill their gas tank without having to skimp on food, and those living in cold climates would be able to heat their homes this winter.

What's wrong with making money off of communists? Americans should make money only from other Americans?
I disagree. A lot of people write in silly names as their answer to being forced to choose between syphilis or gonorrhea.

But nobody ever knows how many do that as they do not get counted.

This gives people a better way to show their displeasure.

Not any different than just showing the percentage of votes for just the Republican & Democrat.
Hmmm..the Red trickle? I think gone unnoticed in all this is the awareness that the Republicans are on the wrong side of the demographic. They are the minority..and have been for quite some time.
The Dems picked up two governor's seats--held serve in the Senate and lost the House by a narrow margin. How is that even possible in this inflationary climate?
Simple....a majority of the people hate the Republican brand...that they now see as the brand of Trump. They will not vote for matter what. Meanwhile, the aging White Republican vote dwindles by the day, while the young, diverse and Democratic voter is in the ascendant.

If the Right cannot sweep in this climate, how does anyone think they are going to do in an election where times are better? How many new left-wing voters are being produced...and how many old right-wing voters are seeing their last elections?

It's gonna get a lot worse for Republicans in 18 years.

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