[OFFICIAL] USMB Post Debate Poll/Thursday 10-16

Who won the debate and did it make you finally decide on a candidate?

  • Obama won

    Votes: 47 29.9%
  • Obama won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Obama won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Romney won

    Votes: 57 36.3%
  • Romney won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 15 9.6%
  • Romney won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Draw, there was no clear winner

    Votes: 23 14.6%

  • Total voters
Romney looked lost tonight. He couldn't defend his lies. Obama looked presidential. Anyone who thinks Romney won this debate is off their rocker and incapable of being objective. Whether that translates into any movement in the polls is yet to be seen.

Since nobody put you in charge...I'll take your claim for what it's worth....nothing.

Obama looked pissed and he did nothing but attack the other guy's plan...which is looking better and better all the time.

Here is Obama's plan:


Did you get that......? A great plan it is.

He looked presidential......only if he were head of the PTA.
I'm sorry if I am mucking up this debate thread, but this was a big part of tonight's exchange and so many others had already commented on this, so I feel compelled to finish my point. There was NO cover-up and the USA did not lie... On September 12th, the following day we already knew that it was more than just some film protest... The political bickering over this needs to stop.


Below is a statement released by the State Department from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals.

This is an attack that should shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world. We condemn in the strongest terms this senseless act of violence, and we send our prayers to the families, friends, and colleagues of those we’ve lost.

All over the world, every day, America’s diplomats and development experts risk their lives in the service of our country and our values, because they believe that the United States must be a force for peace and progress in the world, that these aspirations are worth striving and sacrificing for. Alongside our men and women in uniform, they represent the best traditions of a bold and generous nation.

In the lobby of this building, the State Department, the names of those who have fallen in the line of duty are inscribed in marble. Our hearts break over each one. And now, because of this tragedy, we have new heroes to honor and more friends to mourn.

Chris Stevens fell in love with the Middle East as a young Peace Corps volunteer teaching English in Morocco. He joined the Foreign Service, learned languages, won friends for America in distant places, and made other people’s hopes his own.

In the early days of the Libyan revolution, I asked Chris to be our envoy to the rebel opposition. He arrived on a cargo ship in the port of Benghazi and began building our relationships with Libya’s revolutionaries. He risked his life to stop a tyrant, than gave his life trying to help build a better Libya. The world needs more Chris Stevenses. I spoke with his sister, Ann, this morning, and told her that he will be remembered as a hero by many nations.


Hillary Clinton's Statement on the Attack in Libya - NationalJournal.com

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

Senators Demand Answers: Why Did Susan Rice Insist Video Caused Benghazi Attack? - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Rice is out five days later saying it was because of the film. Obama says they were still investigating.

Several are on record saying it was the film....calling it a spontaneous attack.

Our current administration is a pack of liars.

The smoke screen of politicizing the attack is bulls**t. The American people need to understand they elected a pack of narcissists who can't accept responsibility for anything.

Biden admitted they didn't have intel....do these people live in different cities or did they forget to pay their cell bills.
Obama won because he called Romney out on his flip flops and hypocrisy.

Obama had always planned to run against Right Wingnut Mitt, and when Moderate Mitt showed up at the first debate, he was flummoxed.

This time, he called Romney out on Outsourcing, on his policies being the same as Bush's. The sweetest moment was when Romney broke out the violins for the Coal industry, Obama pointed out that as Governor, he shut down a coal-fired plant in MA.

Crowley's moderation didn't help Romney either, because she pinned him down.
Senators Demand Answers: Why Did Susan Rice Insist Video Caused Benghazi Attack? - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Rice is out five days later saying it was because of the film. Obama says they were still investigating.

Several are on record saying it was the film....calling it a spontaneous attack.

Our current administration is a pack of liars.

The smoke screen of politicizing the attack is bulls**t. The American people need to understand they elected a pack of narcissists who can't accept responsibility for anything.

Biden admitted they didn't have intel....do these people live in different cities or did they forget to pay their cell bills.

You keep trying to pretend that there weren't attacks in other places over the film, and they were sifting through a lot of information.

This isn't a winner for you guys. Most Americans think the Middle East is a snakepit that we need to get out of, and Obama's more likely to get us out of it. Romney wants to get us in deeper by yelling "How High?" when Bibi says "Jump"
Because Obama came back at him, Romney's face lost that strange smile he had during the first debate. But again Romney changed his tax policies to suit the audience. Chameleons could learn from Mitty.

I love how Romney brags about his business acumen but it was the government that bailed out the Olympics and even Bain. What BS.

"Mitt Romney's Federal Bailout: The Documents -Highlights from the records of the FDIC's rescue of Bain & Company"

"Almost immediately, however, it became clear that Romney's path to recovery was a complete failure. Bain's revenues continued to decline, and the company was soon bleeding red ink." Mitt Romney's Federal Bailout: The Documents Pictures | Rolling Stone

"How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with the bill." Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Now that the debate is over, who won and did it make you finally choose a candidate?

If you have already decided on a candidate please just choose a winner.

**Thread will open immediately after the debates**

should have been a public vote like the last one, so no one could lie about their vote.
We got a few far-right troll around here...

But here is what the Fox News viewers think:



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Once again, this poll, on this site, is NOT a good measure.

Obama won the debate by a small margin (IMHO), Romney looked rattled and fell on most topics in some way and in a big way on Libya, equality, Immigration and trying to differentiate himself from Bush (by attacking the president?).

Not to mention he got man handled on the zingers..
The place was blown to smithereens and the Ambassador and his guards were dead. It was immediately OBVIOUS there was a failure in security. The related facts about the security personnel and procedures were readily forthcoming as the story unfolded. There was no "cover-up" -- The following day, The United States of America strongly condemned the outrageous attack and called it an act of terror.

Bulls**t....again (you are pretty good at that).

The entire administration was out there saying it was spontaneous act of aggression based on some stupid movie (please deny that.....I'd love to see you try) when it was clear they knew it was a pre-planned attack within 24 hours of it's occurance.

They then covered that up because they had plenty of warning and failed to respond. Your "act of terror" red herring won't fly...the press is going to roll it out again and your affirmative action "boy" is going to find his tiny little balls cut off right before our eyes.

Kiss "The O" good-bye.

:blahblah: You're an idiot for continuing to politicize this diplomatic minutia as if there is any meaningful point.

Diplomatic minutia??? Those people are DEAD. :eek:
And last night, when asked a DIRECT question regarding who it was who denied them additional security, Obama refused to answer. That's not "minutia". That's incompetence.

Who was it who set the policy for our diplomatic presence in Libya? Who was it who made the decision to blame a youtube video after the attack? It's over a month later and this administration is still stonewalling. And we all know why. It's because Obama fucked up, got these people killed, and now FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES refuses to take responsibility for it.
Living in Alabama, we don't get the non-stop commercials, except on the Florida stations. When I lived in South Florida,you got assaulted by someone who approved a message every 7 minutes 24/7.

We would call that a vacation in Ohio. :meow: It's mind numbing.

I hear Obama ads constantly. I live in Cleveland, it is relentless. Gotta go after those urban folks ya know? Lots of lying Obama ads all the time. sickening

Pixie you live in Cleveland?.....i feel for ya babe.....:eusa_angel:
Bulls**t....again (you are pretty good at that).

The entire administration was out there saying it was spontaneous act of aggression based on some stupid movie (please deny that.....I'd love to see you try) when it was clear they knew it was a pre-planned attack within 24 hours of it's occurance.

They then covered that up because they had plenty of warning and failed to respond. Your "act of terror" red herring won't fly...the press is going to roll it out again and your affirmative action "boy" is going to find his tiny little balls cut off right before our eyes.

Kiss "The O" good-bye.

:blahblah: You're an idiot for continuing to politicize this diplomatic minutia as if there is any meaningful point.

Diplomatic minutia??? Those people are DEAD. :eek:
And last night, when asked a DIRECT question regarding who it was who denied them additional security, Obama refused to answer. That's not "minutia". That's incompetence.

Who was it who set the policy for our diplomatic presence in Libya? Who was it who made the decision to blame a youtube video after the attack? It's over a month later and this administration is still stonewalling. And we all know why. It's because Obama fucked up, got these people killed, and now FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES refuses to take responsibility for it.

The diplomatic minutia is the mixed-up misinformation and the repeat of a lie AS IF the President did not characterize the events in Libya as an act of terror the very next day.

Indeed he did! FACT not opinion.

News outlets mixed up facts from other attacks on the same day, and mixed up diplomatic responses surrounding those facts, and political opportunists pounced and repeated that lie about a "cover-up" but perception does not turn lies into truth.

You are being dishonest now in responding to my point by moving the goal posts. Hillary took responsibility, the President took ultimate responsibility, for the OBVIOUS security failures. There is NO question it was a failure, but there was no a LIE or "cover-up", which is my entire point!
Living in Alabama, we don't get the non-stop commercials, except on the Florida stations. When I lived in South Florida,you got assaulted by someone who approved a message every 7 minutes 24/7.

lol. We would call that a vacation in Ohio. :meow: It's mind numbing.

Living between Pensacola and Mobile, we get virtually no TV spots out of Mobile. The state is 2:1 red, so there's little point wasting resources here.
We get some out of Pensacola, but due to the Panhandle being more "Alabama" than Florida, it's pretty much a waste of time except to get a very few votes that may make a difference only if Florida is as close as in 2000.
Friends in South Florida are getting overwhelmed.
:blahblah: You're an idiot for continuing to politicize this diplomatic minutia as if there is any meaningful point.

Diplomatic minutia??? Those people are DEAD. :eek:
And last night, when asked a DIRECT question regarding who it was who denied them additional security, Obama refused to answer. That's not "minutia". That's incompetence.

Who was it who set the policy for our diplomatic presence in Libya? Who was it who made the decision to blame a youtube video after the attack? It's over a month later and this administration is still stonewalling. And we all know why. It's because Obama fucked up, got these people killed, and now FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES refuses to take responsibility for it.

The diplomatic minutia is the mixed-up misinformation and the repeat of a lie AS IF the President did not characterize the events in Libya as an act of terror the very next day.

Indeed he did! FACT not opinion.

News outlets mixed up facts from other attacks on the same day, and mixed up diplomatic responses surrounding those facts, and political opportunists pounced and repeated that lie about a "cover-up" but perception does not turn lies into truth.

You are being dishonest now in responding to my point by moving the goal posts. Hillary took responsibility, the President took ultimate responsibility, for the OBVIOUS security failures. There is NO question it was a failure, but there was no a LIE or "cover-up", which is my entire point!
It was not until Sept 20th, that the White House referred to the attack as a terrorist attack. Nine days after it happened.

If you are this loose with your so called 'facts', it is no wonder you will be voting for a man who is also, very loose with his facts.

It seems, you, like your President, have a first instinct to blame America and Americans first.

That is what the President did right out of the gate.

You need to stop politicizing the deaths of these American's by defending a lying President.

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