Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.
If he's a libertarian, I'm Murray Rothbard.

no, you are a Trumpian.
Anyone who laughs at you statist moonbats is a "Trumpian".

And you're no libertarian...Not even a shitty one like Gary Johnson.

because I do not think it is right to fuck people over for political games?

you would not know a libertarian if one took a shit on your head.

go back to kissing Trump's ass, it is all you seem good at
Fed employees been Fn over Americans for decades.

They don’t like it, get a new job.
I am not asking you to cry, I was correcting the lie told by the person I responded to. I realize that facts are evil to you people, but they are still just facts

So you pick on an offhand comment I made and totally ignore the rest of my post. That means you got nothin' dufus.

the rest of your post was just your ranting based off the the lie that I was asking anyone to cry for Fed workers.
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.
If he's a libertarian, I'm Murray Rothbard.

no, you are a Trumpian.
Anyone who laughs at you statist moonbats is a "Trumpian".

And you're no libertarian...Not even a shitty one like Gary Johnson.

because I do not think it is right to fuck people over for political games?

you would not know a libertarian if one took a shit on your head.

go back to kissing Trump's ass, it is all you seem good at
No, because you worship at the altar and lick the boots of The State...Any real libertarian I know of (and that's a LOT) believes that this puny 15% (tops) "shutdown" is at least five times too small.

Now get the fuck back to lighting candles at your Jeb Bush shrine.
I am not asking you to cry, I was correcting the lie told by the person I responded to. I realize that facts are evil to you people, but they are still just facts

So you pick on an offhand comment I made and totally ignore the rest of my post. That means you got nothin' dufus.

the rest of your post was just your ranting based off the the lie that I was asking anyone to cry for Fed workers.
Like my ‘lie’ Fed employees were allowed to surf porn all day?
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.
If he's a libertarian, I'm Murray Rothbard.

no, you are a Trumpian.
Anyone who laughs at you statist moonbats is a "Trumpian".

And you're no libertarian...Not even a shitty one like Gary Johnson.

because I do not think it is right to fuck people over for political games?

you would not know a libertarian if one took a shit on your head.

go back to kissing Trump's ass, it is all you seem good at
No, because you worship at the altar and lick the boots of The State...Any real libertarian I know of (and that's a LOT) believes that this puny 15% (tops) "shutdown" is at least five times too small.

Now get the fuck back to lighting candles at your Jeb Bush shrine.

Actually, unlike we we libertarians are smart enough to know that this shutdown does not do anything but waste more government money.

There is a way to cut the Fed workforce, and a shutdown is not it.
I am not asking you to cry, I was correcting the lie told by the person I responded to. I realize that facts are evil to you people, but they are still just facts

So you pick on an offhand comment I made and totally ignore the rest of my post. That means you got nothin' dufus.

the rest of your post was just your ranting based off the the lie that I was asking anyone to cry for Fed workers.
Like my ‘lie’ Fed employees were allowed to surf porn all day?

yep, like that lie. Your own link said that 0.0047% of the workforce did it, they didn't do it because they were allowed, they slipped through the cracks
If he's a libertarian, I'm Murray Rothbard.

no, you are a Trumpian.
Anyone who laughs at you statist moonbats is a "Trumpian".

And you're no libertarian...Not even a shitty one like Gary Johnson.

because I do not think it is right to fuck people over for political games?

you would not know a libertarian if one took a shit on your head.

go back to kissing Trump's ass, it is all you seem good at
No, because you worship at the altar and lick the boots of The State...Any real libertarian I know of (and that's a LOT) believes that this puny 15% (tops) "shutdown" is at least five times too small.

Now get the fuck back to lighting candles at your Jeb Bush shrine.

Actually, unlike we we libertarians are smart enough to know that this shutdown does not do anything but waste more government money.

There is a way to cut the Fed workforce, and a shutdown is not it.
You’re so full of shit you need a snorkel to breath.

Libertarian. :21:
I am not asking you to cry, I was correcting the lie told by the person I responded to. I realize that facts are evil to you people, but they are still just facts

So you pick on an offhand comment I made and totally ignore the rest of my post. That means you got nothin' dufus.

the rest of your post was just your ranting based off the the lie that I was asking anyone to cry for Fed workers.
Like my ‘lie’ Fed employees were allowed to surf porn all day?

yep, like that lie. Your own link said that 0.0047% of the workforce did it, they didn't do it because they were allowed, they slipped through the cracks
Oh, so only 30,000 employees were surfing porn all day without fear of being fired! HALLELUJAH!
...I decided to be productive in life rather than a parasite.
So, a healthcare professional serving veterans in the VA is a parasite?

So, an air traffic controller is a parasite?

So, a forest ranger is a parasite?

So, a CDC bio-researcher is a parasite?

So < substitute a hundred other job roles >...

No Sale.

You are 100% correct. All government workers are by definition parasites. Drones that are put in place to keep the wheels of government grinding. We realize we pay way too much for them (Like the USPS) but we realize we will pay a premium and all agree to pay it. As far as the VA is concerned, we should basically give each Vet a blank check for their healthcare so they can go to the best available. No need for a parasitic government department. Air traffic? There is a need to coordinate the skies which is probably a legit government expenditure but we do pay a premium. Bio researcher? Why? We have many private bio-research companies, corporations as it is. We should get rid of hundereds of useless, government supported jobs. Some of the biggest cuts should be in the EPA, NEA, and grants to neo-marxist educational institutions like most colleges.
I won it long ago...simple common sense. When the nation has middle class workers attacking other middle class workers corporations and Uber wealthy you.
I dispute that as a valid comparison. Most government workers do not have equivalents in the private sector. My company doesn't pay people to sit around doing nothing all day or work on political campaigns on the company's dime.

yet a lazy piece of shit like you still works for them...seems you are not telling us the truth

You know absolutely nothing about my life or my career, so your opinion is a pile of steaming excrement.

and the same can be said about you and 99.9% of the government workers...yet you have no problem piling on your steaming excrement post after post after post.
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.

Most do not have outlandish salaries, most are no different than anyone else, they just want to do their jobs and provide a living for their families. Morons like you that demonize them all based on the actions of a few and the words of your party masters.

I would love to see the Fed workforce cut by 25% at least, but done in an orderly manner that does not fuck anyone over like you Trump sheep are cheering about now.
Do you really believe that the federal workforce cuts are going to happen? In numbers or in pay/benefits/pensions?
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Spoken like a true Christian..
I won it long ago...simple common sense. When the nation has middle class workers attacking other middle class workers corporations and Uber wealthy you.

When you segregate a society by classes you are promoting racism.

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