Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
They have real jobs. Serving the American people.

No, a real job produces revenue. Government workers make no profit and exist on tax revenue.
Like firemen, policemen and prosecuting attorneys. Like ambulance drivers and teachers. Like the men and women in the armed forces.
The armed forces are federal level. The rest are more localized. And they are expensive. Just like the military/industrial complex we now have the poverty/poverty servicing complex. Local areas are extruded massive amounts of resources from this. So we do little with poverty which gets a good percentage of payouts from the federal level, and the localized employee and those with contracts to service it.
Shame on a nigga' who try to run game on a nigga'...

Excuse me, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to take your shoes off.

Yo I'll fuck ya' ass up...
I worked 33 years in the federal government

Most of that time, we were anything but the envy of the private sector

When I started working in the late 70s, pay was 20 percent below the private sector. Fellow engineers ran to job offers at RCA, Kodak, Bell Labs, IBM. They mocked me for accepting a government job

In the 90s, we were begging for qualified workers. The private sector paid journeymen engineers $90,000 plus while our managers made $75,000. Those I interviewed laughed at the salary I offered

By 2008, companies were laying off in droves and cutting pay and benefits. Companies like RCA, Kodak and Bell Labs we’re gone. Qualified workers started to realize that steady pay and job security were valuable

I don’t feel sorry for the private sector

Now I know why you are not a rightwinger. :laughing0301:
I worked in DoD
Mostly conservatives
every article about Trump should begin with "President Trump, who suffers from being a narcissist..." and then go on with the story

what he's putting Americans through is unacceptable and unpatriotic. he puts Trump first and America last
and the same can be said about you and 99.9% of the government workers...yet you have no problem piling on your steaming excrement post after post after post.
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.

Most do not have outlandish salaries, most are no different than anyone else, they just want to do their jobs and provide a living for their families. Morons like you that demonize them all based on the actions of a few and the words of your party masters.

I would love to see the Fed workforce cut by 25% at least, but done in an orderly manner that does not fuck anyone over like you Trump sheep are cheering about now.
Are you kidding? DC region is one of the wealthiest in America. The ONLY region that property values never dropped in the 08 recession.

Who in the private sector gets full salary and benefits at retirement today?

I can never decide if you are just really stupid or if you put on an act for this forum.

Less than 15% of the Fed non-military workforce works in DC. So, yeah the folks in DC make way too much money, but they are not your average Fed worker.

Fed workers do not get full pay upon retirement. If they work 25 years they get 25% of the high 3 years of pay.
Says the Dufus who didn’t even know Fed workers could watch porn on the job and couldn’t be fired.

Who in the private sector gets 25% and benefits for life after working just 25 years?

I got twice that

Also saw many people get fired
Perhaps private sector should pick it up a notch for retirement.

That is the key
Private sector has been slashing benefits. No reason government should. Government is doing it right looking out for their employees
I am not asking you to cry, I was correcting the lie told by the person I responded to. I realize that facts are evil to you people, but they are still just facts

So you pick on an offhand comment I made and totally ignore the rest of my post. That means you got nothin' dufus.

the rest of your post was just your ranting based off the the lie that I was asking anyone to cry for Fed workers.
Like my ‘lie’ Fed employees were allowed to surf porn all day?

yep, like that lie. Your own link said that 0.0047% of the workforce did it, they didn't do it because they were allowed, they slipped through the cracks
Oh, so only 30,000 employees were surfing porn all day without fear of being fired! HALLELUJAH!

100...according to your own link. you really suck at math.

2,087,747 total.
= 98.12 I rounded up to 100
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way

Conversely Trump gains nothing by giving in.

Trump is isolated

Congress wants to end it, Democrats want it ended, Govt Employees want it ended, the People want it ended

He will eventually give in by declaring a national emergency. It is his only out

It is about the 2020 election. The GOP don't want to give in. The country super divided. Mostly because of people such as you, actually. Always blaming one party. Both parties are at fault for lying to the American people.
Trump is the biggest liar in American history

He never had any intention of building a wall, knew Mexico would never pay

Let him answer to his voters

LMAO. Biggest liar in US history?
yet a lazy piece of shit like you still works for them...seems you are not telling us the truth

You know absolutely nothing about my life or my career, so your opinion is a pile of steaming excrement.

and the same can be said about you and 99.9% of the government workers...yet you have no problem piling on your steaming excrement post after post after post.
Now Mr ‘I’m a Libatarian’ spends all his time defending the outlandish salaries of government workers.

Another closet busted.

Most do not have outlandish salaries, most are no different than anyone else, they just want to do their jobs and provide a living for their families. Morons like you that demonize them all based on the actions of a few and the words of your party masters.

I would love to see the Fed workforce cut by 25% at least, but done in an orderly manner that does not fuck anyone over like you Trump sheep are cheering about now.
Do you really believe that the federal workforce cuts are going to happen? In numbers or in pay/benefits/pensions?

I really believe that the federal workforce cuts are going to happen at the same time we balance the budget! :21::21:

So, no I do not think that as long as we the people keep putting Dems and Repubs into office that anything will change.

I do not blame those that work for the government, they are people just like you and me that just want to provide for their family.

If in 2018 the entire federal workforce was not paid nor given any compensation at all the money saved would have been less than 16% of what was added to the debt in CY18.
I would be blasting that shit too if I was stuck working for free. These guys are political pawns.

They should all resign and get other jobs. Fuck working for big bro.
And TSA workers...without them no flights
Air Traffic Controller...good luck flying without them
Coast Guard
Secret Service
Border Patrol
Park Rangers
Park Maintenance Crews
Federal Law Enforcement

And lots more that you hardly ever think about but that hold the fabric of the nation together...

"terrible" huh?
The stuff that is floating around includes :

No food stamps as in "burn baby burn"

RIFs after 30 days furloughs

and no doubt other things such as Trump will declare a sanctuary jurisdiction state of emergency.

Some are real possibilities others aren't but others include stuff like credit rating downgrades. So, what else do you see happening?

February SNAP Benefits to Roll out Early
It will be a crisis, a crisis I tell you. People will die because the government shutdown...real estate...something. Trump's a Russian agent...and Trump...and global warming...the NRA...:aargh::aargh::aargh:
This is a great chance to drain the swamp, or at least good chunk of it.

Most of us believe that gov't workers can't be laid off. They can, although it comes with slew of civil service protections, and government calls it RIF, as Reduction In Force.

These protections makes it hard for government worker to be laid off, but if guidelines are followed, and withing certain criteria, it's doable.

In deciding who stays and who goes, they look into: tenure, veteran status, federal civilian and military service, and performance. It's funny that performance is the last factor they look at, and that RIF cannot be used to fire bad employees.Many of the government bureaucrats are protected by these rules that creates impression none of them can lose the job. Except...

With shutdown day 30 approaching, there are some rules that have not been enforced before, since shutdown never lasted that long. One of those rules says that if government employee is furloughed for 30 calendar days, or 22 discontinuous work days, government must use RIF procedure, an employees can be terminated or moved to an available position.

Chuck and Nancy walked into a trap, and it seems that Donald has upper hand here.
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They have real jobs. Serving the American people.

No, a real job produces revenue. Government workers make no profit and exist on tax revenue.
Like firemen, policemen and prosecuting attorneys. Like ambulance drivers and teachers. Like the men and women in the armed forces.
The armed forces are federal level. The rest are more localized. And they are expensive. Just like the military/industrial complex we now have the poverty/poverty servicing complex. Local areas are extruded massive amounts of resources from this. So we do little with poverty which gets a good percentage of payouts from the federal level, and the localized employee and those with contracts to service it.
You realize that this is Trump’s FEDERAL shutdown right?

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