Oh Boy! Letters Go Out – Here They Are – Podesta And Wasserman Schultz Need Lawyers.

Just look at the way the Democrats treat each other (Bernie}, they got no morals
The tides have turned against the Deep State and Democrats. It's now the beginning of the end for them.

The strong worded letters are embedded within the article.

Oh Boy! Letters Go Out – Here They Are – Podesta And Wasserman Schultz Need Lawyers. – InvestmentWatch

cant get it to open, please post excerpts
I couldn't get to open either. Try this.
Clinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond
I believe it's the same story
The Senate Judiciary Committee has a constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the FBI and the broader Department of Justice. Part of that duty involves ensuring that law enforcement efforts are conducted without improper political influence.

And the award for most ironic statement of the year goes to...

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