Oh boy. This Trumper wearing a Trump hat getting picked on by you know whats.

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Oh yeah, it's a tiktok so if you cannot see it, don't know what to do. Take it up with coyote or one of the others ones.


Yes, that Trumper getting picked on for wearing a Trump hat. Bet it wasn't what you thought, now was it?

Pathetic racist pile of utter crap.

Oh yeah, it's a tiktok so if you cannot see it, don't know what to do. Take it up with coyote or one of the others ones.


Yes, that Trumper getting picked on for wearing a Trump hat. Bet it wasn't what you thought, now was it?

Pathetic racist pile of utter crap.

What a douchebag. To be honest this is why I don't advertise anything political on my car or my person. You're just making yourself a target for lunatics like this.
A friend gave me a "MAGA" hat during the 2016 campaign. I've never worn it, but I just might to see if some idiot lib douchebag wants to give me shit about it...
I wear mine quite a bit. I actually get praise from some teenagers, most seem indifferent. Nobody has said squat to me about it, just some hood rat wannabees avoiding looking at me while I'm sneering at them.
Rip off someone's hat where I come from and you either get decked by the guy or by another patron, even at a Starbucks.

Oh yeah, it's a tiktok so if you cannot see it, don't know what to do. Take it up with coyote or one of the others ones.


Yes, that Trumper getting picked on for wearing a Trump hat. Bet it wasn't what you thought, now was it?

Pathetic racist pile of utter crap.

That was assault. Hope the Biden voter is in jail
can't be real. the second that moron touched me he would have been picking up his teeth.

Oh yeah, it's a tiktok so if you cannot see it, don't know what to do. Take it up with coyote or one of the others ones.


Yes, that Trumper getting picked on for wearing a Trump hat. Bet it wasn't what you thought, now was it?

Pathetic racist pile of utter crap.

I'm skeptical of these "encounters"....this one looks suspicious to me to be honest. Whole thing could be set up and scripted to go "viral". Many of them are.
Much ado about nothing as far as I'm concerned.

The white dude was the aggressor, here, but the camera only picks up in the middle of the altercation, so we don't know what set it off. If the black guy DID get in his grill over it, a simple "fuck off" while walking away would have sufficed. No need to keep advancing on the dude and swiping his hat

The way I look at it is that if a person wants to wear a Maga hat or a blm shirt, there is no reason to start an altercation over it. Just move on and let it go.
I'm skeptical of these "encounters"....this one looks suspicious to me to be honest. Whole thing could be set up and scripted to go "viral". Many of them are.
Agreed. Even when the camera pans over to other customers they don't look convinced anything exciting is going on. Also the acting is questionable.
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