Oh boy...

You may as well put me on ignore right now.
I just signed up the other day. After looking around, it is clear that there will be quite a few liberals on my ignore list. I don't like doing it, but many of them are so retarded, dishonest or obnoxious that there is no hope of having an honest, rational discussion with them. Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?
Yes! Lots of retarded, dishonest or obnoxious conservatives around here, too. It is the way people are here. You don't like it? Go somewhere else. To come to a political message board and immediately start putting people on ignore because you don't like their opinion is the height of retarded. Whether or not they're polite about it, you might actually learn something, if nothing but the other perspective. Doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but unless you are too afraid of the truth to look at ALL the facts and ALL the opinions, you should welcome the chance to hear other ideas.
Take heed. Not often the old bag gets it right.

Seeing the stuff from the lefty loons is the fun part of places like this. Relax and enjoy the show.
I just signed up the other day. After looking around, it is clear that there will be quite a few liberals on my ignore list. I don't like doing it, but many of them are so retarded, dishonest or obnoxious that there is no hope of having an honest, rational discussion with them. Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?
Yes! Lots of retarded, dishonest or obnoxious conservatives around here, too. It is the way people are here. You don't like it? Go somewhere else. To come to a political message board and immediately start putting people on ignore because you don't like their opinion is the height of retarded. Whether or not they're polite about it, you might actually learn something, if nothing but the other perspective. Doesn't mean you have to agree with it, but unless you are too afraid of the truth to look at ALL the facts and ALL the opinions, you should welcome the chance to hear other ideas.
Take heed. Not often the old bag gets it right.

Seeing the stuff from the lefty loons is the fun part of places like this. Relax and enjoy the show.
At least she isn't boring. She even seems to be intelligent and witty on occasion.
I just signed up the other day. After looking around, it is clear that there will be quite a few liberals on my ignore list. I don't like doing it, but many of them are so retarded, dishonest or obnoxious that there is no hope of having an honest, rational discussion with them. Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?
Shit, most of the threads in politics here are just conservative circle jerks where you just hear the same talking points that just came out of Hannity’s or Rush’s mouth. I suppose if you can’t take the few liberal posts, there are plenty of conservative echo chambers you can go to.
many of the liberal posters threads are the same way....same shit over and over...
I just signed up the other day. After looking around, it is clear that there will be quite a few liberals on my ignore list. I don't like doing it, but many of them are so retarded, dishonest or obnoxious that there is no hope of having an honest, rational discussion with them. Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?

Please put me on your ignore list now. From what little I've seen of your postings, you aren't worth much in the fact category anyway, and are only good to laugh at.
Sez the fake news queen.
Some of these ignorant closed-minded lack of common-sense anti-American LW kooks are also notoriously rabid lying snitches.

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