Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

Wilson Said He Traveled To Niger At CIA Request To Help Provide Response To Vice President’s Office. “In February 2002, I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney’s office had questions about a particular intelligence report. … The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president’s office.” (Joseph C. Wilson, Op-Ed, “What I Didn’t Find In Africa,” The New York Times, 7/6/03)

Joe Wilson: “[W]hat They Did, What The Office Of The Vice President Did, And, In Fact, I Believe Now From Mr. Libby’s Statement, It Was Probably The Vice President Himself ...” (CNN’s “Late Edition,” 8/3/03)
Vice President Cheney: “I Don’t Know Joe Wilson. I’ve Never Met Joe Wilson. … And Joe Wilson - I Don’t [Know] Who Sent Joe Wilson. He Never Submitted A Report That I Ever Saw When He Came Back.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 9/14/03)

CIA Director George Tenet: “In An Effort To Inquire About Certain Reports Involving Niger, CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Experts, On Their Own Initiative, Asked An Individual With Ties To The Region To Make A Visit To See What He Could Learn.” (Central Intelligence Agency, “Statement By George J. Tenet, Director Of Central Intelligence,” Press Release, 7/11/03)

I posted the first lie and along with Wilsons own words

Very unreliable evidence to you

you posted a quote where Wilson said that he was told by agency officials that the VP's office wanted information about Niger and they were sending him. where is the lie?
Since I do not know how to quote a quote in this system I shall use "gasp" copy and paste... The "OTHER" poster involved being Care.....

Originally Posted by RetiredGySgt View Post
Through no action on her part? I guess sending her Husband on a "fact finding" mission that involved sitting around talking to old buddies while sipping tea and then having him make personal attacks on the White House is unimportant? Well only while a Republican is President I am sure.

Ret sgt, did you know that this trip took place in February of 2002? 5 months after the 9/11 attack. All of us were supporting the President at this time. It was unpresidented the support he got from all of us initially.

Which has nothing to with the fact Wilson made personal attacks on the Vice President after not actually doing ANY investigating, by his own admission in sat at pool side and talked to diplomatic connections. This is nothing more than an attempt to obfusicate the issue

We were all still in that phase, we were attacked and we supported the Commander in Chief, whole heartedly in February of 2002, we were still United as a country.

I think that this is pertinent because is shows how ridiculous the republicans sound when they imply it was a conspiracy against the president, concoted by Valerie Plame some time in January 2002, just 4 months after 9/11, because as you all say, she was against the War in Iraq.

What war in Iraq? This was 10 months before the Congress even voted to give the President the Choice to go to war via the Iraq Resolution, and OVER a year before the Iraq war and over a year and a half before the Iraq war turned in to a hornet's nest, for goodness sakes!

And secondly, Valerie Plame did not conjure up going to Niger, it was an inquirey from the vice president's office regarding the possibility of yellowcake in Niger being sold to Saddam.

Simply not true, the Vice President did not send Wilson to Niger.

This is what TRIGGERED the trip to Niger.

Another employee recommended Wilson, which came out in testimony of the trial and hearing.

And Ambassador Wilson, WAS MORE THAN QUALIFIED for this mission.
Qualified HOW? He proved he was NOT qualified by the lackadasical manner in which he ADMITS he conducted this "investigation"

If the Vice President was unsatisfied with Wilson's analysis and summary of the trip, then the Vice President and the CIA could have sent another person afterwards, there was another year before we went and attacked Iraq.

Valerie Plame DID NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY in her position to send Joe Wilson on this trip. It was authorized by her supervisor.

so, stop with the BULL SHIT on that, ok?

Libby did NOT disclose her supposed "covert" status. Please provide one SHRED of evidence that he did. In fact your so hot to trot about this, explain again why he was NEVER charged with do such?

He told Judith Miller, he told Matt Cooper, he told Tim Russert and a few others that I can't remember.

Trials bring out things like this, ya know? gees...keep up!

Absolutely amazing, IF as you claim he told all these people that she was a COVERT agent, WHY wasn't he CHARGED? Why only get him on perjury IF as you claim he openly told all these people? Are you suggesting that the Prosecutor was a retard and unable to get any of this list of people to TESTIFY under oath he did as you claim? Maybe you are implying the Prosecutor was Bush double agent?
I suggest you use some of your vast knowledge and research the investigation and then the actual charges against Libby.

Duh! It is YOU that needs to do some reading, about what came out in the trial.

I know what libby was charged with

6 Felony counts, including obstruction of JUSTICE, PERJURY, and lying to an FBI Investigator.

You like to make ludicrous claims that no evidence is proof of nefarious activity. Remind me again why we can not do the same for Clinton? You keep claiming Libby lied to cover for specific people and totally destroyed the investigation into catching Rove and the Vice President, remind me again how Mc Dougal going to prison rather then testifying about the Clinton's was just a concerned citizen standing firm against an over zealous partisan Congress. I mean IF the Clinton's did nothing illegal why couldn't Mc Dougal simply tell what she knew?

Useless partisan dribble.

Partisan dribble would be YOU being unable to substantiate a single one of your claims and pretending the fact he was NEVER charged with what you claim he openly did is in fact proof he did it. I repeat, using YOUR criteria, Clinton should be in Prison

At least in the case of the Clinton's we have independant evidence and information to claim they did what they were never charged with. In this case all you have is " well we all know where I live that Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove broke the law"

Additional useless dribble.

Can not refute it so dismiss it. Your the one with NO evidence, no facts and pure unadulterated Partisan politics.

You have no facts or evidence to back your claim yet you keep making it. Your only fact is that Libby was NEVER charged with disclosing Plumes identity and Armitage admitted HE did it.

And what do you have to say that Valerie Plame was NOT an undercover officer for the CIA when the DCI vets that himself? NADA! ZILCH!

What do YOU have that makes this statement have anything to do with this particular post? Libby was NEVER charged, much less convicted of outing her, I wonder why that is? You keep claiming not only did he do that, but that he did it at the beheast of the Vice President, WITH not one shred of evidence.
Libby was charged with purjury because he commited perjury.

Fitzgerald stated in public that he could not get to the heart of the matter because Libby refused to tell the truth.

The Case against Libby would have never exsisted if Plame had not been determined to be covert.

The number one quest of the prosicutor would be to find out if Plame was covert, if she wasnt there was no crime to investigate.

He had special access to the information because of his apointment.

The CIA istself requested the investigation because they knew they would not ever be able to protect ANY agent if politicains could out agents for political reason without fear of any repercusions.

The CIA gave documentation the court of her covert status, they gave it to the Congressional commitee looking into the issues surrounding this event.

You and your cohort claim she is not covert because the courrts did not make all this evidence Public.

Heres a fucking clue Its classified secret information and would endanger our intelligence to release it in puplic
What part of Libby was not charged with outing Plume do not you understand? Whether he lied or not has ZERO to do with HIM being charged if the evidence is out there. You and your liberal buddies keep insisting it happened. Why wasn't he charged if as Care claims all those people can testify he told them what she claims?

Are you claiming that ONLY if Libby admits he "outed" her he can ever be prosecuted?
What part of not being able to get to the heart of the matter because of the obstructive lies Libby insisted on telling do you not understand?

Go ahead and defend him if you want
What part of not being able to get to the heart of the matter because of the obstructive lies Libby insisted on telling do you not understand?

Go ahead and defend him if you want

What part of HE was never charged with disclosing her "covert" status are you failing to grasp? I repeat, are you claiming that he has to admit it before he can be charged and prosecuted for it? Care has insisted there are numerous witnesses to substantiate that he not only outed her as a CIA agent BUT specifically as a COVERT agent. And you agree with her. Seems if this were true AND she were a legal status of Covert it would be a slam dunk case, even easier to prove then perjury.
I never said he has to admitt it ,I never said he should be charged with that offence.

I said that due to his lies and insistance on not telling the truth Fitzgerald could not get to the heart of the matter.

Like I said just continue to defend him it makes you look pretty silly..
Now how far would you be willing to defend a Dem in the same situation?
sure i coud try an actually debaet an issue with. But we've done that before but your too stupid an arrogant it seems to even realize when someone is agreeing with you.

Either that or as I stated in the other thread you've dug your hole so deep by posting your temper tantrums that your ego simply can't afford to even acknowledge that you've reached common ground with someone. I don't care if you want "call 'em like you see 'em" with your 'fuckers' and 'retards'. Your posts have shown that you will do that on the basis of pretty much mothing. It would be pretty hard to back track wouldn't it? When you find there is no basis for your tirade and that someone actually agrees with you.

Simply because a retard agrees with me on an issue doesn't change the fact that they are retarded. Only in your sick mind is reaching common ground a reason to treat a retard differently. But if I treated a retard differently just because they agree with me I would be a hypocrite. You can agree with me all you want but that doesn't change the fact that you are a fucking retard and that upsets you and I really don't give a shit if you are upset about it. You might want everyone to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and waste their time debating with your retarded ass without pointing out that you are retarded but I will not do so even when we agree and if you don't like it asshole then have fun voting on whether I'm right for calling a retard a retard or wrong for calling your retarded ass a retard because you aren't a retard and I will laugh when you are done voting and give you my middle finger. :bowdown:
* Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff, was convicted in March on four of five counts in the investigation into who blew the cover of CIA analyst Valerie Plame, whose husband was an outspoken Iraq war critic.

* The Libby charges grew out of an investigation of the leak of Plame's identity in 2003 after her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, accused the administration of manipulating intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to build its case for war.

* No charges have been brought against anyone for the actual leaks to journalists about Plame. Federal law makes it a crime to knowingly reveal the identity of a covert agent.

* Libby faced a maximum of 25 years in prison.

* Known as "Vice President Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney," Libby was a quiet force in building the Bush administration's case for the Iraq invasion.

* Libby also served in the administration of President Bush's father as deputy under secretary of defense and was at the State Department during the Reagan administration.

* He was educated at Yale University, Bush's alma mater, and Columbia University law school.
so...you are sticking with this assertion that you know more about the status of CIA employees than the Director of Central Intelligence. Is that right?

That is exctly what he is doing. The fact that the Director of the CIA has stated that she worked within a covert division of the CIA and did so in a covert capacity fails to carry any weight with these people because they support those who commit treason against this country and against those who work for our country in a covert capacity. Just because Joseph Wilson came back from Niger with a different report than the one than the Bush administration wanted did not give them the right to reveal the role Valarie Plame has in the decision making process within the CIA especially when doing so results in her covert intelligence relationship being revealed. The fact that Valarie Plame did not make the decision to send her husband is obvious since she isn't the final authority in these matters. The fact that she recommended her husband is irrelevent except to partisan hacks and by the way Bush is an ungrateful bastard for outing the wife of a man who donated to his campaign for President.

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