Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

Yet NOT of outing Plume. Thus the WHOLE " she was not covert" followed by calling Bullshit to the left wing nut jobs claiming A) the Vice President ordered it B) He thus is a traitor and C) Anyone KNOWINGLY told anyone else Plume was Covert or even knew she was.

I keep asking IF she was Covert, WHY did the switchboard at Langley tell a reporter calling to verify her status as working at the CIA that she INDEED was an employee there? Why hasn't that operator been charged with disclosing the identity of a Covert agent?

The reason is obvious. Her employment was unclassified but her intelligence relationship in the covert directorate of the CIA was classified and there was no reason not to release her non-classified employment status to a reporter.

I doubt very much that the Switchboard Operator said, "yes she works for the CIA and she works in our covert operations directorate." That is plain bullshit. It is standard operating procedure of the CIA to acknowledge that covert operatives work at the CIA while maintaining the classified status of their intelligence relationship to the CIA as covert operatives (i.e., the so-called paper pusher is in fact a Director of a Covert Division).
Claiming that to protect a covert status the CIA readily acknowledges their covert agents work for the CIA is the most idiotic claim I have EVER heard.

The CIA did not acknowedge that Valarie Plame worked for them as a covert operative. That is what your retarded ass feels to understand. They know that they cannot keep her movements to and from the CIA secret so they acknowledge that she is an employee of the CIA while not acknowledging her role as a covert operative. This is intelligent and that is what the covert operations at the CIA do. They know that these people's identity is going to be known. They are going to be driving to and from the CIA Headquarters and people are going to be aware of this and to deny that she was an employee would send red flags flying for foreign agents. If I knew person A worked for the CIA or has gone there almost every day of the week and then call the CIA and asked them if she or he worked there and they denied it my first thought would be, "why" and the answer is "they have a reason for keeping it secret" and then my conclusion would be "she or he is a covert agent" and therefore their status as a covert agent cease to be classified. This is the difference between classified intelligence relationship versus un-classified employee relationship. If you can demonstrate that the CIA admitted she was a covert agent who worked in the covert Directorate of Operations and specifically in the covert division dealing with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction you would have a point but they did not do so. The whole idea behind covert agents is to mislead people about what they do. Covert doesn't mean secret. Again, the word covert does not equal secret. The majority of covert agents are openly working for the CIA while their identity as covert agents remain unknown. This is the information that the Administration released which violated the law.
You are an idiot. Valarie Plame worked for the Directorate of Operations specifically be tasked to the Counterproliferation Division of that Directorate. You can try to say that a woman who worked in a covert division of the CIA wasn't covert but that makes you a fucking retard. You can repeatedly assert that someone who worked in a covert division (and I suspect you can't name a single person whom she worked with in the Counterproliferation Divions because it is a covert division) of the CIA isn't a covert operative under the law in question but that only makes you look retarded. It often takes someone being offensive enough to call someone a fucking retard for them to wake the hell up and use some common sense and I am glad to call your fucking retarded opinion that a covert operative within a covert division of a covert directorate of the CIA exactly what it is.

I found the negative reputation point I received for this post and the fucking retarded comment attached to it funny and felt I had to share it with every one. Here is the comment: "nice language; it destroys any point you were trying to make." My response is: I don't give a shit whether someone thinks my language is nice or not and anyone who doesn't like it can fucking to to hell and those who like it receive no brownie points from me and them liking it has no bearing on what I fucking say and they can also go to hell for all I care. Was that a good point?
Man, could you be any more predictable?

Not any less predicatable than you shithead. Your comments are so predicatable and my response to them remains the same which is that you can fuck off and take your comments and shove them. Here is my imitation of you, "blah, blah, blah, blah, I think profanity is bad, blah, blah, blah, I don't like it when people point out that I am stupid, blah, blah, and blah. :eusa_boohoo: If you have a point to make then make it and stop whining already fucker because you gain no brownie points for your arguments by attacking my fucking choice of words jackass.
Not any less predicatable than you shithead. Your comments are so predicatable and my response to them remains the same which is that you can fuck off and take your comments and shove them. Here is my imitation of you, "blah, blah, blah, blah, I think profanity is bad, blah, blah, blah, I don't like it when people point out that I am stupid, blah, blah, and blah. :eusa_boohoo: If you have a point to make then make it and stop whining already fucker because you gain no brownie points for your arguments by attacking my fucking choice of words jackass.

I'm attacking your ability (actually complete lack of) to carry on a conversation.

I don't need to state my point. You did just fine doing it for me.

Let me try it your way now


Your a big dumb shit head because you don't see things through my retarded fucking shit colored glasses, you fucking fucker idiot fucker.

See I can behave like a 12 yr old too.
I'm attacking your ability (actually complete lack of) to carry on a conversation.

I don't need to state my point. You did just fine doing it for me.

Let me try it your way now


Your a big dumb shit head because you don't see things through my retarded fucking shit colored glasses, you fucking fucker idiot fucker.

See I can behave like a 12 yr old too.

Here is my imitation of that: "Blah, blah, blah, I think you are behaving like a 12 year old because you won't play nice and talk out of your ass like I do;" I am not having a conversation with you or attempting to carry on a converation with you jackass. This is something you fail to understand because you are so fucking retarded that you don't see that I don't play that shit and I don't speak out of my ass and then act like I've said something when I haven't. It is clear that you think your form of conversation is a good one but it isn't. It is a complete fucking waste of time and I for one don't play that game. If you want to spew shit out of your mouth and then expect me to respond point by point to your retarded comments you are sadly mistaken because I am going to call a fucking retard a retard even if they don't like it. If that means that a bitch like you thinks I am acting like a 12 year old than so be it because you are acting as a bitch. Let's debate and have a conversation about that jackass and then if you really want to feel powerful and like you live in a democracy you and I can then vote and then you can go on your little tirade. So take your comments and your ideas and your so-called converations and shove them up your fucking ass because I will not play your fucking games. How is that for a conversation? Wait, I forgot you want me to be retarded like you and talk out of my ass and then you can respond out of your ass and then the second Tuesday after the first Monday of November we can vote and you can feel all fuzzy inside that you debated and then voted. :badgrin: Will that make you happy? Will it restore your sense of self and your sense of identity? Will that make you feel good on election day? You also fail to understand that I have no problem with you saying: "Your a big dumb shit head because you don't see things through my retarded fucking shit colored glasses, you fucking fucker idiot fucker." If you believe that then it would be the honest thing to say but I suspect you prefer to spew shit from your mouth instead of telling it like it is.
I'm attacking your ability (actually complete lack of) to carry on a conversation.

I don't need to state my point. You did just fine doing it for me.

Let me try it your way now


Your a big dumb shit head because you don't see things through my retarded fucking shit colored glasses, you fucking fucker idiot fucker.

See I can behave like a 12 yr old too.

Eddie should be the speechwriter for Reid and Pelosi
Here is my imitation of that: "Blah, blah, blah, I think you are behaving like a 12 year old because you won't play nice and talk out of your ass like I do;" I am not having a conversation with you or attempting to carry on a converation with you jackass. This is something you fail to understand because you are so fucking retarded that you don't see that I don't play that shit and I don't speak out of my ass and then act like I've said something when I haven't. It is clear that you think your form of conversation is a good one but it isn't. It is a complete fucking waste of time and I for one don't play that game. If you want to spew shit out of your mouth and then expect me to respond point by point to your retarded comments you are sadly mistaken because I am going to call a fucking retard a retard even if they don't like it. If that means that a bitch like you thinks I am acting like a 12 year old than so be it because you are acting as a bitch. Let's debate and have a conversation about that jackass and then if you really want to feel powerful and like you live in a democracy you and I can then vote and then you can go on your little tirade. So take your comments and your ideas and your so-called converations and shove them up your fucking ass because I will not play your fucking games. How is that for a conversation? Wait, I forgot you want me to be retarded like you and talk out of my ass and then you can respond out of your ass and then the second Tuesday after the first Monday of November we can vote and you can feel all fuzzy inside that you debated and then voted. :badgrin: Will that make you happy? Will it restore your sense of self and your sense of identity? Will that make you feel good on election day? You also fail to understand that I have no problem with you saying: "Your a big dumb shit head because you don't see things through my retarded fucking shit colored glasses, you fucking fucker idiot fucker." If you believe that then it would be the honest thing to say but I suspect you prefer to spew shit from your mouth instead of telling it like it is.

sure i coud try an actually debaet an issue with. But we've done that before but your too stupid an arrogant it seems to even realize when someone is agreeing with you.

Either that or as I stated in the other thread you've dug your hole so deep by posting your temper tantrums that your ego simply can't afford to even acknowledge that you've reached common ground with someone. I don't care if you want "call 'em like you see 'em" with your 'fuckers' and 'retards'. Your posts have shown that you will do that on the basis of pretty much mothing. It would be pretty hard to back track wouldn't it? When you find there is no basis for your tirade and that someone actually agrees with you.
I ask again, if Plume were Covert, WHY did Langley switchboard identify her as an employee of the CIA when asked by a reporter?
As Edward mentioned earlier, COVERT is not synonymous with SECRET.

you are saying an operator said yes, she works here.

Novak said in his article that Plame was a covert operative, working in counter intelligence, or something like this and brought her name in to the public as an every day word.

They RUINED her life and her dedicated 20 years working for the CIA, working for us, and OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

you, on the other hand, are shit in her hand for spitting on her the way you do.

shame on you.

BY LAW btw, the CIA can and should acknowledge to congress her covert status, AND THEY DID.... it is NOT against the law for them to reveal this classified information to Congress from what the law says?

TITLE 50 > CHAPTER 15 > SUBCHAPTER IV > § 425 Prev | Next

§ 425. Providing information to Congress

How Current is This?

Nothing in this subchapter may be construed as authority to withhold information from the Congress or from a committee of either House of Congress.

Of course this does not mean that Congress can then turn around and just tell all of us, they have to follow classified protocol and get what they can declassified to tell us, but basically, they can be told the truth on someone's covert status.
As Edward mentioned earlier, COVERT is not synonymous with SECRET.

you are saying an operator said yes, she works here.

Novak said in his article that Plame was a covert operative, working in counter intelligence, or something like this and brought her name in to the public as an every day word.

They RUINED her life and her dedicated 20 years working for the CIA, working for us, and OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

you, on the other hand, are shit in her hand for spitting on her the way you do.

shame on you.

BY LAW btw, the CIA can and should acknowledge to congress her covert status, AND THEY DID.... it is NOT against the law for them to reveal this classified information to Congress from what the law says?

Of course this does not mean that Congress can then turn around and just tell all of us, they have to follow classified protocol and get what they can declassified to tell us, but basically, they can be told the truth on someone's covert status.

Yea, she was so shook up she has done photo ops with her husband, done interviews, and is working on a book deal

What a terrible life she has now
Yea, she was so shook up she has done photo ops with her husband, done interviews, and is working on a book deal

What a terrible life she has now

CIA won't clear alot in her book, they say it is still sensitive and top secret.

I guess she was just a desk clerk for the CIA? ;)

I hope she makes a few million off of this.... she deserves it.

And rsr, she came in to the lime light, by no action of her own, but by the actions of those that outed her and tried to out her....

She also lost her job and her life long career that could have gone on for another 25 years because of Novak's article and her revealing.

But it appears, that this is what our administration wanted to happen, they did NOT want her to continue her fine work, in this very sensitive area of foreign wmd proliferation.

I feel sorry for her, and for us, the American people, to witness, what happened to her, by our own gvt officials, that represent us. :(

and of course, most importantly:

Good Morning!


ps. Loose lips,
Sink Ships.
CIA won't clear alot in her book, they say it is still sensitive and top secret.

I guess she was just a desk clerk for the CIA? ;)

I hope she makes a few million off of this.... she deserves it.

And rsr, she came in to the lime light, by no action of her own, but by the actions of those that outed her and tried to out her....

She also lost her job and her life long career that could have gone on for another 25 years because of Novak's article and her revealing.

But it appears, that this is what our administration wanted to happen, they did NOT want her to continue her fine work, in this very sensitive area of foreign wmd proliferation.

I feel sorry for her, and for us, the American people, to witness, what happened to her, by our own gvt officials, that represent us. :(

and of course, most importantly:

Good Morning!


Plame is taking the CIA to court - so much for wanting to protect government secrets
CIA won't clear alot in her book, they say it is still sensitive and top secret.

I guess she was just a desk clerk for the CIA? ;)

I hope she makes a few million off of this.... she deserves it.

And rsr, she came in to the lime light, by no action of her own, but by the actions of those that outed her and tried to out her....

She also lost her job and her life long career that could have gone on for another 25 years because of Novak's article and her revealing.

But it appears, that this is what our administration wanted to happen, they did NOT want her to continue her fine work, in this very sensitive area of foreign wmd proliferation.

I feel sorry for her, and for us, the American people, to witness, what happened to her, by our own gvt officials, that represent us. :(

and of course, most importantly:

Good Morning!


ps. Loose lips,
Sink Ships.

Through no action on her part? I guess sending her Husband on a "fact finding" mission that involved sitting around talking to old buddies while sipping tea and then having him make personal attacks on the White House is unimportant? Well only while a Republican is President I am sure. Libby did NOT disclose her supposed "covert" status. Please provide one SHRED of evidence that he did. In fact your so hot to trot about this, explain again why he was NEVER charged with do such?

I suggest you use some of your vast knowledge and research the investigation and then the actual charges against Libby.

You like to make ludicrous claims that no evidence is proof of nefarious activity. Remind me again why we can not do the same for Clinton? You keep claiming Libby lied to cover for specific people and totally destroyed the investigation into catching Rove and the Vice President, remind me again how Mc Dougal going to prison rather then testifying about the Clinton's was just a concerned citizen standing firm against an over zealous partisan Congress. I mean IF the Clinton's did nothing illegal why couldn't Mc Dougal simply tell what she knew?

At least in the case of the Clinton's we have independant evidence and information to claim they did what they were never charged with. In this case all you have is " well we all know where I live that Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove broke the law"

You have no facts or evidence to back your claim yet you keep making it. Your only fact is that Libby was NEVER charged with disclosing Plumes identity and Armitage admitted HE did it.
Through no action on her part? I guess sending her Husband on a "fact finding" mission that involved sitting around talking to old buddies while sipping tea and then having him make personal attacks on the White House is unimportant? Well only while a Republican is President I am sure. Libby did NOT disclose her supposed "covert" status. Please provide one SHRED of evidence that he did. In fact your so hot to trot about this, explain again why he was NEVER charged with do such?

I suggest you use some of your vast knowledge and research the investigation and then the actual charges against Libby.

You like to make ludicrous claims that no evidence is proof of nefarious activity. Remind me again why we can not do the same for Clinton? You keep claiming Libby lied to cover for specific people and totally destroyed the investigation into catching Rove and the Vice President, remind me again how Mc Dougal going to prison rather then testifying about the Clinton's was just a concerned citizen standing firm against an over zealous partisan Congress. I mean IF the Clinton's did nothing illegal why couldn't Mc Dougal simply tell what she knew?

At least in the case of the Clinton's we have independant evidence and information to claim they did what they were never charged with. In this case all you have is " well we all know where I live that Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove broke the law"

You have no facts or evidence to back your claim yet you keep making it. Your only fact is that Libby was NEVER charged with disclosing Plumes identity and Armitage admitted HE did it.

so...you are sticking with this assertion that you know more about the status of CIA employees than the Director of Central Intelligence. Is that right?
Through no action on her part? I guess sending her Husband on a "fact finding" mission that involved sitting around talking to old buddies while sipping tea and then having him make personal attacks on the White House is unimportant? Well only while a Republican is President I am sure.

Ret sgt, did you know that this trip took place in February of 2002? 5 months after the 9/11 attack. All of us were supporting the President at this time. It was unpresidented the support he got from all of us initially.

We were all still in that phase, we were attacked and we supported the Commander in Chief, whole heartedly in February of 2002, we were still United as a country.

I think that this is pertinent because is shows how ridiculous the republicans sound when they imply it was a conspiracy against the president, concoted by Valerie Plame some time in January 2002, just 4 months after 9/11, because as you all say, she was against the War in Iraq.

What war in Iraq? This was 10 months before the Congress even voted to give the President the Choice to go to war via the Iraq Resolution, and OVER a year before the Iraq war and over a year and a half before the Iraq war turned in to a hornet's nest, for goodness sakes!

And secondly, Valerie Plame did not conjure up going to Niger, it was an inquirey from the vice president's office regarding the possibility of yellowcake in Niger being sold to Saddam.

This is what TRIGGERED the trip to Niger.

Another employee recommended Wilson, which came out in testimony of the trial and hearing.

And Ambassador Wilson, WAS MORE THAN QUALIFIED for this mission.

If the Vice President was unsatisfied with Wilson's analysis and summary of the trip, then the Vice President and the CIA could have sent another person afterwards, there was another year before we went and attacked Iraq.

Valerie Plame DID NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY in her position to send Joe Wilson on this trip. It was authorized by her supervisor.

so, stop with the BULL SHIT on that, ok?

Libby did NOT disclose her supposed "covert" status. Please provide one SHRED of evidence that he did. In fact your so hot to trot about this, explain again why he was NEVER charged with do such?

He told Judith Miller, he told Matt Cooper, he told Tim Russert and a few others that I can't remember.

Trials bring out things like this, ya know? gees...keep up!

I suggest you use some of your vast knowledge and research the investigation and then the actual charges against Libby.

Duh! It is YOU that needs to do some reading, about what came out in the trial.

I know what libby was charged with

6 Felony counts, including obstruction of JUSTICE, PERJURY, and lying to an FBI Investigator.

You like to make ludicrous claims that no evidence is proof of nefarious activity. Remind me again why we can not do the same for Clinton? You keep claiming Libby lied to cover for specific people and totally destroyed the investigation into catching Rove and the Vice President, remind me again how Mc Dougal going to prison rather then testifying about the Clinton's was just a concerned citizen standing firm against an over zealous partisan Congress. I mean IF the Clinton's did nothing illegal why couldn't Mc Dougal simply tell what she knew?

Useless partisan dribble.

At least in the case of the Clinton's we have independant evidence and information to claim they did what they were never charged with. In this case all you have is " well we all know where I live that Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove broke the law"

Additional useless dribble.

You have no facts or evidence to back your claim yet you keep making it. Your only fact is that Libby was NEVER charged with disclosing Plumes identity and Armitage admitted HE did it.

And what do you have to say that Valerie Plame was NOT an undercover officer for the CIA when the DCI vets that himself? NADA! ZILCH!

Ret sgt, I can't do the reading you need to do on the trial and the oversight hearing, for you.

Good morning,


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