Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

From one year to the next? Where do you get this talking point from Gunny? He committed Purgery within 3 months of the outing. Not a year or two years or three years, but within 3 months of the incident.

Still waiting for that explaination of why he wasn't charged and convicted of "outing" her, since you have STATED he told all those people she was not only a CIA employee but that she was covert. Why just Perjury? Still waiting for you to agree that using your riteria Clinton should be behind bars also.
From one year to the next? Where do you get this talking point from Gunny? He committed Purgery within 3 months of the outing. Not a year or two years or three years, but within 3 months of the incident.

It isn't a "talking point." There is no evidence that supports he "outted" anyone. Only witch hunting speculation. Statements he made when the accusations were first made were compared to statements he made later, and the inconsistencies declared evidence of perjury.

Whatever. It was a cheap excuse for the investigator to try and salvage some legtimacy to the proceedings.
Ya, Libby tried to answer as opposed to the Clinton's, their stock answer for 8 years was " I Do Not Recall".

Bet money if he had written down everything he said the first time and used it as notes for later proceedings he'd have been accused of saying what someone wrote down for him to say; which, is exactly what the police say when statements are identical -- that they are rehearsed.
He lied...He got busted...AND he lied for a reason like most people do...To cover something up... I know that is hard for some of you to understand who want to believe he did no wrong. But face the facts. The guy was caught and he lied for a reason not just because it was some honest mistake because he could not remember what happened. Give me a break.

He was busted and your defense of him is Pathetic. Guess Clinton wasnt guilty either. Hell, what man WOULDNT lie under oath about having an affair?? HMMM??? See the logic..Same type of logic you guys are using.
He lied...He got busted...AND he lied for a reason like most people do...To cover something up... I know that is hard for some of you to understand who want to believe he did no wrong. But face the facts. The guy was caught and he lied for a reason not just because it was some honest mistake because he could not remember what happened. Give me a break.

He was busted and your defense of him is Pathetic. Guess Clinton wasnt guilty either. Hell, what man WOULDNT lie under oath about having an affair?? HMMM??? See the logic..Same type of logic you guys are using.

I hope you are this giddy when the conviction is tossed out
He lied...He got busted...AND he lied for a reason like most people do...To cover something up... I know that is hard for some of you to understand who want to believe he did no wrong. But face the facts. The guy was caught and he lied for a reason not just because it was some honest mistake because he could not remember what happened. Give me a break.

He was busted and your defense of him is Pathetic. Guess Clinton wasnt guilty either. Hell, what man WOULDNT lie under oath about having an affair?? HMMM??? See the logic..Same type of logic you guys are using.

Your first statment is nothing but partisan speculation on your part. You have no idea why the inconsistencies exist. As I also stated, the police, and I for that matter, would be MORE suspicious of someone who could recite "memory" verbatim than I would someone with inconsistencies in their statements.

What's pathetic is the whole dog-n-pony show witch hunt that been conducted, as evidenced by no conviction to support the allegations, just a process crime conviction in a lame attempt at damage control.

As far as your second statement, I called shifting the Whitewater Investigation to the Bill Clinton Hummer investigation a ...guess what? Partisan witch hunt. It served about as much REAL purpose as the Plame menagerie.
just because Armitage leaked Plame's name does not mean that Libby did not as well.

But it does go to show that the alleged "affirmative measures" were far and away insufficient to have any practical usefulness. And if you accept the idea that Armitage "leaked" the information accidentally, then you must also accept the possibility that Libby did as well. Personally, I'd prefer to see Armitage under indictment for HIS crime rather than Libby. And Sandy Berger right along side him....
I hope you are this giddy when the conviction is tossed out

I'm going to take a guess that Libby's conviction for obstruction will get overturned on appeal. He may still be stuck with the other charges, but without the obstruction charge, the scoring of those crimes will be lessened and the jail time shortened accordingly.
I'm going to take a guess that Libby's conviction for obstruction will get overturned on appeal. He may still be stuck with the other charges, but without the obstruction charge, the scoring of those crimes will be lessened and the jail time shortened accordingly.

They could order a new trial on the other charges
Your first statment is nothing but partisan speculation on your part. You have no idea why the inconsistencies exist. As I also stated, the police, and I for that matter, would be MORE suspicious of someone who could recite "memory" verbatim than I would someone with inconsistencies in their statements.

What's pathetic is the whole dog-n-pony show witch hunt that been conducted, as evidenced by no conviction to support the allegations, just a process crime conviction in a lame attempt at damage control.

As far as your second statement, I called shifting the Whitewater Investigation to the Bill Clinton Hummer investigation a ...guess what? Partisan witch hunt. It served about as much REAL purpose as the Plame menagerie.

Just something for you to ponder,

if memory serves, there were no convictions in the Watergate Scandal's original crimes, none......other than convictions invoved in the Cover up.

Just something for you to ponder,

if memory serves, there were no convictions in the Watergate Scandal's original crimes, none......other than convictions invoved in the Cover up.


I guess the libs see "justice" as - if we can't nail a Republican for a real crime - hell, we will make one up
I'm going to take a guess that Libby's conviction for obstruction will get overturned on appeal. He may still be stuck with the other charges, but without the obstruction charge, the scoring of those crimes will be lessened and the jail time shortened accordingly.

cocky sob, :razz:

On what grounds is your "guess" coming from...?

On what grounds do you think that he will win his appeal on the Obstruction of Justice guilty conviction?

I guess the libs see "justice" as - if we can't nail a Republican for a real crime - hell, we will make one up

Oh come on Rsr,

You know darn well that it was the Republicans that perfected this with what they did to Clinton, and the one perjury charge they tried to get him on! ;)

Bill did commit perjury Care - he did lie under oath

little known fact: "perjury" is NOT synonymous with lying under oath...and saying that someone "committed perjury" is the same thing as saying they "committed" any other crime. OJ committing murder comes to mind. He did not, in fact, commmit murder. A jury of his peers found him not guilty of that charge. Clinton was never found guilty of the crime of perjury by any court of law..
little known fact: "perjury" is NOT synonymous with lying under oath...and saying that someone "committed perjury" is the same thing as saying they "committed" any other crime. OJ committing murder comes to mind. He did not, in fact, commmit murder. A jury of his peers found him not guilty of that charge. Clinton was never found guilty of the crime of perjury by any court of law..

Yea right MM

and you call others a political hack?
RSRs input in this thread reminds me why the killers of Emmet Till were acquitted.

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