Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

I'm sorry, but I don't think the Police nor I agree with that statement. The police will always note inconsistencies in statements and use it as evidence against you. ALWAYS !!!!

the police, and I for that matter, would be MORE suspicious of someone who could recite "memory" verbatim than I would someone with inconsistencies in their statements.
Why do facts offend you so much?

you dont offer facts..

what you offer is about as much fact as Emmet Tills Jury was anything close to justice..

hell, it sure is a shocker that a bunch of good ole boy conservatives with a bone to pick would acquite their southern white brother...
little known fact: "perjury" is NOT synonymous with lying under oath...and saying that someone "committed perjury" is the same thing as saying they "committed" any other crime. OJ committing murder comes to mind. He did not, in fact, commmit murder. A jury of his peers found him not guilty of that charge. Clinton was never found guilty of the crime of perjury by any court of law..

He also was acquitted for Perjury in his Impeachment Trial.

Though he did give up temporarily his law licence and some other things, but I am uncertain on how that came about, since there were no further trials after the impeachment acquittal?
Bill did commit perjury Care - he did lie under oath

Yes, I think he did, though I am uncertain how lying about Monica even related to the original crime they were investigating, though it seems there were hundreds of these investigations?

But regardless of what I think about his lie, he was acquitted via the Senate Impeachment trial, for it.

Yes, I think he did, though I am uncertain how lying about Monica even related to the original crime they were investigating, though it seems there were hundreds of these investigations?

But regardless of what I think about his lie, he was acquitted via the Senate Impeachment trial, for it.


You THINK he did?
Yes, I think he did, though I am uncertain how lying about Monica even related to the original crime they were investigating, though it seems there were hundreds of these investigations?

But regardless of what I think about his lie, he was acquitted via the Senate Impeachment trial, for it.


He lied to a Judge in a case brought by a woman that accused him of Sexual harrassment and using his position as Governor to threaten her job for sexual favors. In other words he lied to protect his ass. It had nothing to do with what his wife might think and all to do with not wanting to help establish a pattern.

The question was asked BECAUSE in that case it was relevant.
He also was acquitted for Perjury in his Impeachment Trial.

Though he did give up temporarily his law licence and some other things, but I am uncertain on how that came about, since there were no further trials after the impeachment acquittal?

But we has impeached

Part of the Clinton legacy. And he was found contempt of court and paid a fine
Further, the Impeachment process in the Congress has NOTHING to do with a legal proceeding in the Courts. He was never CHARGED with Perjury and as I understand it part of the reason was because he agreed to lose his license to practice law for a period of time.

He has never been found innocent of perjury. And he DID commit same, he has even admitted it.
The monica incident was YEARS AFTER the case was was immaterial to the case.
More spin in attempt to rewrite history and say Bill was a victim

yet when anyone starts fine tooth combing bush for pre-war lies it all of a sudden becomes liberal harassment...

gee.. i wonder if a blind man can see what that double standard looks like...
its the wording of the law not spin.

How does a consentual blowjob 20 years later manage to be material in a case of sexual harrasment?

It doesnt.

BTW the case was heaved out because it was complete bullshit.

The only reason the case was brought was to try and get Clinton to commit purjury and expose his personal sex life.

The funny thing is Newt was doing the very same thing at the time.
its the wording of the law not spin.

How does a consentual blowjob 20 years later manage to be material in a case of sexual harrasment?

It doesnt.

BTW the case was heaved out because it was complete bullshit.

The only reason the case was brought was to try and get Clinton to commit purjury and expose his personal sex life.

The funny thing is Newt was doing the very same thing at the time.

When he lied about having sex with her - it was perjury

If Bill would have fessed up - he would not have committed a crime

When did Newt lie under oath?
But we has impeached

Part of the Clinton legacy. And he was found contempt of court and paid a fine

There are 2 parts to the Impeachment process.

First, the House initiates the Impeachment Process, during this process they have hearings and grand juries taking testimony and all the fact finding things take place to see if the President has alledgedly committed any crimes, after this fact finding perid, the full Congress is shown all of the evidence at hand and they vote on whether there is enough evidence to send the Impeachment to a TRIAL in the Senate. The vote in the house is for something similar to an "indictment" of a crime, is there enough evidence to charge the President with a crime.

Then, if there is enough votes, I believe it only takes a majority for this vote in the House, the Impeachment process goes on to the Senate.

The Senate is an actual trial, Where the Chief Justice of the supreme court resides over the Impeachment trial in the Senate as the Judge.

All of the prosecutor's gathered information and testimony from the House's fact finding investigations is presented as evidence, before the Senate, as though the Senate is the jury in a court case, and the president is the defendant, presenting his defense.

After the trial is over, the Senate votes on whether the President is guilty or not guilty of the crimes he was charged doing.

Our constitution states it takes a vote of 2/3's of the Senate to find him guilty of these crimes and misdemeanors in order for the Impeachment to be successful, in order to be impeached and removed from Official office as President.

The Senate found him, not guilty. They acquitted him for his alledged crimes and thus, the Presiden'ts impeachment was NOT successful and he remained in office.

Acquitted of his crimes.

That is my understanding of how Impeachment works!

There are 2 parts to the Impeachment process.

First, the House initiates the Impeachment Process, during this process they have hearings and grand juries taking testimony and all the fact finding things take place to see if the President has alledgedly committed any crimes, after this fact finding perid, the full Congress is shown all of the evidence at hand and they vote on whether there is enough evidence to send the Impeachment to a TRIAL in the Senate. The vote in the house is for something similar to an "indictment" of a crime, is there enough evidence to charge the President with a crime.

Then, if there is enough votes, I believe it only takes a majority for this vote in the House, the Impeachment process goes on to the Senate.

The Senate is an actual trial, Where the Chief Justice of the supreme court resides over the Impeachment trial in the Senate as the Judge.

All of the prosecutor's gathered information and testimony from the House's fact finding investigations is presented as evidence, before the Senate, as though the Senate is the jury in a court case, and the president is the defendant, presenting his defense.

After the trial is over, the Senate votes on whether the President is guilty or not guilty of the crimes he was charged doing.

Our constitution states it takes a vote of 2/3's of the Senate to find him guilty of these crimes and misdemeanors in order for the Impeachment to be successful, in order to be impeached and removed from Official office as President.

The Senate found him, not guilty. They acquitted him for his alledged crimes and thus, the Presiden'ts impeachment was NOT successful and he remained in office.

Acquitted of his crimes.

That is my understanding of how Impeachment works!


Bill was impeached - but not removed form office

History will read he was the second President to be impeached
Yes, I think he did, though I am uncertain how lying about Monica even related to the original crime they were investigating, though it seems there were hundreds of these investigations?

But regardless of what I think about his lie, he was acquitted via the Senate Impeachment trial, for it.



Yesterday was a special day - a special birthday. Monica Lewinsky turned 31

It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her
hands and knees, and putting everything in her mouth

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