Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

C) Why did she allow her husband to have her photo appear in a national magazine and he routinely bragged about DC and to his friends she was working for the CIA.

That photo came out in January '04; AFTER she was outed in July '03. Sheesh. The righties are so desperate to sweep this under the rug that they are even screwing with the timelines.
Sure thing, I ask again, if she were covert and was working for a front company, why was she A) driving to Langley and entering work through the front door... B) why did the switchboard at Langley freely identify her as working FOR the CIA .. C) Why did she allow her husband to have her photo appear in a national magazine and he routinely bragged about DC and to his friends she was working for the CIA.

Some Covert operative....

The person that drafted the law in question was clear, she did NOT meet the standards under the law. Whom shall i believe? The person who wrote the law OR a political hack and his allies?

Again, Libby was NOT convicted of OUTING her in the first place. Go read his conviction, he was not even CHARGED with break the law he was investigated for. It is ILOLEGAL to trap someone into a perjury charge, yet that is all that he was charged with, while others that had faulty memories were simply allowed to change their story. The man that OUTED her wasn't even charged, I am sure that his liberal bent had nothing to do with that at all.

The idea was to get Libby to roll on someone higher, by any means possible, and it failed. Pure politics. A sitting President commits Perjury to a Judge in a personal case effecting him and no one cares, BUT Libby misremembers something, corrrects it and he is tried for Perjury. lets look at the political parties of these two.... Shall we?

Let's look at the pertinent section, shall we?

<blockquote> (4) The term &#8220;covert agent&#8221; means:
(A)<b>a present or retired officer or employee of an intelligence agency</b> or a present or retired member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency&#8212;

(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member is classified information, and

(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within the last five years served outside the United States;<b> or

(B) a United States citizen whose intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information</b>, and&#8212;
(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency, or
(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; or
(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose past or present intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information and who is a present or former agent of, or a present or former informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency.</blockquote>

Mr. Fitzgerald made it abundantly clear that Ms. Plame had TRAVELED OUTSIDE THE US seven times pursuant to her duties with the Directorate of Operations Counterproliferation division...UNDER COVER. And it is not Fitzgerald's assertion that Ms. Plame was a covert operative. An unclassified job history of Ms. Plame RELEASED BY THE CIA, states that Ms. Plame was a covert operative up until her outing in Robert Novak's article.

Game, set, match...YOU LOSE!
In other words you have no idea if the complaint was political or truthful.

nor do you.

I know what I read..... I read what the prosecutor says, but more importantly, I read what the DCI says.

So, explain, since you clearly have no idea if the complaint was political or the truth, why the director of central intelligence would authorize Rep. Waxman to make a statement and announce that the statement had, in fact, been cleared by the DCI, if the substance of the statement were false and merely politically based.

I'll wait.
That statute says that, to qualify as "covert", an employee must have been stationed in a foreign country within the past five years... which Plame hadn't been, when her name was released.

I guess little bully needs to call his friend Fitz and ask him to explain this little bit of "painful truth".

actually, if I am not mistaken, the statute does not use the word "stationed" but something more generic, like "worked in"...and she clearly took trips overseas and worked in a foreign country within the timeframe in question.
sorry Bully...I didn't mean to be repetitive. I responded to him before I got down all the way to see that you have covered it quite nicely!
Just amazing they will deny what the CIA has said about their own employee to hold on to their misconceptions for political hackery.
isnt libby just a scape goat?.

did she truly work in the field or had a desk job?

is she covered either way?

did she tell anyone she was an agent?

who actually told she was an agent?

what was the link again, im wrong, i dont care, just email me the link please, [email protected]
isnt libby just a scape goat?.

did she truly work in the field or had a desk job?

is she covered either way?

did she tell anyone she was an agent?

who actually told she was an agent?

what was the link again, im wrong, i dont care, just email me the link please, [email protected]

you are doubting the word - and, I suppose, the intelligence - of the Director of Central Intelligence?
The sad fact is that Bush could be caught strangling a Girl Scout in the Rose Garden and some would believe him when he said, "She deserved it!" in defense of his innocence.

His most rabid supporters are those which have their whole world view invested in his success. Failure is unimaginable...Admission of failure is unthinkable. To do so would set up such a cognitive dissonance that their little heads would explode from it.
isnt libby just a scape goat?.

did she truly work in the field or had a desk job?

She truely was an undercover officer for the CIA, she had traveled overseas 7-10 times as a classified undercover agent. This is documented with Proof.

is she covered either way?
no, only if you are undercover are you "covered".

did she tell anyone she was an agent?
no she did not tell anyone, except her husband, but regardless, it is not against the law for an agent to out themselves, the law applies to others outing an undercover agent only.

who actually told she was an agent?
not sure what you mean? The Cia and the FBI investigators and sworn testimony before congress cleared by the Director of the CIA, general Hayden, identified her as an Undercover Officer for the CIA at the time she was outed.
That is why Libby is going to jail for lying to the prosicutor.

He cant make the case because the witnesses are lying and covering up the truth.
That is why Libby is going to jail for lying to the prosicutor.

He cant make the case because the witnesses are lying and covering up the truth.
I believe that "the case" could be made that the VP requested that the leak be done by Libby and Rove and a few others in the inner circle, to the Press.

But 2 years after the "event" of the outing, or maybe it was 3 years after the incident, VP cheney said in an interview that HE WAS ALLOWED to declassify the document...and that he did.

The Problem with this is that the protocol for declassifying, was not followed by Cheney.

The CIA and Valerie Plame were never notified that the document that outed her would be declassified.

There is a case to be made, but a much more complicated one and as usual, no one has the time or the patience or the virtue to follow thru, imo.

isnt libby just a scape goat?.

did she truly work in the field or had a desk job?

She truely was an undercover officer for the CIA, she had traveled overseas 7-10 times as a classified undercover agent. This is documented with Proof.

is she covered either way?
no, only if you are undercover are you "covered".

did she tell anyone she was an agent?
no she did not tell anyone, except her husband, but regardless, it is not against the law for an agent to out themselves, the law applies to others outing an undercover agent only.

who actually told she was an agent?
not sure what you mean? The Cia and the FBI investigators and sworn testimony before congress cleared by the Director of the CIA, general Hayden, identified her as an Undercover Officer for the CIA at the time she was outed.
I made this part a little larger because her husband routinely introduced his wife as his "little spy" it has been reported numurous times that it was a well known fact (among the white house corrispondents) that she was an operative.

So how is it that when something is fairly common knowledge to a particular group it suddenly becomes a matter of national security when someone else supposedly "outs" her???
This is what Ftizpatrick had said .

I assume he KNOWS exactly what happened but cant prove the case because people like Libby keep lying and are willign to go to prison to keep the secret.

Libby probably knows he would be offed if he turned.
I made this part a little larger because her husband routinely introduced his wife as his "little spy" it has been reported numurous times that it was a well known fact (among the white house corrispondents) that she was an operative.

So how is it that when something is fairly common knowledge to a particular group it suddenly becomes a matter of national security when someone else supposedly "outs" her???

It came out that there was NO SUCH PROOF of such, period.

It was a republican rumor that was fabricated and spun until the cows came home, so much so that even now, when the FACTS are readily available to you and all the others that spew this crap, still believe it, look it up. Pretty please.

Go to Patrick Fitgerald's government web site that has official documents regarding this case and go the the Libby indictment link, and read what Fitzpatrick has stated.

Then, get a copy of the transcript on the House Oversight Committee's Hearing, where Plame and many others testified under Oath, but before this read what was Allowed to be said about Plame and the circumstances revolved around this case that was Vetted by the New Director of the CIA General Hayden, and CLEARED by him.

Her husband DID NOT refer to his wife regularly as his"little spy" or that she was a spy or that she worked for the CIA....her neighbors did not know that she worked for the CIA, her friends did not know she worked for the CIA... this is what Fitzgerald had to determine before he went further with the investigation on whether she was a cia covert/undercover officer that was outed.

By Law, he is required to get official government approval, stating that the person that was supposedly outed, even qualified for this "outed" status. Once he determined that she was undercover and qualified, and that no one around her knew this and that her identity as an agent was not commonly known, then the Law was open for him to pursue the investigation in to the "outing" of a classified agent.

There was a statement by some partisan hack General on fox news saying that wilson repeatedly refered to his wife as someone who worked at the CIA, but then it came out that the dates he said Wilson did this with him, Wilson was no where near the guy, so the general lied about that, and then it came out that the 9 times he said wilson met with him and said this...was not 9 different times with him meeting with Wilson, but it turned out to be only possible to occur on only on 1 day, that they both were in the green room at fox news, then it came out that Wilson threatened to sue the guy if he didn't put up some facts or shut up... and absolutely nothing since from this lying general on FOX.
rumor as apposed to fact.

Im so very tired of people like this who would put Party politics above the interests of our nation.

They outed a spay for political reasons and all these people can do is repete the lies for them in an attempt to protect politicains who would do this kind of completely scurilous shit.

Where is the America we used to have where NO ONE would have defended such bullshit?

I fear for my country when truth means nothing.

Truth is just clay to be molded until it looks good for my party.

just so very very sad for America.
Not a problem. The repetition seems necessary for these poor, benighted souls.

If you have any definitive, legal proof that Plame was a covert agent per the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (50 U.S.C. 421 et seq.), please present it.

If you don't, none of the rest of this bullshit amounts to anything more than that which comes from a cow's ass.

In this case, repetition appears to be perpetuating the lie into myth.

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