Oh, Democrats!

Oh my God I do NOT know how to break this to you so lets just cut to the chase.
Just give you MAJOR BUTT HURT right from the start.


UPDATE, 2:46 PM: The Dow Jones took a tumble today, but PresidentBarack Obama only hit a small pothole last night in his State of the Unionaddress. With a total audience of 31.3 million watching over 13 networks, the President’s last official report on the nation before a joint session of Congress hit an all-time viewership low – by just a little bit."


[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It was the least-viewed State of the Union or presidential address to a joint session since Bill Clinton’s first joint session address in February 1993."[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Oh its NOT a TOTAL moron THANK God. Its a serial rapist married to a defender of Rape AND Child Molesters. Here I THOUGHT the number one had to be an idiot. MY mistake I FORGOT you had YOUR criminal wing in the DNC.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]You know democrats remind me a LOT more like Turkeys and NOT Sheep. Sheep ARE smart enough to find cover when it rains. Turkey's WILL look into the sky and DROWN from the rain drops.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Oh and a small side note: Turkey season IS in the fall November MOST places LIKE Iowa. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Obama’s Final State Of The Union Dips To All-Time Low – Update[/FONT]
Meanwhile your better , President Obama was elected TWICE , which gave you losers 8 years of constant whining
Next time preview your post. That is more awful to look at than some of Irosie's shit.
That font crap does not show up on edit.
No, you are right, but there is a "preview" option, and you can see if it is messed up. Also, there is a button to make it all visible if that crap is whacked up, and you can just redo all that shit if it is too much to deal with.
Solution = stop posting in bold like a retard
Boy that story has to feel about as good as a kick in the teeth. Fearless leader and all and he speaks to the second smallest crowd in televised history DESPITE being on THIRTEEN networks at ONE TIME.

How in the hell do you do that? He would have LOST to a rerun of "Green Acres" on a head to head match up. KFC spots have been seen by more people then viewed him.

Sorry, but as you have been told a million times, ratings and credibility aren't the same thing.

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