Oh good grief


May 30, 2012

I wandered over here from XXXXX to see what this place is all about. I live somewhere in Arizona.

Politics aren't very important to me -- in fact the left-right-left-right-left-right bickering bores me. The forum topics look interesting.

See y'all around :)

Welcome buddy. Lots of interesting characters here. Stick around and get to know them.

Chuck is one of the nicest guys over there. Top notch dude.
Welcome to USMB, Chuckie. Hope you enjoy the boards.

There are: Science board, Outdoors board, photography, music, arts, some countries, and general boards. If you don't see a topic, you can start your own thread, and chances are someone who is interested in the same subject will drop in and say a word. And hopefullly a kind word. Sometimes people are zeroed in on a different topic but will later find your thread. Keep trying. And glad you dropped in.

And if you don't care for Politics check out the coffee shop. It is a politics/religion free zone..
]XXXXX[/COLOR] to see what this place is all about. I live somewhere in Arizona.
Politics aren't very important to me -- in fact the left-right-left-right-left-right bickering bores me. The forum topics look interesting.

See y'all around :)

I feel the same way, though it's fun every once in a while if you keep your expectations low.

Hang in the Flame Zone, usually few political threads, and good-natured ball-busting(usually).

Welcome to the boards.

I wandered over here from XXXXX to see what this place is all about. I live somewhere in Arizona.

Politics aren't very important to me -- in fact the left-right-left-right-left-right bickering bores me. The forum topics look interesting.

See y'all around :)

Welcome Chuckie...:cool:steve

I wandered over here from XXXXX to see what this place is all about. I live somewhere in Arizona.

Politics aren't very important to me -- in fact the left-right-left-right-left-right bickering bores me. The forum topics look interesting.

See y'all around :)

I looked on a map of AZ.... could not find anywhere called Somewhere. I accuse you of being a lair!


I wandered over here from XXXXX to see what this place is all about. I live somewhere in Arizona.

Politics aren't very important to me -- in fact the left-right-left-right-left-right bickering bores me. The forum topics look interesting.

See y'all around :)

I looked on a map of AZ.... could not find anywhere called Somewhere. I accuse you of being a lair!


I'm a lair too. Pretty sure there's no Baja, Canada. :)

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