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Oh goody, tens of thousands in Kentucky to lose their health care. Thanks GOP!

Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

Millions lost their insurance when O gave us obamacare.

Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

Millions lost their insurance when O gave us obamacare.

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

Critics of the law now say millions lost their health insurance. But that’s misleading. Those individual market plans were discontinued, but policyholders weren’t denied coverage. And the question is, how many millions of insured Americans had plans canceled, and how does that compare with the millions of uninsured Americans who gained coverage under the law.

There is evidence that far more have gained coverage than had their policies canceled.

...It’s true that insurance companies discontinued health plans that had covered millions of people who had bought them directly rather than through an employer. That’s because those plans didn’t meet the coverage standards of the new law.

But those policyholders didn’t lose the ability to have insurance. In most cases, insurers offered them an alternative plan, though there were some instances of companies exiting the individual market altogether.

Whether offered an alternative or not, individuals could shop for insurance on the federal and state marketplaces, or through a broker or insurance carrier directly. Many were likely eligible for federal subsidies to help pay for insurance, resulting in better coverage and lower rates for some. But the specific plan they had was indeed discontinued. (More than half of those with canceled policies were likely to be eligible for federal assistance, according to Urban Institute research, and about 80 percent of all those buying plans on the exchanges are expected to qualify for subsidies, according to the Congressional Budget Office.)

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

...How many “millions” so far have gained coverage?

The early numbers on enrollment in the exchanges and Medicaid don’t tell us how many of the enrollees were previously uninsured — despite some claims from Democrats to the contrary. The Obama administration disclosed on April 10 that 7.5 million had signed up for plans on the exchanges, but we don’t know how many previously had insurance. The Medicaid rolls increased by more than 3 million through the end of February, the administration also said, a figure that would reflect both those newly eligible under the law and previously eligible but now signing up.

But a survey funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted by the Urban Institute indicates that many of those signing up for the exchanges and Medicaid may have been uninsured. It found that 5.4 million of the previously uninsured had gained coverage between September and the beginning of March. The exchanges launched Oct. 1.

An April 8 report by the nonprofit RAND Corp. put the figure of newly insured higher. Based on a nationwide poll, Rand estimated that there had been a net gain of 9.3 million insured “adults” as of mid-March, when the poll was being conducted. That includes marketplace and Medicaid enrollment, as well as an increase in employer-based enrollment.

Neither of those figures includes an estimated 3 million young adults who gained coverage in 2010 and 2011, likely because of the law’s provision allowing them to stay on their parents’ policies.
Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

Ah, I see. Only special people deserve health insurance. How very GOP of you :)

No moron, you don't "see" anything. NO ONE deserves healthcare. You buy it, you have it. You don't buy it, you don't have it. No one is special, that is just stupidity that you lefties totally make up in your "minds".
Why buy it if you can use the taxpayer funded emergency room care as your primary health care? It costs 10 to hundreds of time more, but so what? If taxpayers are paying for it, it's free, right?

Thanks for pointing that out. You're so smart.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

Millions lost their insurance when O gave us obamacare.

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

Critics of the law now say millions lost their health insurance. But that’s misleading. Those individual market plans were discontinued, but policyholders weren’t denied coverage. And the question is, how many millions of insured Americans had plans canceled, and how does that compare with the millions of uninsured Americans who gained coverage under the law.

There is evidence that far more have gained coverage than had their policies canceled.

...It’s true that insurance companies discontinued health plans that had covered millions of people who had bought them directly rather than through an employer. That’s because those plans didn’t meet the coverage standards of the new law.

But those policyholders didn’t lose the ability to have insurance. In most cases, insurers offered them an alternative plan, though there were some instances of companies exiting the individual market altogether.

Whether offered an alternative or not, individuals could shop for insurance on the federal and state marketplaces, or through a broker or insurance carrier directly. Many were likely eligible for federal subsidies to help pay for insurance, resulting in better coverage and lower rates for some. But the specific plan they had was indeed discontinued. (More than half of those with canceled policies were likely to be eligible for federal assistance, according to Urban Institute research, and about 80 percent of all those buying plans on the exchanges are expected to qualify for subsidies, according to the Congressional Budget Office.)

How many individual market cancellations were there?

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

...How many “millions” so far have gained coverage?

The early numbers on enrollment in the exchanges and Medicaid don’t tell us how many of the enrollees were previously uninsured — despite some claims from Democrats to the contrary. The Obama administration disclosed on April 10 that 7.5 million had signed up for plans on the exchanges, but we don’t know how many previously had insurance. The Medicaid rolls increased by more than 3 million through the end of February, the administration also said, a figure that would reflect both those newly eligible under the law and previously eligible but now signing up.

But a survey funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and conducted by the Urban Institute indicates that many of those signing up for the exchanges and Medicaid may have been uninsured. It found that 5.4 million of the previously uninsured had gained coverage between September and the beginning of March. The exchanges launched Oct. 1.

An April 8 report by the nonprofit RAND Corp. put the figure of newly insured higher. Based on a nationwide poll, Rand estimated that there had been a net gain of 9.3 million insured “adults” as of mid-March, when the poll was being conducted. That includes marketplace and Medicaid enrollment, as well as an increase in employer-based enrollment.

Neither of those figures includes an estimated 3 million young adults who gained coverage in 2010 and 2011, likely because of the law’s provision allowing them to stay on their parents’ policies.
That’s because those plans didn’t meet the coverage standards of the new law.

That's the problem with the GOP. No standards.
forgive us if we say it is "free" to the people it is heavily subdized for leftard. Pretty sure the main point is, and i dont think you CAN handle this part, is that even for the people who pay they are going to pay MORE, HECK ARE PAYING MORE, and will pay even more in the future

i guess that is what you get when you WANT the system to crash in favor of single-payer. the lemming supporters of the Jackass Party just have to understand their pain is for the greater good! ;)

So you are admitting that no one is getting anything for free here? That rather destroys your tourrette's style mantra - they're getting FREEE STUFF! No...they are actually paying for it, in many cases for something they couldn't have afforded before.

So...you have a problem with subsidized healthcare despite the fact that as many as 9 million, who previously had little access to healthcare, now do? Do you have issues with paying for preventive healthcare rather than emergency healthcare where the costs are much higher?
The GOP Republicans are the only people I know who fight only for substandard. Substandard education, substandard jobs, substandard healthcare. I guess the worst you can buy is all they feel they deserve.
hilarious; article is titled "Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes...." and goes on to say "premium information only available in 10 states plus DC...............'


Indicative that some people find facts painful. Better check and see if your governor will allow you to get treatment for that.

WTF??? what part of information only available from ten states, among other vagueries, do you consider a fact-based rebuttal?

how many states are there idiot? see if you can do better at guessing than obama did
The GOP Republicans are the only people I know who fight only for substandard. Substandard education, substandard jobs, substandard healthcare. I guess the worst you can buy is all they feel they deserve.

from the affirmative action, dumb-down the standards crowd

you couldnt get any more moronically hypocritical if you tried, and you DO try

idiots and hypocrites
This is a lie: "Obummer care collapsing all around".

It's only a lie to people who aren't paying attention.
This is a lie: "Obummer care collapsing all around".

It's only a lie to people who aren't paying attention.
Taz, you could post comprehensive evidence for your point but the problem is: that does not exist.

Not exactly difficult to do. You have ObamaCare co-ops shutting down shop left and right all across the country. People's premiums are continuing to rise despite the lie about a an average decrease of $2500 per family. Young people aren't signing up, which is exactly what the entire program is hinged on, and at the end of the day 3/4 of the people enrolled through an ObamaCare exchange already had insurance prior to its passage, so the couple million it's actually helped are only a fraction of the tens of millions who got screwed in order to provide it.

Don't you read the news? I see at least one article every week discussing a new failure in the ACA.
No, you don't, and, no, you can't. All you can do is talk.
The GOP Republicans are the only people I know who fight only for substandard. Substandard education, substandard jobs, substandard healthcare. I guess the worst you can buy is all they feel they deserve.
Lets dissect(that is to take apart if dissect is too tough a word for you) what you just said.
Substandard education - public education where in Washington D.C.(Liberal Mayor) it cost over $12,000 per child yet more fail. I pay $11,000 for private education for my children per student and they are better educated. Sure you just FAILED on the education argument.
Substandard Jobs - Obamacare which you voted for, has taken the 40 hour work week and now have it 29 hours. You keep saying to raise minimum wage, where people who cant even count to 2 (McD's will give you 1 burger when you ask for 2) get paid the same as a hard working person who is just joining the workforce to get a resume started, and then move to a better job. No you want to give that 25 year burger flipper welfare so he can stay in that job and not move up. You just failed on the job argument.
Substandard healthcare - Washington D.C. General at one time was the hospital everyone went to. But then Edward Kennedy enacted a bill that made all emergency rooms HAVE to take in anyone who walked in the doors whether it was an emergency or not. Soon DC General, went bankrupt as those who couldn't pay became more than those that could pay, so the doctors closed the doors and moved on. Now we have millions of illegal aliens crossing the border, taking their snotty nosed kids to the ER, demanding that they be taken care, of, and American Citizens are to foot the bill. You just failed on the healthcare argument. I have a real nice idea, since you are sooooo charitable, why don't you take in about 100 illegals house them in your basement and give them free food, free education, the clothes on your back, and see how well that goes? Liberalism is all about giving out other peoples money, but not their own.
This is a lie: "have now taken away the RIGHT of people to choose whether to have healthcare or not." You don't get to privatize your profit and socialize your health risk.

This is a lie: "Obummer care collapsing all around".

Right, Jake. Only government gets to socialize the risks and they fuck it us every time they do
Those of you who want cheap catastrophic health care want to pocket the profit and socialize the risk. Nope.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

Can you show any evidence that anyone has been, or will be, denied the right to buy health insurance?

I guess that's a "no." :eusa_whistle:
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
Stupid is as stupid votes, you pulled the lever for Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, the lower'er of oceans and healer of the planet, and he and Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid , behind closed doors, have now taken away the RIGHT of people to choose whether to have healthcare or not. So with Obummer care collapsing all around(the plan of the liberals all along) dupshits like you just go and blame the GOP, who did nothing to stop the trainwreck, and did nothing to stop Obama from fulfilling his dream of control. Jonathan Gruber is correct for what he called you liberals. Obfuscatedcare
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Obamacare only passed due to the "stupidity" of the LIBERAL American voter and a lack of "transparency," and video footage of his remarks was deleted from the Internet in an attempt to hide it.
A box of rocks is smarter than a liberal.

View attachment 53877

Obamacare is not collapsing, it's working well in KY.

So what are you going to tell all these people when you pull their insurance?
That they can keep their insurance if they like it?

The lie worked for Obama after all
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

Can you show any evidence that anyone has been, or will be, denied the right to buy health insurance?

I guess that's a "no." :eusa_whistle:
Swimfrog is a master of the fallacy of the false question.
hilarious; article is titled "Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes...." and goes on to say "premium information only available in 10 states plus DC...............'


Perhaps, given that only limited information is available, you can provide data to dispute the analysis? Or, is that asking for too much?

Will this help you?





Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

Ah, I see. Only special people deserve health insurance. How very GOP of you :)
If I am not mistaken, people who cross the border illegally don't DESERVE healthcare in the first place. Those that sit in the parents basement up to the age of 26 and collect welfare and vote Dumbocrat, don't DESERVE healthcare. There is not RIGHT of the people to DESERVE anything except, LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. But as you libtards think that everything is FREE, you just want everyone else to give up their money. I applaud Kentucky from ending up like Detroit, or California because when you finally run out of other peoples money, then there is no more FREE stuff. Such stupid people who vote democrat.

View attachment 53884

You retardicans seem to think that only the rich deserve healthcare. Who sucks up unpaid emergency room costs? Not the folks that don't have insurance. Vote Retardican, party of the regressives. (I figure you'll understand my post better if I use your logic and terminology).

Ya really should do some reaserch before you post, states like South Carolina garnish wages for folks who owe hospital bills.

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