Oh great - Trump is dining and golfing with Hannity this weekend

....and Donald Trump has no clear path to 270 electoral votes. :21:

Oh clearly he did by hook or by crook ..

77,000 votes in three states after two Comey announcements 11 days in with the assistance of thousands of Russian bots, hackers and trolls!

Congratulations! :rolleyes-41:

Anyone who still truly believes that is off their rocker.
Did we just address that?

The next freedom the left will go after is freedom of association. Do YOU play golf with dimwit approved golfers?
Oh hey, was it you I had a bet with the the market would see a 2,000 point correction - Month off the board wasn't it?


I had forgotten but I went back and found the bet. On Jan 6 2018 you predicted a 4000 point drop or you would leave the board for a month. The day before, a Friday, the DOW closed at 25,295. It closed last Thursday at 24,103.
Now granted we are 5 days short of a full month. And you can always hope and pray for a decline in the next five days (like all good liberals). Could still happen actually...that would only be a 10 or 11% correction. But realistically, your hopes for the destruction of American retirement accounts notwithstanding, I think you should admit that you have lost.
So when will you be taking your sabbatical?

You do that - Month off the board there will/won't be a 4,000 point correction within 3 months?

View attachment 185841

Well I'll be. That was kinda dumb on my part (3,000 would have been more realistic) but I am a man of my word. However, looking at last three months, we peaked at 26,616 on Friday January 26th and dipped to a low of 23,533 on March 23rd.

djia past three months

That's 3,083 - Still YUUUGE, and I don't think you believed even THAT would happen.

Hold me to it if you must ;)
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.
:71: Yeah....how's that coming along?

Not so well. Why do you ask?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, you have my answer. So what of it?
Well, you have such a special answer. I am awe-struck.

"not so well" is an "awesome" answer?

That's not credible. You had a point you were dancing around. Say it clearly or piss off.
Ok thats fine. But broadly..your IRA can should include equities, bonds, cash, real estate, TIPS etc. I am not asking for your account number. You sold off your equities. And the proceeds went to where...treasuries? TIPS? Money Market?
I am still staying the course. In fact I have increased my bi-weekly purchases in equities.

You are probably a more savvy investor than myself since I don't know what TIPS are, but I do own real estate -

Land inherited from my folks and four homes at one point - three of which were rentals bought as such (distressed at auction) after the '08 crash. I sold one of them last fall and made a fast 100k and one other will close with my current tenant end of this month leaving me with only one thank God (my tenants have always loved me, which is why I'm not cut out for that job ;-)

My primary residence has done remarkably well - Not too worried about my retirement in a few years although I know we can always do better. Have my Living Will all set up for my one daughter.

I did make a pretty good killing for about a year on Bitcoin, Litecoin & Ethereum buying in the valleys and selling rapidly near peaks but that stressful gig dried up and is unlikely to return at least near term.

Suggestions as to online class I might order up in general investing? I'm probably more advanced than most, but totally suck when compared to some of my friends and neighbors.
It should be a great time for both families. Happy Easter to them and their families....
It's probably a dangerous thing for the leftists in this country, that Hannity has the ear of the President this weekend.

We'll see what comes of it next week.
Better than Sharpton!

Way better than Sharpton. Or Bill Ayers the terrorist or Jay Z the drug dealer, both of whom were honored at Obama's White House on more than one occasion.
I might, because I have seen what happens when the dem wins.

BUt I won't be donating money, and plenty of the blue collar dems who flipped or voted for the first time, because he gave them a real reason too, won't be voting for him or staying home.

If he understands that, and I think he should, if the right people can get to tell it to him, he can still turn this around.

Oh hell Correll, Donald has a whole lot more problems than the fact that his Great Wall of Drumpf will never happen. He's pissed off minorities, kids about to turn 18 and white, educated suburban women ... BIGLY -

But good luck (assuming he's still POTUS in 2020 of course ;-)
Oh hey, was it you I had a bet with the the market would see a 2,000 point correction - Month off the board wasn't it?


I had forgotten but I went back and found the bet. On Jan 6 2018 you predicted a 4000 point drop or you would leave the board for a month. The day before, a Friday, the DOW closed at 25,295. It closed last Thursday at 24,103.
Now granted we are 5 days short of a full month. And you can always hope and pray for a decline in the next five days (like all good liberals). Could still happen actually...that would only be a 10 or 11% correction. But realistically, your hopes for the destruction of American retirement accounts notwithstanding, I think you should admit that you have lost.
So when will you be taking your sabbatical?

You do that - Month off the board there will/won't be a 4,000 point correction within 3 months?

View attachment 185841

Well I'll be. That was kinda dumb on my part (3,000 would have been more realistic) but I am a man of my word. However, looking at last three months, we peaked at 26,616 on Friday January 26th and dipped to a low of 23,533 on March 23rd.

djia past three months

That's 3,083 - Still YUUUGE, and I don't think you believed even THAT would happen.

Hold me to it if you must ;)

No I won’t hold you to it. Just in fun. Instead read the article below.
But no I didn’t think it was ridiculous. *Every* bull market ends in a bear market. 100% of the time. Every bear will be proved right eventually. And every bull.
What I thought was ridiculous was your reasoning. The market today is truly more complex because of one thing.
Financial repression - Wikipedia
It has to be unwound...this past decade of abuse. That the market rose in the face of this unwinding is an odd thing indeed and can only be explained by Trump optimism.
The Fed put is over. Fiscal policy will have to replace monetary policy. And I think Trump hits the right notes there. Regardless...I refuse to be a victim of Obama and his affirmative action pick (((Yellens))) punishment of workers. I’ll stay in stocks through the fall as I said. And my big move then will be to between 10 and 30% bonds or money market. But my current profits are enough that even a 40 % drop leaves me in the black.
I might, because I have seen what happens when the dem wins.

BUt I won't be donating money, and plenty of the blue collar dems who flipped or voted for the first time, because he gave them a real reason too, won't be voting for him or staying home.

If he understands that, and I think he should, if the right people can get to tell it to him, he can still turn this around.

Oh hell Correll, Donald has a whole lot more problems than the fact that his Great Wall of Drumpf will never happen. He's pissed off minorities, kids about to turn 18 and white, educated suburban women ... BIGLY -

But good luck (assuming he's still POTUS in 2020 of course ;-)

Trump's victory was built on white voters, particularly high turn out from blue collar white voters, who want a fucking wall, and better Trade Policy.

If he delivers to them, he would not only get those voters, again, but even more of those voters, because he would get some of them who wanted that, but did not believe that he would deliver. He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

If he does not, then he loses the high level of support from them he needs to win, and he spends the rest of his life as a pariah.

The choice is his.
Fox has the ear of Trump daily. He bases his policies on comments they make.

Not entirely. Otherwise Hillary would have been in prison by now.

Where she belongs.
How's those indictments coming along? Heck...where's that Special Counsel we've been promised since July? Ruh Roooooh!

Interesting that nothing in your post disagreed with my post, that you were "replying to".

YOu couldn't bring yourself to claim that she does not belong in prison.

I guess that there are some limits to the shamelessness of a liberal.
So...tell us...how are those H. Clinton indictments coming along? We've been promised them for sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long.

About as well as the Russian collusion Trump indictment. lol
The op.
What could possibly go wrong? :eusa_doh:

President Trump reportedly dined with Fox News personality Sean Hannity at the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida this weekend.​

CNN reporter Oliver Darcy tweeted that sources had said the president had dined with Hannity Friday evening.

The Palm Beach Post also reported that Trump golfed with Hannity on Saturday.​

Trump dined with Hannity at Mar-a-Lago: report


Just shows how much of a liar he is.
Trump's victory was built on white voters, particularly high turn out from blue collar white voters, who want a fucking wall, and better Trade Policy.

If he delivers to them, he would not only get those voters, again, but even more of those voters, because he would get some of them who wanted that, but did not believe that he would deliver. He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

If he does not, then he loses the high level of support from them he needs to win, and he spends the rest of his life as a pariah.

The choice is his.

You are now going to push the narrative that Trump can follow in Xi's footsteps and appoint himself president for life?

Lol Correll, it's funny that you believe such a thing could ever happen, but sad that you would be a willing accomplice to finishing off our Democracy.

As a sidenote, 2/3 of Trump supporters don't think the wall will ever happen and honestly don't care.

From Fox News polling in May: Only 36 percent of Americans think a wall is going to happen, including 64 percent of Trump voters and 59 percent of Republicans. Twenty-nine percent of independents, 20 percent of Democrats and less than half of whites without a college degree — a key Trump constituency — think the wall will get built.​

Analysis | Most Americans don’t want the wall, don’t think Mexico will pay for it and don’t believe it will happen
What could possibly go wrong? :eusa_doh:

President Trump reportedly dined with Fox News personality Sean Hannity at the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida this weekend.​

CNN reporter Oliver Darcy tweeted that sources had said the president had dined with Hannity Friday evening.

The Palm Beach Post also reported that Trump golfed with Hannity on Saturday.​

Trump dined with Hannity at Mar-a-Lago: report


Little Lying Donald is a lot fatter than that. But that is a spot on portrayal.
Trump's victory was built on white voters, particularly high turn out from blue collar white voters, who want a fucking wall, and better Trade Policy.

If he delivers to them, he would not only get those voters, again, but even more of those voters, because he would get some of them who wanted that, but did not believe that he would deliver. He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

If he does not, then he loses the high level of support from them he needs to win, and he spends the rest of his life as a pariah.

The choice is his.

You are now going to push the narrative that Trump can follow in Xi's footsteps and appoint himself president for life?

Lol Correll, it's funny that you believe such a thing could ever happen, but sad that you would be a willing accomplice to finishing off our Democracy.

As a sidenote, 2/3 of Trump supporters don't think the wall will ever happen and honestly don't care.

From Fox News polling in May: Only 36 percent of Americans think a wall is going to happen, including 64 percent of Trump voters and 59 percent of Republicans. Twenty-nine percent of independents, 20 percent of Democrats and less than half of whites without a college degree — a key Trump constituency — think the wall will get built.​

Analysis | Most Americans don’t want the wall, don’t think Mexico will pay for it and don’t believe it will happen

THose numbers show that Trump supporters have noticed that Trump is not moving on the wall.

(Your offensive idiocy about Xi, is dismissed)

My point stands.

If he delivers on his promises, his supporters will GROW, if he does not, it will fade away.

The choice is his.

THose numbers show that Trump supporters have noticed that Trump is not moving on the wall.
(Your offensive idiocy about Xi, is dismissed)
My point stands.
If he delivers on his promises, his supporters will GROW, if he does not, it will fade away.
The choice is his.

You said this:

He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

Sorry Triple Space Boy, but my Xi point stands.

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