Oh great - Trump is dining and golfing with Hannity this weekend

Do you worship China?
Displaying your low IQ accomplishes...?
Displaying Trump 's low morals
As opposed to the high morals of which particular politician?
we are talking about Donald Trump[ ...there is no one as corrupt ...Pay attention to this tweet 4 years ago by Flim Flam in Orange ...you feel me ...lol
Trump Invites Putin to the White House
April 2, 2018 at 9:12 am EDT
I might, because I have seen what happens when the dem wins.

BUt I won't be donating money, and plenty of the blue collar dems who flipped or voted for the first time, because he gave them a real reason too, won't be voting for him or staying home.

If he understands that, and I think he should, if the right people can get to tell it to him, he can still turn this around.

Oh hell Correll, Donald has a whole lot more problems than the fact that his Great Wall of Drumpf will never happen. He's pissed off minorities, kids about to turn 18 and white, educated suburban women ... BIGLY -

But good luck (assuming he's still POTUS in 2020 of course ;-)

Trump's victory was built on white voters, particularly high turn out from blue collar white voters, who want a fucking wall, and better Trade Policy.

If he delivers to them, he would not only get those voters, again, but even more of those voters, because he would get some of them who wanted that, but did not believe that he would deliver. He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

If he does not, then he loses the high level of support from them he needs to win, and he spends the rest of his life as a pariah.

The choice is his.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
President Trump's approval rating is now at 50%.
Trump's approval rating going up is coming from Independants. THEY are the ones who will or will not save the House in NOV. and the Presidency in 2020.
Trump's 'base' is baked in as are the Trump haters
Do you worship China?
Displaying your low IQ accomplishes...?
Displaying Trump 's low morals
As opposed to the high morals of which particular politician?
we are talking about Donald Trump[ ...there is no one as corrupt ...Pay attention to this tweet 4 years ago by Flim Flam in Orange ...you feel me ...lol
Trump Invites Putin to the White House
April 2, 2018 at 9:12 am EDT
So much corruption!
Because Tweets are corruption!
I'd rather have him hanging out with Sebastian Gorka, Stephen Miller and John Bolton.

Less dangerous
Hannity is a TV commentator for crying out loud...who cares if he dines with Trump? Jeeze you libs are really going off the edge now.....
Is that what you said about Reverend Al Sharpton?

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Corporate and Small Business Authority groups.
I know a shit load of politicians who get great jobs after years of endorsing pro-Business legislation.

I am horrified
Lose an election, get a great paying job.
Run again with tons of financial support.

I just don't have the energy to do that------but thanks for
You’re too honest.

not really--------there is an IMPEDIMENT to my need to lie----
Join the crowd, Sister! So do I, but my tongue twists.
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President Trump reportedly dined with Fox News personality Sean Hannity at the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida this weekend
So what?

I'd rather have him hanging out with Sebastian Gorka, Stephen Miller and John Bolton.

Less dangerous

You have to invite some one! After all, Trump is running out of friends, and Lawyers!

Only the BEST lawyers MA - He just hired an unknown from a town of 11,000 in Georgia! :)

Trump hires a lawyer to defend himself against Mueller | Daily Mail Online

Well, now that Lawyer from GA is an expert on prosecuting killers! He said so.
Trump and Hannity are having beet soup for dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where the fuck is Mueller???????????????
The left is wigging out over Hannity because freedom of association is next to go.
How many threads did you post and/participate in bitching, whining and moaning about the Reverend Al Sharpton visiting the White House under the previous Administration?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Is that what you said about Reverend Al Sharpton?
Hannity has never taken a shit on America and said we deserved to be attacked on 9-11...your comparison shows your ignorance....
The left is wigging out over Hannity because freedom of association is next to go.
How many threads did you post and/participate in bitching, whining and moaning about the Reverend Al Sharpton visiting the White House under the previous Administration?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Al Sharpton is an evil person. He's always been an evil person ever since he created the Twana Brawley crime.
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

....and Donald Trump has no clear path to 270 electoral votes. :21:

Sometimes they need a gentle reminder of how foolish they can look when they make grand pronouncements like that:

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Ok thats fine. But broadly..your IRA can should include equities, bonds, cash, real estate, TIPS etc. I am not asking for your account number. You sold off your equities. And the proceeds went to where...treasuries? TIPS? Money Market?
I am still staying the course. In fact I have increased my bi-weekly purchases in equities.

You are probably a more savvy investor than myself since I don't know what TIPS are, but I do own real estate -

Land inherited from my folks and four homes at one point - three of which were rentals bought as such (distressed at auction) after the '08 crash. I sold one of them last fall and made a fast 100k and one other will close with my current tenant end of this month leaving me with only one thank God (my tenants have always loved me, which is why I'm not cut out for that job ;-)

My primary residence has done remarkably well - Not too worried about my retirement in a few years although I know we can always do better. Have my Living Will all set up for my one daughter.

I did make a pretty good killing for about a year on Bitcoin, Litecoin & Ethereum buying in the valleys and selling rapidly near peaks but that stressful gig dried up and is unlikely to return at least near term.

Suggestions as to online class I might order up in general investing? I'm probably more advanced than most, but totally suck when compared to some of my friends and neighbors.

I am not more savvy. You never understood that is the reason I asked you. I thought you had some super plan and I am always looking. Until i realized it was based on Trump hatred with a built in desire for a market collapse.
You real estate people are different is one thing I have found. I work with guys who own 12 or 14 or 20 rental houses and they are wildly successful. I will buy one in an LLC formed with two of them this year. We just formed it. But I simply dont grasp real estate and am depending on the other two who have been successful.
Like you I dont think I would make a good landlord. I would say "ahh dont worry about it this month". lol I cant even sell a car without feeling sorry and knocking the price down.
So I mostly stick with stocks which are impersonal and understandable.

I dont know of any online classes. But I will say Paul Merriman is the most thorough and he will invite you to free seminars. His reciting of numbers can be mind numbing but the info is great. Paulmerriman.com Cant recomend him enough as a decent and honest teacher. He has donated most of his fortune to financial education charities and has vowed to never make another dime again.
Ok thats fine. But broadly..your IRA can should include equities, bonds, cash, real estate, TIPS etc. I am not asking for your account number. You sold off your equities. And the proceeds went to where...treasuries? TIPS? Money Market?
I am still staying the course. In fact I have increased my bi-weekly purchases in equities.

You are probably a more savvy investor than myself since I don't know what TIPS are, but I do own real estate -

Land inherited from my folks and four homes at one point - three of which were rentals bought as such (distressed at auction) after the '08 crash. I sold one of them last fall and made a fast 100k and one other will close with my current tenant end of this month leaving me with only one thank God (my tenants have always loved me, which is why I'm not cut out for that job ;-)

My primary residence has done remarkably well - Not too worried about my retirement in a few years although I know we can always do better. Have my Living Will all set up for my one daughter.

I did make a pretty good killing for about a year on Bitcoin, Litecoin & Ethereum buying in the valleys and selling rapidly near peaks but that stressful gig dried up and is unlikely to return at least near term.

Suggestions as to online class I might order up in general investing? I'm probably more advanced than most, but totally suck when compared to some of my friends and neighbors.

I am not more savvy. You never understood that is the reason I asked you. I thought you had some super plan and I am always looking. Until i realized it was based on Trump hatred with a built in desire for a market collapse.
You real estate people are different is one thing I have found. I work with guys who own 12 or 14 or 20 rental houses and they are wildly successful. I will buy one in an LLC formed with two of them this year. We just formed it. But I simply dont grasp real estate and am depending on the other two who have been successful.
Like you I dont think I would make a good landlord. I would say "ahh dont worry about it this month". lol I cant even sell a car without feeling sorry and knocking the price down.
So I mostly stick with stocks which are impersonal and understandable.

I dont know of any online classes. But I will say Paul Merriman is the most thorough and he will invite you to free seminars. His reciting of numbers can be mind numbing but the info is great. Paulmerriman.com Cant recomend him enough as a decent and honest teacher. He has donated most of his fortune to financial education charities and has vowed to never make another dime again.

President Trump has been predicting a market crash due to the big bubble that had been growing in the market during the last years of the Obama Administration. I distinctly remember somebody's question during a Q & A session in the 2016 campaign whether the questioner should invest in the market or some such. And candidate Trump unequivocably stated that he wouldn't as he was aware of that big bubble that had to burst eventually. He did remark several times since the election that the market was doing very well, but he has not given his Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval to buy in.

I waited until the market correction to make more investment on the principle of buying low and selling high. The market did go down some more after my investment but it has recovered what I lost and I fully expect it to climb in fits and starts with a few sell offs but overall do okay.
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The left is wigging out over Hannity because freedom of association is next to go.
How many threads did you post and/participate in bitching, whining and moaning about the Reverend Al Sharpton visiting the White House under the previous Administration?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Al Sharpton is an evil person. He's always been an evil person ever since he created the Twana Brawley crime.

Yeah he got duped on that one .. not as bad as THIS though ...

Scott Bixby on Twitter

Has Donald apologized yet?
THose numbers show that Trump supporters have noticed that Trump is not moving on the wall.
(Your offensive idiocy about Xi, is dismissed)
My point stands.
If he delivers on his promises, his supporters will GROW, if he does not, it will fade away.
The choice is his.

You said this:

He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

Sorry Triple Space Boy, but my Xi point stands.

Wow. Talk about lack of reading comprehension.

1. He is old, already. He could very well die in the next 6 years.

2. Note the second part of my sentence.

"or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency."

My point stands.

If he delivers on his promises, his supporters will GROW, if he does not, it will fade away.

The choice is his.


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