Oh great - Trump is dining and golfing with Hannity this weekend

I might, because I have seen what happens when the dem wins.

BUt I won't be donating money, and plenty of the blue collar dems who flipped or voted for the first time, because he gave them a real reason too, won't be voting for him or staying home.

If he understands that, and I think he should, if the right people can get to tell it to him, he can still turn this around.

Oh hell Correll, Donald has a whole lot more problems than the fact that his Great Wall of Drumpf will never happen. He's pissed off minorities, kids about to turn 18 and white, educated suburban women ... BIGLY -

But good luck (assuming he's still POTUS in 2020 of course ;-)

Trump's victory was built on white voters, particularly high turn out from blue collar white voters, who want a fucking wall, and better Trade Policy.

If he delivers to them, he would not only get those voters, again, but even more of those voters, because he would get some of them who wanted that, but did not believe that he would deliver. He then might get to stay in office until he dies of old age, going out as the most powerful man in the world, or retires and lives basking in the glow of a successful two term presidency.

If he does not, then he loses the high level of support from them he needs to win, and he spends the rest of his life as a pariah.

The choice is his.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
President Trump's approval rating is now at 50%.
Trump's approval rating going up is coming from Independants. THEY are the ones who will or will not save the House in NOV. and the Presidency in 2020.
Trump's 'base' is baked in as are the Trump haters

The polls said Trump had no chance of winning.

I said he did.

His supporters were fired up by his promises. If they are not delivered on, he will lose. BIGLY.
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.

Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.

Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?

Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.

Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.
Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.
Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?
Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.

You boys are hilarious in terms of the protectionism and love of an authoritarian wannabe who has reduced our standing and respect in the world, given rise to China, done NOTHING about Russia misbehavior, added a couple trillion to the deficit and now started a trade war.

Sorry, but I'm quite tired of "winning". Remember when y'all accused Obama of "picking winners and losers"? What do you suppose Trump is doing with his Amazon trashing as grammar school revenge against Mr Bezos??

Dow drops 459 points as Amazon tumbles, trade war fears rise
Wow, the left is going bonkers over Trump's golf partner.

If I was Trump I'd put out a public invitation to Rush to join him next weekend and a steady stream of others sure to keep them stirred up for the next several weeks thereafter. Russia/golf, Russia/golf, Russia/golf...24/7 should be fun.
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.

Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.

Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?

Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.

Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.

Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.

Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?

Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.


The thing is, jobs are coming back. Unemployment at its lowest point
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.

Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.

Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?

Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.


The platform was to make America great again. And yes, the anti-Trump GOP and most Democrats are doing their damndest to prevent that from happening lest the President get any credit for good things happening. And of course the permanent political class and their surrogate media are not going to allow that to happen if there is any way to prevent it. Most especially when it comes to the wall and immigration.

But if you track the underground media, it looks like unemployment will drop to its lowest point ever this spring when the latest numbers are posted, folks are coming out of 'early retirement' and going back to work, manufacturers are moving their operations back to the USA and new plant start ups are on the drawing board. Some very positive things are happening in trade; we aren't seeing the volatile rhetoric re North Korea as Kim is now agreeing to at least talk; and consumer and business confidence are at near record highs.

And that is in the face of the most obstructive Congress any President could have--it is pretty much all the President's vision and efforts. And obstruction will become almost total should the Democrats win back the House or Senate come November.

Imagine what he could accomplish with a Congress that shared his vision!
Wow, the left is going bonkers over Trump's golf partner.

If I was Trump I'd put out a public invitation to Rush to join him next weekend and a steady stream of others sure to keep them stirred up for the next several weeks thereafter. Russia/golf, Russia/golf, Russia/golf...24/7 should be fun.

Yes, a Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham foursome next time. That should be sufficient to drive ANY other news off the front pages for a week. :)
Hopefully, Hanny will let him know that Trump's supporters are expecting a Wall, soon.

Build the fucking Wall.

Your yuuuge, beautiful wall is not going to happen.

Sooner you come to grips with that reality - the better!

No, I think I will bitch and let him know that we, his supporters, expect some results if he wants our future support.

The thing is that we supporters are having to dig to find the results, but President Trump has gotten more good results in his first 14 months in office than any President in my memory. Has he made mistakes, gotten some things wrong, had to back track and do some do overs? Certainly. Those who actually set out to accomplish something are going to have to do some do overs and/or regroup and go from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C etc. much more than those who do what is politically expedient whether or not it actually does some good.

But what he has accomplished so far is amazing. If only the dishonest MSM would report it.

If Sean had the President's ear over the weekend, that is a very good thing. Sean via his syndicated radio program plus insight into what is actually happening in America will encourage the President not to betray those who voted for him.

I wish that people like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham would also have his ear as they will point out those areas in which his supporters do feel betrayed, at least a little bit. Things like signing that unconscionable omnibus bill that only a liberal could love or sometimes perceived waffling on the wall.

What is frustrating me here, is that we are getting such strong results so quickly on some of the lesser planks of his platform.
Tax cuts? That's wasn't the core of his platform.
Imagine what would happen to wages in a strong recovery, if the constant flow of Third World labor was cut off, legal and illegal?
Sure, he's done a lot of good so far. That's no reason to stop. We have 50 years of bad policy to undo.

You boys are hilarious in terms of the protectionism and love of an authoritarian wannabe who has reduced our standing and respect in the world, given rise to China, done NOTHING about Russia misbehavior, added a couple trillion to the deficit and now started a trade war.

Sorry, but I'm quite tired of "winning". Remember when y'all accused Obama of "picking winners and losers"? What do you suppose Trump is doing with his Amazon trashing as grammar school revenge against Mr Bezos??

Dow drops 459 points as Amazon tumbles, trade war fears rise

China has been rising since we gave them access to our markets, decades before Trump was President.

That you try to pin that on Trump, shows how desperate and delusional your opposition to him is.
China has been rising since we gave them access to our markets, decades before Trump was President.

That you try to pin that on Trump, shows how desperate and delusional your opposition to him is.

Sorry, but China is investing billions in infrastructure and alternative energy. They already kick our asses in battery technology and solar panel cost. With your Dear Donald pulling out of the Paris Agreement, stupid tariffs, desire to cede Syria and Iraq to Putin and ISIS, build walls instead of bridges, giving polluters the green light, and his overall protectionist agenda .. China now assumes the leadership role as the Toxic Turd continues to take us backwards into the 1950s and beyond.

Trump is making China great again. Congrats on that - - - I guess. :rolleyes-41:

Making China Great Again
Trump has ceded global leadership to China, says Nixon trip aide
How Donald Trump handed China the keys to Asian power
How Trump's tariffs could hand trade leadership to China
China has been rising since we gave them access to our markets, decades before Trump was President.

That you try to pin that on Trump, shows how desperate and delusional your opposition to him is.

Sorry, but China is investing billions in infrastructure and alternative energy. They already kick our asses in battery technology and solar panel cost. With your Dear Donald pulling out of the Paris Agreement, stupid tariffs, desire to cede Syria and Iraq to Putin and ISIS, build walls instead of bridges, giving polluters the green light, and his overall protectionist agenda .. China now assumes the leadership role as the Toxic Turd continues to take us backwards into the 1950s and beyond.

Trump is making China great again. Congrats on that - - - I guess. :rolleyes-41:

Making China Great Again
Trump has ceded global leadership to China, says Nixon trip aide
How Donald Trump handed China the keys to Asian power
How Trump's tariffs could hand trade leadership to China

China is investing heavily, because they have had massive trade surpluses for decades, at our expense.

That is not on Trump, at least not yet.

Tariffs on shit exported to US from shitty predatory trading "partners" is the exact opposite of stupid.

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