Oh $h!t We Are Going to Die! The Yellowstone Super Volcano is About To Blow

Toba Eruption Event ... 75,000 years ago a super volcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a 10 year winter that reduced the global human population to less that 20,000.

Not a movie
------------------------------------------ see the 'year without a summer' , it was 1815 or 16 . Big eruption , there were food riots in Europe if i recall .

Yup. At least 60,000 starved to death. It was a horrible year. I don't remember too much of it as I was drinkin kinda hard at the time!
Statistically speaking, yes, we are all going to die. As for the word "about", in the timeline of the history of the universe, yes, it is about to blow.
I just can't believe MindWars hasn't been here yet. I'm VERY disappointed at this point.
That's ok, we've got an asteroid gonna take us out in about 20 years anyways.


This is the amount of magma the U of U and USGS found. If it vents you need to consider it an ELE.

Until the red completely fills up the orange it won't be a problem.
As recall the upper chamber was 90% viscous (non-eruptable) magma in 2011. I have no idea today what the mix % is at.


This is the amount of magma the U of U and USGS found. If it vents you need to consider it an ELE.

Until the red completely fills up the orange it won't be a problem.
As recall the upper chamber was 90% viscous (non-eruptable) magma in 2011. I have no idea today what the mix % is at.

There's no such thing as non-eruptable magma. Viscosity merely determines what sort of eruption you get. Basaltic magma is low viscosity so you get quiescent eruptions that are relatively safe to anything not in the direct path of the lava. Andesitic volcanism is what Mt. St. Helens can give you. Most of the time the eruptions are violent but localised, but every now and then they blow the mountain to hell. Rhyolitic volcanism is the most viscous, and the most dangerous. It is this type of eruption that is associated with the Giant Volcanic Caldera type eruptions. Occasionally you get a rhyolitic dome eruption, Mt. Lassen in California is an example of that type of eruption.
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
They are trying to calm us down and tell us it isn't serious... but if you have seen the movie "2012" you know that when the super-volcano blows in Yellowstone we are all fucked.

"Yellowstone sits atop a volcano that created a vast crater. Its plateau hosts the world's most diverse and expansive continental hydrothermal systems, including the multicolored springs, mudpots and geysers for which the park is known.

While the Steamboat eruptions are unusual, what would be far more worrying would be the water in the hydrothermal systems drying up, which could indicate that the super hot magma deep below was making its way to the surface."

Unusual eruptions at world's largest active geyser in Yellowstone
It made a good movie, but I don't think I would like living so close to it. I could blow a little bit at a time and just screw the area up slower. The crust is thin in that area of the Earth. I won't be around for the grand bang, or the smash and grab time of this Earth.
If it blows there will be an estimated 11 feet of ash on the east coast. It is currently 50,000 years over due! If it goes there is nothing we can do!
nobody is going to die

not because of the super volcano...
If Yellowstone were to volcanically erupt, the pyroclaustic flow would kill everything in a 100 mile radius within about 12 min.

Large rocks would be thrown 25 + miles. The ash cloud would encircle the earth in about 14 days, temps would drop 6 deg C within 2 weeks globally.

If Yellowstone erupted, life as we know it would cease. Within 2 years earths population could be reduced by 1/3-1/2 due to starvation and freezing to death. And it would most certainly herald the next glacial cycle of 90,000 years...
I guess it would solve the global warming problem.
I just can't believe MindWars hasn't been here yet. I'm VERY disappointed at this point.
This is normally her baliwick, scaring the pants off everyone with pending disasters of one type or another, true or not.

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