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Oh Hamas . When will you learn ??!?

There is no bigger fairytale than the so called Holocaust............ :cool:

The holocaust? You mean one of the most well documented events of the 20th century?
Yea, documentation fabricated by the zionist pukes. :cool:
And it is NeoNazi and Muslim pukes who claim it was all a hoax. Meanwhile, Sunni Man is going to give us the population of Jews in Europe in each country before World War II and then the Jewish population afterward. While he is at it, maybe he could also give us the Gypsy population before and after the war. I think it would be too much to ask him how many Shiites the Sunnis have murdered since the inception of Islam. No doubt he thinks it is a hoax when someone mentions the millions and millions of people the Muslims have murdered. One thing I have to say is that the converts to Islam sure pick up the party line very fast. Eisenhower was right when he said that there would be those who denied the Holocaust ever happened. Sieg heil, Sunni Man. If I didn't have a good idea who convinced Sunni Man to convert, I would think he had an 88 tattoo' d on his backside.
Holy mackeral! "Israel occupies Palestine." I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here. So when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestine that Israel is occupying?

P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy.

Whatever, the resistance in Gaza must have worked in the recent attacks on Gaza because Israel was brought to the truce table with far fewer deaths than in cast lead when Gaza's defenses were not so strong. Undoubtedly those rockets saved many lives.

You tend to forget that Israel occupies Palestine. A military occupation is, by its very nature, the aggressive position. The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.
Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!


Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

israeli soldiers take weapons home and almost all of the settlers carry weapons.

sherri is 100% right, and that is something zionists cannot seem to grasp. HAMAS wins by surviving. palestinians understand that. israelis do not.

shalevet pas and the fogel children were used as human shields to proyect settlers in an illegal occupation. your children deserve no more consideration than theirs.

I think Human Rights watch is wrong about so easily concluding Hamas opertated unlawfully from civilian areas. (there still was no finding they were using civilians as human shields). All of Gaza is a densely populated civilian area, the people of Gaza were ethnically cleansed from Israel and pushed into this densely populated civilian area, in what has been called an open air concentration camp, one of the most densely populated civilian areas in the world, over 80% of the residents of Gaza forced into this densely populated civilian area. International law clearly gives those occupied the right to defend themselves and use armed resistance. If we say the people of Gaza cannot defend themselves because it is a densely populated civilian area they are effectively jailed within, we are effectively denying them their rights to defend themselves granted to them under intl law. I think HRW is wrong about this. It would not be the first time they were wrong, a few years ago they tried to argue that mothers who put themselves between their sons and the IDF, who was trying to burn their sons alive in a Mosque, constituted the unlawful use of civilians as human shields. Many were injured, and maybe even some of the mothers were killed. HRW had to essentially retract that finding, there was so much disagreement about it. Some were even arguing these brave mothers should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the sacrifices they were making to try to save their son's lives. They looked like Jesus, the acts they voluntarily were choosing to engage in.

Notice that sherri blames Israel for the fact that the UMMAH forced arab muslims
into the small area GAZA and cynically denied them refuge in the HUGE UNUSED
SPACES in Egypt and in Jordan ----in fact even in Lebanon and Syria

Way back circa 1960 ---when I was a child ---I read some nazi sherrie shit----which
described a place called "GAZA" The place was described as a "CONCENTRATION
CAMP CREATED BY ISRAEL" and there were pictures of miserable looking
people in BARBED WIRE ENCLOSURES.. I was HORRIFIED----concentration
camps!!!!!!! in israel? I showed the picture to my mother who said
"GAZA IS IN EGYPT." -----oh..egypt...so why does egypt lock these people
up behind barbed wire???? Much later on I encountered Gazans----but
that was AFTER ----1967... The problems they were having were the
CHILDHOOD INNOCULATIONS. why-??---because sherrie shit wanted
it that way just as sherrie shit kept them BEHIND BARBED WIRE.. '

as are the "palestinian refugees" but I own my own home in a
modern american city? why? I am not a muslim forced to be
a pawn for the filth that sherri so loves. I have relatives who are FAR
MORE close to their REFUGEE STATUS ----than the "palestinian
refugees" even IRANIAN REFUGEES who fled Iran with only
the clothes on their backs just in the past few decades
-----but they are not FORCED INTO
PERENNIAL "REFUGEE" status either. Nazi whores
Last edited:
Notice that sherri blames Israel for the fact that the UMMAH forced arab muslims
into the small area GAZA and cynically denied them refuge in the HUGE UNUSED
SPACES in Egypt and in Jordan ----in fact even in Lebanon and Syria

Way back circa 1960 ---when I was a child ---I read some nazi sherrie shit----which
described a place called "GAZA" The place was described as a "CONCENTRATION
CAMP CREATED BY ISRAEL" and there were pictures of miserable looking
people in BARBED WIRE ENCLOSURES.. I was HORRIFIED----concentration
camps!!!!!!! in israel? I showed the picture to my mother who said
"GAZA IS IN EGYPT." -----oh..egypt...so why does egypt lock these people
up behind barbed wire???? Much later on I encountered Gazans----but
that was AFTER ----1967... The problems they were having were the
CHILDHOOD INNOCULATIONS. why-??---because sherrie shit wanted
it that way just as sherrie shit kept them BEHIND BARBED WIRE.. '

as are the "palestinian refugees" but I own my own home in a
modern american city? why? I am not a muslim forced to be
a pawn for the filth that sherri so loves. I have relatives who are FAR
MORE close to their REFUGEE STATUS ----than the "palestinian
refugees" even IRANIAN REFUGEES who fled Iran with only
the clothes on their backs just in the past few decades
-----but they are not FORCED INTO
PERENNIAL "REFUGEE" status either. Nazi whores

There is simply no truth in Zionists, Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestine for close to 70 years now and Palestinians were forced into Gaza from Israel. An open air concentration camp, it has been called.
Notice that sherri blames Israel for the fact that the UMMAH forced arab muslims
into the small area GAZA and cynically denied them refuge in the HUGE UNUSED
SPACES in Egypt and in Jordan ----in fact even in Lebanon and Syria

Way back circa 1960 ---when I was a child ---I read some nazi sherrie shit----which
described a place called "GAZA" The place was described as a "CONCENTRATION
CAMP CREATED BY ISRAEL" and there were pictures of miserable looking
people in BARBED WIRE ENCLOSURES.. I was HORRIFIED----concentration
camps!!!!!!! in israel? I showed the picture to my mother who said
"GAZA IS IN EGYPT." -----oh..egypt...so why does egypt lock these people
up behind barbed wire???? Much later on I encountered Gazans----but
that was AFTER ----1967... The problems they were having were the
CHILDHOOD INNOCULATIONS. why-??---because sherrie shit wanted
it that way just as sherrie shit kept them BEHIND BARBED WIRE.. '

as are the "palestinian refugees" but I own my own home in a
modern american city? why? I am not a muslim forced to be
a pawn for the filth that sherri so loves. I have relatives who are FAR
MORE close to their REFUGEE STATUS ----than the "palestinian
refugees" even IRANIAN REFUGEES who fled Iran with only
the clothes on their backs just in the past few decades
-----but they are not FORCED INTO
PERENNIAL "REFUGEE" status either. Nazi whores

There is simply no truth in Zionists, Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestine for close to 70 years now and Palestinians were forced into Gaza from Israel. An open air concentration camp, it has been called.

Sherri lied again ----fortunately she is not a christian so, I will not blame "CHRISTIANS"
for her incessant filth------"palestinians" left Israel under conditions far less stressful than many of my own relatives left SHARIAH SHIT HOLES ------but most of them ended up
in ISRAEL so they were not forced into CONCENTRATION CAMPS ----because jews do not
do that filth to people-------sherris do-----for purposes of AGENDA

Actually when my hubby and his parents and sibs were STILL in the shariah shit
hole of his birth-----they did live under conditions similar to the FILTH that the sherris
of the world HAVE IMPOSED upon the people they now call "palestinians" They
escaped with difficulty-----but they did escape the vile filth of sherri.
Correction---lots of the people I mentioned ----did not reach "ISRAEL" They got to
PALESTINE----which before 1948 was JEWISH PALESTINE ------they were not forced
into concentration camps either because they came to the protection of their
fellow jews. The Gazans locked behind barbed wire came to the 'protection' of
their fellow SHERRIS
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy.

Whatever, the resistance in Gaza must have worked in the recent attacks on Gaza because Israel was brought to the truce table with far fewer deaths than in cast lead when Gaza's defenses were not so strong. Undoubtedly those rockets saved many lives.

You tend to forget that Israel occupies Palestine. A military occupation is, by its very nature, the aggressive position. The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

And that is why HRW is wrong in their conclusions in this report that makes these general statements that Hamas cannot fire rockets from civilian areas, these are way too broad statements that effectively deny the Palestinians their right under intl law to defend themselves. And typically we have much more extensive investigations carried out and much longer reports than this particular HRW report. which is only a few pages long.
From a Harvard Law professor:

“Israel Is Well Within Its Rights” (Jan 13, 2009)

What if Israel defended its citizens the way the British, the French, the Americans and the Russians did? When German rockets hit British cities during the World War II, Prime Minister Winston Churchill retaliated by bombing German cities, killing thousands of German civilians, and promised to continue until Germany's unconditional surrender. The United States did the same following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The French did much worse in Algeria and the Russians showed no concern for civilian life in Chechnya or Georgia.

The IDF, on the other hand, has gone to extraordinary lengths to minimize civilian casualties, despite the reality that Hamas deliberately fires its rockets from densely populated civilian areas and hides its rocket launchers in schools, hospitals and mosques.

Every Hamas rocket attack against Israeli civilians - and there have been more than 6,500 of them since Israel ended its occupation of Gaza - is an armed attack against Israel under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which authorizes member nations to respond militarily to armed attacks against it.

Edited- read entire article using the link
Poor children:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0wJXf2nt4Y"]Hamas - Human Shield Confession - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPU4UN03t7E"]Israeli TV - 14 year old Suicide Bomber - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeFvbMoa6OQ"]Firing mortars from school - YouTube[/ame]

The Israeli Defense Forces said that their troops had fired several mortar shells near the school in response to mortar fire from the school compound.

“They shot back to save their own lives,” said Ilan Tal, an Israeli military spokesman and a brigadier general in the reserves. Among the dead, the military said in a statement, were “Hamas terrorist operatives and a mortar battery cell.”

The military identified two Hamas operatives, Imad Abu Asker and Hassan Abu Asker, as having been killed.

A young witness from Jabaliya, Ibrahim Amen, 16, said that he had seen one of the militants, whom he identified as Abu Khaled Abu Asker, in the area of the school right before the attack.

Ibrahim said he saw the militant after he answered calls for volunteers to pile sand around the camp “to help protect the resistance fighters.” Ibrahim went to pile sand near the school with his brother, Iyad, 20, who was then injured by the Israeli mortar fire.


“Explosion Rips Through Hamas Military Compound In Gaza”
The Hamas militant group says an explosion has ripped through one of its military compounds in the Gaza Strip and wounded a number of women and children.

In a statement, Hamas did not give a cause for the blast. The Israel Defense Forces says it wasn't involved, signaling that the explosion was an accident.

The explosion shook through a densely crowded neighborhood in the southern Gaza town of Rafah. Hamas says five children, three women and five other people were lightly wounded, all by flying glass shrapnel.

The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights has repeatedly called on the territory's Hamas rulers not to store explosive materials in civilian areas.

It said a similar explosion in August wounded 58 people and destroyed seven houses.

"Militants Put Gazans In Danger, Group Says" (March 30, 2011)

GAZA — A Palestinian human rights group in Gaza took the unusual step this week of condemning the building and storage of anti-Israel rockets in densely populated areas, a practice that has led to injuries and deaths of civilians.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said that it had investigated recent rocket explosions and found that locally produced projectiles had fallen on homes in Gaza or exploded in factories where they were made or stored. Shrapnel severely wounded several people, including a 22-year-old woman and her 7-month-old baby.

It called on the Hamas government, which controls Gaza, to investigate “and take measures to protect Palestinians and their property.” It added that “members of the Palestinian resistance continue to store explosives or to treat such explosives in locations close to populated areas.”

“This poses a major threat to the lives of the Palestinian civilians,” it said.
The muslim contribution to the Axis war effort during WWll was 2 divisions. (12 -20 thousand soldiers)

Which was a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of soldiers who fought for Germany.
The Mufti was a very minor footnote in the history books about WWll

But the zionist pukes try to present him as a major player and leading figure in the Axis war effort.

Just more juden lies and nonsense............ :cool:

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