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Oh Hamas . When will you learn ??!?

It shows they have compassion for each other and mourn the death of their comrades, just as American soldiers and other soldiers in the civilized world do. They certainly are unlike the Muslims who think nothing of murdering each other because of small differences in beliefs.

Was that really mourning? I didn't see it, that's them after the Lebanon war, they thought everything could come easy. When you have a military that relies on weaponry and planes it makes their soldiers less worried of ground fighting, they lose determination, they worry about technology success, they don't have as much bravery and that's what happens when they run into people who rely on their determination and spirit. :cool:

Btw, you made no sense whatsoever Housefly....

Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,
It shows they have compassion for each other and mourn the death of their comrades, just as American soldiers and other soldiers in the civilized world do. They certainly are unlike the Muslims who think nothing of murdering each other because of small differences in beliefs.

Was that really mourning? I didn't see it, that's them after the Lebanon war, they thought everything could come easy. When you have a military that relies on weaponry and planes it makes their soldiers less worried of ground fighting, they lose determination, they worry about technology success, they don't have as much bravery and that's what happens when they run into people who rely on their determination and spirit. :cool:

Btw, you made no sense whatsoever Housefly....

Best of friends? CIA considers Israel one of its biggest spy threats — RT
Of course, Baghdad Bob Jr. is not going to mention one word about the weaponry given the Gazan terrorists by Iran. How come they had billboards in Gaza thanking Iran for what was supplied to them. Naturally, even though Bob wouldn't say anything, he probably wishes that more of these Iranian missiles hit Israel cities even though Muslims could have been killed to. I guess life must be so cheap in the Muslim world that no soldiers ever cry over the deaths of their comrades like they do in the civilized world. I wonder if BeacuseIKnowNothing can explain to us what bravery it is that makes the Muslims in the Muslim world murder the minorities. He certainly is not going to tell us what bravery it took, when Hamas and Fatah were fighting each other, for a Hamas man to throw a Fatah man out of the window from a higher floor.
Rocco, you made no point at all. Besides trying to convince us that Israel is justified in any attacks it conducts on Gaza.

Palestinians have every right to respond to Israeli offensives, you seem to think its wrong to respond to a world power bombing a defenseless population every time near their elections. That's why the world doesn't like seeing that. I don't know if you think anything you say matters or has any effect. Palestinians will always respond to Israeli attacks. What you think is completely meaningless, the world knows Palestinians have a right to respond.

What would you do. Rocco, if your tiny strip of besieged land was attacked by Israel because of Israel's interests and disregard of human lives. Israel isn't a light unto nations like some fools of the earth believe. They are an occupying state. And that's why some Jews are distancing themselves from Israel....and learn about Nuetrau Karta. Arabs aren't the only people who oppose Israel's occupation. I think it's cowardly to make it as if that's true, look at the UN vote, what an embarrassment for Israel.
It shows they have compassion for each other and mourn the death of their comrades, just as American soldiers and other soldiers in the civilized world do. They certainly are unlike the Muslims who think nothing of murdering each other because of small differences in beliefs.

Was that really mourning? I didn't see it, that's them after the Lebanon war, they thought everything could come easy. When you have a military that relies on weaponry and planes it makes their soldiers less worried of ground fighting, they lose determination, they worry about technology success, they don't have as much bravery and that's what happens when they run into people who rely on their determination and spirit. :cool:

Btw, you made no sense whatsoever Housefly....

Best of friends? CIA considers Israel one of its biggest spy threats — RT
Of course, Baghdad Bob Jr. is not going to mention one word about the weaponry given the Gazan terrorists by Iran. How come they had billboards in Gaza thanking Iran for what was supplied to them. Naturally, even though Bob wouldn't say anything, he probably wishes that more of these Iranian missiles hit Israel cities even though Muslims could have been killed to. I guess life must be so cheap in the Muslim world that no soldiers ever cry over the deaths of their comrades like they do in the civilized world. I wonder if BeacuseIKnowNothing can explain to us what bravery it is that makes the Muslims in the Muslim world murder the minorities. He certainly is not going to tell us what bravery it took, when Hamas and Fatah were fighting each other, for a Hamas man to throw a Fatah man out of the window from a higher floor.

Why it's so cute when you try to learn about militant groups in Gaza housefly, you barely know anything and you will never know anything about their weapons, they haven't shown everything Housefly, and as if its wrong to get weapons to defend yourselves from an occupying nation. Who cares where they might get them from, Iran, Libya, doesn't matter. And you're limited to public opinion. Militant groups get their weapons from many places, no one knows every detail. What's funnier is that Hamas and Fatah are well united know. Housefly you remind me of two things, projecting and imagination. You love interpreting things in your fantasy filled head. It's amazing what you try to use as an valid arguments. Nonsense Housefly. Meanwhile the CIA sees Israel as the biggest spy threat, yet you keep telling us viewers that Israel is the best friend of America(of course only if we give them 3 billion plus weapons per year), which raises some questions. And meanwhile Pollard. The Israeli traitor spy is rotting in prison and nobody can help him. Even though Israel has tried to get him out but America wasn't having it.

Jonathan Pollard is in critical condition | ISRAEL STAR NEWS – Israel and the Jewish World: News, Music, Videos, Photos, Travel, Judaism,…

It's still even funnier you tell us you're from Texas yet you support Israel before America, we don't see you involved in discussions regarding the USA here Housefly, I mean, it makes us think twice if you really are from Texas housefly.
Rocco, you made no point at all. Besides trying to convince us that Israel is justified in any attacks it conducts on Gaza.

Palestinians have every right to respond to Israeli offensives, you seem to think its wrong to respond to a world power bombing a defenseless population every time near their elections. That's why the world doesn't like seeing that. I don't know if you think anything you say matters or has any effect. Palestinians will always respond to Israeli attacks. What you think is completely meaningless, the world knows Palestinians have a right to respond.

What would you do. Rocco, if your tiny strip of besieged land was attacked by Israel because of Israel's interests and disregard of human lives. Israel isn't a light unto nations like some fools of the earth believe. They are an occupying state. And that's why some Jews are distancing themselves from Israel....and learn about Nuetrau Karta. Arabs aren't the only people who oppose Israel's occupation. I think it's cowardly to make it as if that's true, look at the UN vote, what an embarrassment for Israel.

SO Israel attacks Gaza for its 'interests' ?? Where do you get this jihadi crap from ?!?
Do you have ANY proof that Israeli soldiers or pilots are given orders to intentionally kill civilians?
Rocco, you made no point at all. Besides trying to convince us that Israel is justified in any attacks it conducts on Gaza.

Palestinians have every right to respond to Israeli offensives, you seem to think its wrong to respond to a world power bombing a defenseless population every time near their elections. That's why the world doesn't like seeing that. I don't know if you think anything you say matters or has any effect. Palestinians will always respond to Israeli attacks. What you think is completely meaningless, the world knows Palestinians have a right to respond.

What would you do. Rocco, if your tiny strip of besieged land was attacked by Israel because of Israel's interests and disregard of human lives. Israel isn't a light unto nations like some fools of the earth believe. They are an occupying state. And that's why some Jews are distancing themselves from Israel....and learn about Nuetrau Karta. Arabs aren't the only people who oppose Israel's occupation. I think it's cowardly to make it as if that's true, look at the UN vote, what an embarrassment for Israel.
Even though I don't agree entirely with everything Rocco has to say, he certainly has more on the ball than you have, Baghdad Bob Jr. Isn't it wonderful how the Gazans start shooting rockets into Israel, and Muslims like Baghdad Bob Jr. right away claim that the Israelis started up first? The Muslims hate to see Israel retaliate. If anyone was shooting rockets across our borders, I would hope the government would start retaliating. By the way, BecauseIKnowNothing, are you reading the hate sites now also since you know about this tiny, tiny group of Jews who are some of the Jewish darlings of the hate sites? When you get old and can grow a bushy beard, you can join them when they visit those Muslim crazies in Isran. And I think that the civilized world can agree that Islam is certainly not a light among the world's major religions as they have no tolerance for the beliefs of others.
Was that really mourning? I didn't see it, that's them after the Lebanon war, they thought everything could come easy. When you have a military that relies on weaponry and planes it makes their soldiers less worried of ground fighting, they lose determination, they worry about technology success, they don't have as much bravery and that's what happens when they run into people who rely on their determination and spirit. :cool:

Btw, you made no sense whatsoever Housefly....

Best of friends? CIA considers Israel one of its biggest spy threats — RT
Of course, Baghdad Bob Jr. is not going to mention one word about the weaponry given the Gazan terrorists by Iran. How come they had billboards in Gaza thanking Iran for what was supplied to them. Naturally, even though Bob wouldn't say anything, he probably wishes that more of these Iranian missiles hit Israel cities even though Muslims could have been killed to. I guess life must be so cheap in the Muslim world that no soldiers ever cry over the deaths of their comrades like they do in the civilized world. I wonder if BeacuseIKnowNothing can explain to us what bravery it is that makes the Muslims in the Muslim world murder the minorities. He certainly is not going to tell us what bravery it took, when Hamas and Fatah were fighting each other, for a Hamas man to throw a Fatah man out of the window from a higher floor.

Why it's so cute when you try to learn about militant groups in Gaza housefly, you barely know anything and you will never know anything about their weapons, they haven't shown everything Housefly, and as if its wrong to get weapons to defend yourselves from an occupying nation. Who cares where they might get them from, Iran, Libya, doesn't matter. And you're limited to public opinion. Militant groups get their weapons from many places, no one knows every detail. What's funnier is that Hamas and Fatah are well united know. Housefly you remind me of two things, projecting and imagination. You love interpreting things in your fantasy filled head. It's amazing what you try to use as an valid arguments. Nonsense Housefly. Meanwhile the CIA sees Israel as the biggest spy threat, yet you keep telling us viewers that Israel is the best friend of America(of course only if we give them 3 billion plus weapons per year), which raises some questions. And meanwhile Pollard. The Israeli traitor spy is rotting in prison and nobody can help him. Even though Israel has tried to get him out but America wasn't having it.

Jonathan Pollard is in critical condition | ISRAEL STAR NEWS – Israel and the Jewish World: News, Music, Videos, Photos, Travel, Judaism,…

It's still even funnier you tell us you're from Texas yet you support Israel before America, we don't see you involved in discussions regarding the USA here Housefly, I mean, it makes us think twice if you really are from Texas housefly.
Oh, look what Mr. Juvenile dug up -- Jonathon Pollard. The kid was probably in diapers or not even born when Pollard was first in the news, but the hate sites cover it well. Of course, BecauseIKnowNothing never reads about the Muslim spies who have been picked up since then or the Muslims who have been caught shipping things to our enemies. Nor does he pay attention to his Muslim brethren who have been picked up by our Intelligence Agencies before they were able to commit another atrocity and kill innocent Americans. Why, Baghdad Bob, it is quite obvious that, even though you are now living in America, you support the Muslims over everything -- no matter how many innocent people of different religions they might murder. I have a suggestion for you. When you are all grown up and can leave the family home, why not move back to Gaza where you can play Pallywood to your heart's content. By the way, Bob, the majority of Americans support Israel over the murderous Muslims. If you don't like that -- tough. Amazing, isn't it, how Bob can't keep his word to himself. I am sure most of you remember that this little gnat said he was never going to respond to any of my posts because they were a waste of his time, and as you all can see, he can't restrain himself from doing so.
Poor man and his rhetoric....and he wants us to believe he's some spokesman for all hundreds of millions of Americans. Fox News makes this guy crazy along with his bandwagon for hate sites. He thinks he has credibility which is the sad part and he thinks he's the victor in all cases. Housefly and his conspiracies. I wish to know his other conspiracies as well, Muslims hide under his bed. Poor guy...

P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!

sherri lied again-------it has been FIRMLY established that Hamas and others of her FELLOW ISLAMO NAZI MURDERING PIGS operate out of civilian areas----she is resorting to semantics as islamo nazi pigs REGULARLY do-----in that
HAMAS simply denies that which it does says "PROVE IT WAS HAMAS" and claims along with the NAZI WHORE that the kassam rockets come out of "NO ONE KNOW WHERE" and even the sluts with bombs on their nazi whore asses have nothing to do with "HAMAS" This sherri style of filth was
explained to me LONG AGO by a muslim surgeon----all muslims have to do
to rape and murder LEGALLY is not wear a UNIFORM According to the SHERRIS of the world ----if a muslim educated with the HAMAS curriculum ---slips into a house and slits your infant's throat-----and is called a HERO by sherri and Hamas-----NO ONE IS TO BLAME because the pigs did not wear a UNIFORM ---therefore he is a free lancing MUSLIM JIHADIST it is the semantics of the filth sherri loves

It is important to understand what some people living in the USA SUPPORT

Keep in mind according to the sherri's of the world ---9-11-01
was accomplished by CIVILIANS and no country or people can be held
to account -----not even the whores who lick the shit off the asses of
the murderers---or the IMAMS who plan and sanction the murders in the name of allah/isa
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy.

Whatever, the resistance in Gaza must have worked in the recent attacks on Gaza because Israel was brought to the truce table with far fewer deaths than in cast lead when Gaza's defenses were not so strong. Undoubtedly those rockets saved many lives.

You tend to forget that Israel occupies Palestine. A military occupation is, by its very nature, the aggressive position. The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.

Iron Dome.:lol::lol:

It cost the US...er...Israel $100,000 to shoot down every $200 Palestinian rocket.

Good plan.

The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!


Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.


The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!


Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

Sherri is employing ISLAMO NAZI SLUT AND PIG ----sophistry She does know that
her bretheren launch their missiles from the vicinity of the cribs of their infants but CHOOSES do deny the facts PLAINLY PUT----she is a NAZI WHORE LIAR
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is rather an unusual attitude; an unproductive attitude. Just "snotty" in technical terms.


The Palestinians don't have any real military rocket utilization strategy. The recent barrage, other then to instill fear and to enhance the gradual atmosphere of terror, has no real military value. It is indiscriminate and random fire; part of a persistent effort to provoke retaliation.

The propaganda program is based on the exploitation of the Israeli retaliation; as in the "baby killing" campaign (seen recently in a number of threads here) and "war crimes" allegations (made recently by the same authors) to capitalize on the incidental casualties (self inflected) they purposely induce through the indiscriminate and random fire (Article 51, Protocol I).

When analyzing cost, one has to look at the intrinsic value (politically tangible and the ethically intangible) of the countermeasure and what it saves; as well as, what it costs. In this case, the countermeasure can save Palestinian lives [causalities purposely placed in harms way by HAMAS (and company)] and the lives of Israelis [civilians not involved in the military exchange, (Article 52, Protocol I)]. That is a intangible value attributed to the system; beyond the myopic view.


The HAMAS leadership certainly would want to criticize the countermeasure. It potentially saves lives on both sides of the conflict.

HAMAS want to purposely evoke hostilities in order to have a rigged substantive claim from the retaliation. They want the Israelis to engage in more traditional combat against the headquarters, communications, intelligence and logistics elements that support the Article 51/52 attacks. They intentionally put civilians in harms way as human shields in order to complain.

  • Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.
  • Customary IHL - Rule 97. Human Shields
    "In addition, deliberately using civilians to shield military operations is contrary to the principle of distinction and violates the obligation to take feasible precautions to separate civilians and military objectives (see Rules 23–24)."​

Most respectfully,

Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!


Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

israeli soldiers take weapons home and almost all of the settlers carry weapons.

sherri is 100% right, and that is something zionists cannot seem to grasp. HAMAS wins by surviving. palestinians understand that. israelis do not.

shalevet pas and the fogel children were used as human shields to proyect settlers in an illegal occupation. your children deserve no more consideration than theirs.
Last edited:
There is no bigger fairytale than the so called Holocaust............ :cool:

The holocaust? You mean one of the most well documented events of the 20th century?

When all your bullshit arguments have failed, you get so frustrated that you come up with this crap haha. Shouldn't you be in Lebanon killing Shia's for not being Sunni's ??
Only Isreal has been found to use civilians as human shields by the human rights groups, so you spouted a bunch of BS in your post! Amnesty and DCI Palestine both reported many uses of civilians as human shields in Israel's ground operations in Gaza in Cast Lead. The Israeli Highest Court has even found Israel engages in this practice, and the history of Israel's use of civilians as human shields goes all the way back to the massacres they carried out in Jenin in 2002.

And Hamas wins by surviving, and in this last go round, they did much more than that!

And Israel murders children and civilians, that is fact, they regularly target unlawfully civilians, that includes children to attack and injure and hurt and kill! And that has been documented by human rights groups and NGOs for decades. Hamas does not make Israel massacre the innocent, Israel chooses to massacre the innocent. And that you defend that, says a whole lot of not so good things about you!

Children in Palestine have as much right to life and to be free from massacres as any other children do, they are not children of a lesser God!


Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

israeli soldiers take weapons home and almost all of the settlers carry weapons.

sherri is 100% right, and that is something zionists cannot seem to grasp. HAMAS wins by surviving. palestinians understand that. israelis do not.

Well if you can't see the difference between a soldier having a firearm, like just about EVERY SOLDIER of EVERY ARMY in the WORLD and a bunch of homemade rockets intended for CIVILIANS (even admitted by Hamas), then you are a demented irishman with too much whisky in his system :lol:

All this crap about Hamas winning the war, do you think we give a crap ?? Do you think Israelis lose any sleep over the fact that you Pali supporters think you won the war??? Haha. We don't care. Trust me on this one ! Of course Hamas survived, they are hiding amongst civilians. YOu need to proofread what you post, because you keep coming off as a HUGE idiot
Well, it is true Seal is not exactly among the brightest of Leprechauns. But we must be careful not to tell the truth about him too often or he will leave us.

Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

israeli soldiers take weapons home and almost all of the settlers carry weapons.

sherri is 100% right, and that is something zionists cannot seem to grasp. HAMAS wins by surviving. palestinians understand that. israelis do not.

Well if you can't see the difference between a soldier having a firearm, like just about EVERY SOLDIER of EVERY ARMY in the WORLD and a bunch of homemade rockets intended for CIVILIANS (even admitted by Hamas), then you are a demented irishman with too much whisky in his system :lol:

All this crap about Hamas winning the war, do you think we give a crap ?? Do you think Israelis lose any sleep over the fact that you Pali supporters think you won the war??? Haha. We don't care. Trust me on this one ! Of course Hamas survived, they are hiding amongst civilians. YOu need to proofread what you post, because you keep coming off as a HUGE idiot
Wow you are DEMENTED Sherri Hitler.

When you store weapons in civilian areas knowing FULL WELL that it will be attacked, then that is using human shields. So wheres the link showing that Israel uses human shields you nazi witch

israeli soldiers take weapons home and almost all of the settlers carry weapons.

sherri is 100% right, and that is something zionists cannot seem to grasp. HAMAS wins by surviving. palestinians understand that. israelis do not.

Well if you can't see the difference between a soldier having a firearm, like just about EVERY SOLDIER of EVERY ARMY in the WORLD and a bunch of homemade rockets intended for CIVILIANS (even admitted by Hamas), then you are a demented irishman with too much whisky in his system :lol:

All this crap about Hamas winning the war, do you think we give a crap ?? Do you think Israelis lose any sleep over the fact that you Pali supporters think you won the war??? Haha. We don't care. Trust me on this one ! Of course Hamas survived, they are hiding amongst civilians. YOu need to proofread what you post, because you keep coming off as a HUGE idiot

somehow, my mind wanders to what was once the most powerful army in the world, that of the third reich, and the brave but ill and illegally armed warriors of the warsaw jewish ghetto.

and then, to wake me from my nightmare, my mind wanders to...

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